18,739 research outputs found
Enterprise profiles in deprived areas: Are they distinctive?
This paper examines the extent to which segmenting business activity on the basis of the relative deprivation of a given area provides additional understanding (in terms of analysis and policy) that is not obtained by alternative divisions, e.g., by sector, size, etc. The paper is primarily motivated by the explicit inclusion of a deprived area dimension to many UK small business/enterprise policies introduced since 1997. We use two datasets drawn from the customer records of Barclays Bank PLC to obtain an initial analysis of the business stocks and dynamics in deprived and non-deprived areas of England. The data indicate that the deprived areas of England vary systematically from the wider economy in terms of several business stock characteristics and associated dynamics. These differences include a lower proportion of business service firms, lower female involvement in the owner-manager base and a poorer risk profile. The analysis supports the view that there are likely to be benefits from the tailoring of small business/ enterprise policies to sub-national levels
The experience of community first responders in co-producing rural health care : in the liminal gap between citizen and professional
Non peer reviewedPublisher PD
When All the World\u27s a Stage: The Impact of Events on News Coverage of South Africa, 1979-1985
A time series analysis was used to investigate: (1) whether a significant increase in news coverage of South Africa occurred during the critical years of 1979-1985 ; (2) whether the geographic origin and/or sociopolitical impact of events, rather than deaths per se, caused the increase; and (3) the manner in which the increase occurred. Results indicated that two symbolic events (i.e., a series of riots in twenty-one South African townships, internal to South Africa; and the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Bishop Desmond Tutu, external to South Africa) cumulatively were responsible for a significant rise in news coverage of South Africa. The relationship of these symbolic sociopolitical events to the forces that shape short-term news headlines and long-term social change in general, including the imminent demise of apartheid in particular is discussed
Capitalizing the Target\u27s Transaction Costs in Hostile Takeovers
In A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. v. Commissioner, the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that costs a corporation incurred to resist a hostile takeover were analogous to costs incurred to defend a business against attack and thus qualified as ordinary and necessary business expenses deductible under Internal Revenue Code section 162. Alternatively, the court held that those costs associated with abandoned capital transactions qualified for loss deductions under section 165. This Note argues that although the court reached approximately the right result in this case, its primary reliance on a defense of business rationale for deductibility under section 162 was erroneous and misguided. The Note further argues that the distinction between hostile and friendly acquisitions is irrelevant to the uniform and objective application of the Tax Code, and that the successful consummation of any acquisition, regardless of how it is subjectively characterized, always constitutes a corporate restructuring necessitating the capitalization of proximately related costs under I.R.C. Ā§ 263. Finally, this Note concludes that although the court failed to fully address its proper application, the authorization of a loss deduction under section 165 focuses upon more salient facts than the distinction between friendly and hostile acquisitions and should be the primary avenue for any deductions in such transactions. By more accurately accounting for the real economics of the so-called hostile takeover, this proposed approach better protects the Tax Code\u27s underlying goal of matching income and expenses
A study of event traffic during the shared manipulation of objects within a collaborative virtual environment
Event management must balance consistency and responsiveness above the requirements of shared object interaction within a Collaborative Virtual Environment
(CVE) system. An understanding of the event traffic during collaborative tasks helps in the design of all aspects of a CVE system. The application, user activity, the display
interface, and the network resources, all play a part in determining the characteristics of event management.
Linked cubic displays lend themselves well to supporting natural social human communication between remote users. To allow users to communicate naturally and subconsciously, continuous and detailed tracking is necessary. This, however, is hard to balance with the real-time consistency constraints of general shared object interaction.
This paper aims to explain these issues through a detailed examination of event traffic produced by a typical CVE, using both immersive and desktop displays, while supporting a variety of collaborative activities. We analyze event traffic during a highly collaborative task requiring various forms of shared object manipulation, including the concurrent manipulation of a shared object. Event sources are categorized and the influence of the form of object sharing as well as the display device
interface are detailed. With the presented findings the paper wishes to aid the design of future systems
Flavor SU(4) breaking between effective couplings
Using a framework in which all elements are constrained by Dyson-Schwinger
equation studies in QCD, and therefore incorporates a consistent, direct and
simultaneous description of light- and heavy-quarks and the states they
constitute, we analyze the accuracy of SU(4)-flavor symmetry relations between
{\pi}{\rho}{\pi}, K{\rho}K and D{\rho}D couplings. Such relations are widely
used in phenomenological analyses of the interactions between matter and
charmed mesons. We find that whilst SU(3)-flavor symmetry is accurate to 20%,
SU(4) relations underestimate the D{\rho}D coupling by a factor of five.Comment: 5 pages, two figure
Kinematic dynamo action in a sphere. I. Effects of differential rotation and meridional circulation on solutions with axial dipole symmetry
A sphere containing electrically conducting fluid can generate a magnetic field by dynamo action, provided the flow is sufficiently complicated and vigorous. The dynamo mechanism is thought to sustain magnetic fields in planets and stars. The kinematic dynamo problem tests steady flows for magnetic instability, but rather few dynamos have been found so far because of severe numerical difficulties. Dynamo action might, therefore, be quite unusual, at least for large-scale steady flows. We address this question by testing a two-parameter class of flows for dynamo generation of magnetic fields containing an axial dipole. The class of flows includes two completely different types of known dynamos, one dominated by differential rotation (D) and one with none. We find that 36% of the flows in seven distinct zones in parameter space act as dynamos, while the remaining 64% either fail to generate this type of magnetic field or generate fields that are too small in scale to be resolved by our numerical method. The two previously known dynamo types lie in the same zone, and it is therefore possible to change the flow continuously from one to the other without losing dynamo action. Differential rotation is found to promote large-scale axisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields, while meridional circulation (M) promotes large-scale axisymmetric poloidal fields concentrated at high latitudes near the axis. Magnetic fields resembling that of the Earth are generated by D > 0, corresponding to westward flow at the surface, and M of either sign but not zero. Very few oscillatory solutions are found
Time-resolved velocity map imaging of methyl elimination from photoexcited anisole
To date, H-atom elimination from heteroaromatic molecules following UV excitation has been extensively studied, with the focus on key biological molecules such as chromophores of DNA bases and amino acids. Extending these studies to look at elimination of other non-hydride photoproducts is essential in creating a more complete picture of the photochemistry of these biomolecules in the gas-phase. To this effect, CH3 elimination in anisole has been studied using time resolved velocity map imaging (TR-VMI) for the first time, providing both time and energy information on the dynamics following photoexcitation at 200 nm. The extra dimension of energy afforded by these measurements has enabled us to address the role of ĻĻ* states in the excited state dynamics of anisole as compared to the hydride counterpart (phenol), providing strong evidence to suggest that only CH3 fragments eliminated with high kinetic energy are due to direct dissociation involving a 1ĻĻ* state. These measurements also suggest that indirect mechanisms such as statistical unimolecular decay could be contributing to the dynamics at much longer times
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