87 research outputs found

    Preparing HPC Applications for the Exascale Era: A Decoupling Strategy

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    Production-quality parallel applications are often a mixture of diverse operations, such as computation- and communication-intensive, regular and irregular, tightly coupled and loosely linked operations. In conventional construction of parallel applications, each process performs all the operations, which might result inefficient and seriously limit scalability, especially at large scale. We propose a decoupling strategy to improve the scalability of applications running on large-scale systems. Our strategy separates application operations onto groups of processes and enables a dataflow processing paradigm among the groups. This mechanism is effective in reducing the impact of load imbalance and increases the parallel efficiency by pipelining multiple operations. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation using MPI, the de-facto programming system on current supercomputers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy by decoupling the reduce, particle communication, halo exchange and I/O operations in a set of scientific and data-analytics applications. A performance evaluation on 8,192 processes of a Cray XC40 supercomputer shows that the proposed approach can achieve up to 4x performance improvement.Comment: The 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2017

    Exploring the Performance Benefit of Hybrid Memory System on HPC Environments

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    Hardware accelerators have become a de-facto standard to achieve high performance on current supercomputers and there are indications that this trend will increase in the future. Modern accelerators feature high-bandwidth memory next to the computing cores. For example, the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) processor is equipped with 16 GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) that works together with conventional DRAM memory. Theoretically, HBM can provide 5x higher bandwidth than conventional DRAM. However, many factors impact the effective performance achieved by applications, including the application memory access pattern, the problem size, the threading level and the actual memory configuration. In this paper, we analyze the Intel KNL system and quantify the impact of the most important factors on the application performance by using a set of applications that are representative of scientific and data-analytics workloads. Our results show that applications with regular memory access benefit from MCDRAM, achieving up to 3x performance when compared to the performance obtained using only DRAM. On the contrary, applications with random memory access pattern are latency-bound and may suffer from performance degradation when using only MCDRAM. For those applications, the use of additional hardware threads may help hide latency and achieve higher aggregated bandwidth when using HBM

    Idle Period Propagation in Message-Passing Applications

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    Idle periods on different processes of Message Passing applications are unavoidable. While the origin of idle periods on a single process is well understood as the effect of system and architectural random delays, yet it is unclear how these idle periods propagate from one process to another. It is important to understand idle period propagation in Message Passing applications as it allows application developers to design communication patterns avoiding idle period propagation and the consequent performance degradation in their applications. To understand idle period propagation, we introduce a methodology to trace idle periods when a process is waiting for data from a remote delayed process in MPI applications. We apply this technique in an MPI application that solves the heat equation to study idle period propagation on three different systems. We confirm that idle periods move between processes in the form of waves and that there are different stages in idle period propagation. Our methodology enables us to identify a self-synchronization phenomenon that occurs on two systems where some processes run slower than the other processes.Comment: 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, IEEE, 201

    Exploring Application Performance on Emerging Hybrid-Memory Supercomputers

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    Next-generation supercomputers will feature more hierarchical and heterogeneous memory systems with different memory technologies working side-by-side. A critical question is whether at large scale existing HPC applications and emerging data-analytics workloads will have performance improvement or degradation on these systems. We propose a systematic and fair methodology to identify the trend of application performance on emerging hybrid-memory systems. We model the memory system of next-generation supercomputers as a combination of "fast" and "slow" memories. We then analyze performance and dynamic execution characteristics of a variety of workloads, from traditional scientific applications to emerging data analytics to compare traditional and hybrid-memory systems. Our results show that data analytics applications can clearly benefit from the new system design, especially at large scale. Moreover, hybrid-memory systems do not penalize traditional scientific applications, which may also show performance improvement.Comment: 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, IEEE, 201

    Extending Message Passing Interface Windows to Storage

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    This work presents an extension to MPI supporting the one-sided communication model and window allocations in storage. Our design transparently integrates with the current MPI implementations, enabling applications to target MPI windows in storage, memory or both simultaneously, without major modifications. Initial performance results demonstrate that the presented MPI window extension could potentially be helpful for a wide-range of use-cases and with low-overhead

    A dynamic scheduler for balancing HPC applications

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    Load imbalance cause significant performance degradation in High Performance Computing applications. In our previous work we showed that load imbalance can be alleviated by modern MT processors that provide mechanisms for controlling the allocation of processors internal resources. In that work, we applied static, hand-tuned resource allocations to balance HPC applications, providing improvements for benchmarks and real applications. In this paper we propose a dynamic process scheduler for the Linux kernel that automatically and transparently balances HPC applications according to their behavior. We tested our new scheduler on an IBM POWER5 machine, which provides a software-controlled prioritization mechanism that allows us to bias the processor resource allocation. Our experiments show that the scheduler reduces the imbalance of HPC applications, achieving results similar to the ones obtained by hand-tuning the applications (up to 16%). Moreover, our solution reduces the application's execution time combining effect of load balance and high responsive scheduling.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version