4,894 research outputs found

    Technology for Older Adults: Maximising Personal and Social Interaction : Exploring Opportunities for eHealth to Support the Older Rural Population with Chronic Pain

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    Funding The TOPS project is supported by an award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub, award reference EP/G066051/1.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Three by three : Careers in Children´s Literature

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    1 archivo PDF (8 páginas)El relato de una vida entera influenciada por la pasión a la lectura y cómo la autora, en su desempeño profesional fue capaz de traslapar su bagaje cultural para impulsar importantes proyectos dentro de la Literatura infantil y juvenil como fueron el de literariedad pictórica, géneros en los libros ilustrados y hábitos de lectura de los Gigantes de Nueva York. The story of a whole life influenced by a passion to read. It shows how the author, in her career was able to overlap all her cultural background to promote important projects in children’s literature, some of them were Pictorial Literacy, Genders in Picture Books and Reading Habits of the New York Giants. Palabra s clave Testimonio sobre la lij, desempeño profesional en literatura infantil y juvenil, ilustradores de literatura infantil y juvenil, proyectos en la literatura infantil y juvenil premios en la literatura infantil y juvenil, bibliotecaria académica, bibliotecaria pública, literatura infantil, ilustración de libros para niños, literariedad, libros ilustrados para niños. Key words Testimony on Children’s Literature, Career on Children’s Literature, Illustrators on Children’s Literature, Projects on Children’s Literature, Awards on Children’s Literature, Academic Librarianship, Public Librarianship, Children’s Literature, Children’s Book Illustration, Literacy, Children’s Picture Books. tyvlxl

    Best Practices for Technology Integration

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    Population Dynamics and Community Composition of Ammonia Oxidizers in Salt Marshes after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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    The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico had significant effects on microbial communities in the Gulf, but impacts on nitrifying communities in adjacent salt marshes have not been investigated. We studied persistent effects of oil on ammonia-oxidizing archaeal (AOA) and bacterial (AOB) communities and their relationship to nitrification rates and soil properties in Louisiana marshes impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Soils were collected at oiled and unoiled sites from Louisiana coastal marshes in July 2012, 2 years after the spill, and analyzed for community differences based on ammonia monooxygenase genes (amoA). Terminal Restriction Fragment Polymorphism and DNA sequence analyses revealed significantly different AOA and AOB communities between the three regions, but few differences were found between oiled and unoiled sites. Community composition of nitrifiers was best explained by differences in soil moisture and nitrogen content. Despite the lack of significant oil effects on overall community composition, we identified differences in correlations of individual populations with potential nitrification rates between oiled and unoiled sites that help explain previously published correlation patterns. Our results suggest that exposure to oil, even 2 years post-spill, led to subtle changes in population dynamics. How, or if, these changes may impact ecosystem function in the marshes, however, remains uncertain

    Effects of Soy Isoflavone

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    Soy, which contains a form of phytoestrogen known as isoflavones, impacts the biological activity of humans at all stages. There are many aspects to consider when determining whether soy is beneficial. Since the hormone estrogen plays a significant role in maintaining the biochemical and homeostatic conditions of an individual, it follows that the disruption of estrogenic levels can be detrimental. There are many hormone- dependent diseases that can be linked to one’s diet, and the possibility of utilizing phytoestrogens, such as soy, to prevent or control hormonal irregularities is compelling. This paper explores the effects that phytoestrogens, specifically soy, can have at various stages of hormonal progression

    Veiled Politics: Legitimating the Burqa Ban in the French Press

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    @font-face { font-family: Times ; }@font-face { font-family: Cambria ; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Times New Roman ; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } In October 2010 the Constitutional Council of France approved a law banning the burqa and niqab from all public places. Joining the ongoing scholarly discussion on veiling, this study seeks to understand the role the French press played in legitimating the ban, the first of its kind to be implemented in Europe. I argue that discourse in the press made the legislation appear reasonable and necessary because of its association with gender inequality and religious fundamentalism. This media narrative legitimated the legislation by presenting the veil as intolerable and “against public social order.” Made necessary by rapidly shifting demographics in contemporary France, this discourse was couched in a defensive employment of laïcité

    Basic Knowledge Training for VFX Production Assistants and Coordinators

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    Visual Effects (VFX) is a part of the film-making process that takes place during the broader phase of film-making known as post-production. There are two broad groups of individuals who are responsible for the outcome of the VFX project - artists and production. The groups work in conjunction to achieve the team goals. At present, there is no formalized training available for production individuals and much of the required learning is done on the job. This projects explores a basic training course for individuals looking to increase their basic knowledge of VFX production. Grounded in industry research conducted by the author, this project recommends a learner-based approach, using industry mentors and industry experts to provide adequate context for learners to apply newly gained knowledge on the job