17 research outputs found
New Approach to Tolmanâs Electronic Parameter Based on Local Vibrational Modes
Tolmanâs electronic parameter
(TEP) derived from the <i>A</i><sub>1</sub>-symmetrical
CO stretching frequency of nickelâphosphineâtricarbonyl
complexes, R<sub>3</sub>PNiÂ(CO)<sub>3</sub>, is brought to a new,
improved level by replacing normal with local vibrational frequencies.
CO normal vibrational frequencies are always flawed by modeâmode
coupling especially with metalâcarbon stretching modes, which
leads to coupling frequencies as large as 100 cm<sup>â1</sup> and can become even larger when the transition metal and the number
of ligands is changed. Local TEP (LTEP) values, being based on local
CO stretching force constants rather than normal mode frequencies,
no longer suffer from mode coupling and mass effects. For 42 nickel
complexes of the type LNiÂ(CO)<sub>3</sub>, it is shown that LTEP values
provide a different ordering of ligand electronic effects as previously
suggested by TEP and CEP values. The general applicability of the
LTEP concept is demonstrated
Identifying Key Residues for Protein Allostery through Rigid Residue Scan
Allostery is a ubiquitous process
for protein regulatory activity
in which a binding event can change a proteinâs function carried
out at a distal site. Despite intensive theoretical and experimental
investigation of protein allostery in the past five decades, effective
methods have yet to be developed that can systematically identify
key residues involved in allosteric mechanisms. In this study, we
propose the rigid residue scan as a systematic approach to identify
important allosteric residues. The third PDZ domain (PDZ3) in the
postsynaptic density 95 protein (PSD-95) is used as a model system,
and each amino acid residue is treated as a single rigid body during
independent molecular dynamics simulations. Various indices based
on cross-correlation matrices are used, which allow for two groups
of residues with different functions to be identified. The first group
is proposed as âswitchesâ that are needed to âturn
onâ the binding effect of protein allostery. The second group
is proposed as âwire residuesâ that are needed to propagate
energy or information from the binding site to distal locations within
the same protein. Among the nine residues suggested as important for
PDZ3 intramolecular communication in this study, eight have been reported
as critical for allostery in PDZ3. Therefore, the rigid residue scan
approach is demonstrated to be an effective method for systemically
identifying key residues in protein intramolecular communication and
allosteric mechanisms
Description of Aromaticity with the Help of Vibrational Spectroscopy: Anthracene and Phenanthrene
A new
approach is presented to determine Ď-delocalization
and the degree of aromaticity utilizing measured vibrational frequencies.
For this purpose, a perturbation approach is used to derive vibrational
force constants from experimental frequencies and calculated normal
mode vectors. The latter are used to determine the local counterparts
of the vibrational modes. Next, relative bond strength orders (RBSO)
are obtained from the local stretching force constants, which provide
reliable descriptors of CC and CH bond strengths. Finally, the RBSO
values for CC bonds are used to establish a modified harmonic oscillator
model and an aromatic delocalization index AI, which is split into
a bond weakening (strengthening) and bond alternation part. In this
way, benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, and phenanthrene are described
with the help of vibrational spectroscopy as aromatic systems with
a slight tendency of peripheral Ď-delocalization. The 6.8 kcal/mol
larger stability of phenanthrene relative to anthracene predominantly
(84%) results from its higher resonance energy, which is a direct
consequence of the topology of ring annelation. Previous attempts
to explain the higher stability of phenanthrene via a maximum electron
density path between the bay H atoms are misleading in view of the
properties of the electron density distribution in the bay region
Heat maps of individual residue entropic contribution under rigid residue perturbation for unbound (left) and bound (right) states.
<p>The entropic contribution from each residue in unperturbed simulations (with index as 0 in both plots) is set as reference.</p
Quantitative Assessment of the Multiplicity of CarbonâHalogen Bonds: Carbenium and Halonium Ions with F, Cl, Br, and I
(X = F, Cl, Br, I) and CE bonding (E = O, S, Se, Te) was investigated
for a test set of 168 molecules using the local CX and CE stretching
force constants <i>k</i><sup><i>a</i></sup> calculated
at the M06-2X/cc-pVTZ level of theory. The stretching force constants
were used to derive a relative bond strength order (RBSO) parameter <i>n</i>. As alternative bond strength descriptors, bond dissociation
energies (BDE) were calculated at the G3 level or at the two-component
NESC (normalized elimination of the small component)/CCSDÂ(T) level
of theory for molecules with X = Br, I or E = Se, Te. RBSO values
reveal that both bond lengths and BDE values are less useful when
a quantification of the bond strength is needed. CX double bonds can
be realized for Br- or I-substituted carbenium ions where as suitable
reference the double bond of the corresponding formaldehyde homologue
is used. A triple bond cannot be realized in this way as the diatomic
CX<sup>+</sup> ions with a limited Ď-donor capacity for X are
just double-bonded. The stability of halonium ions increases with
the atomic number of X, which is reflected by a strengthening of the
fractional (electron-deficient) CX bonds. An additional stability
increase of up to 25 kcal/mol (X = I) is obtained when the X<sup>+</sup> ion can form a bridged halonium ion with ethene such that a more
efficient 2-electronâ3-center bonding situation is created
Distributions of density of states for unperturbed unbound and bound states.
<p>Distributions of density of states for unperturbed unbound and bound states.</p
Key residues recognized based on protein entropic response to rigid body perturbation.
<p>Key residues recognized based on protein entropic response to rigid body perturbation.</p
Direct Measure of MetalâLigand Bonding Replacing the Tolman Electronic Parameter
The Tolman electronic parameter (TEP) derived from the <i>A</i><sub>1</sub>-symmetrical CO stretching frequency of nickel-tricarbonyl complexes LâNiÂ(CO)<sub>3</sub> with varying ligands L is misleading as (i) it is not based on a mode decoupled CO stretching frequency and (ii) a generally applicable and quantitatively correct or at least qualitatively reasonable relationship between the TEP and the metalâligand bond strength does not exist. This is shown for a set of 181 nickel-tricarbonyl complexes using both experimental and calculated TEP values. Even the use of modeâmode decoupled CO stretching frequencies (LÂ(ocal)ÂTEPs) does not lead to a reliable description of the metalâligand bond strength. This is obtained by introducing a new electronic parameter that is directly based on the metalâligand local stretching force constant. For the test set of 181 nickel complexes, a direct metalâligand electronic parameter (MLEP) in the form of a bond strength order is derived, which reveals that phosphines and related ligands (amines, arsines, stibines, bismuthines) are bonded to Ni both by Ď-donation and Ď-back-donation. The strongest NiâL bonds are identified for carbenes and cationic ligands. The new MLEP quantitatively assesses electronic and steric factors
Rigid Residue Scan Simulations Systematically Reveal Residue Entropic Roles in Protein Allostery
<div><p>Intra-protein information is transmitted over distances via allosteric processes. This ubiquitous protein process allows for protein function changes due to ligand binding events. Understanding protein allostery is essential to understanding protein functions. In this study, allostery in the second PDZ domain (PDZ2) in the human PTP1E protein is examined as model system to advance a recently developed rigid residue scan method combining with configurational entropy calculation and principal component analysis. The contributions from individual residues to whole-protein dynamics and allostery were systematically assessed via rigid body simulations of both unbound and ligand-bound states of the protein. The entropic contributions of individual residues to whole-protein dynamics were evaluated based on covariance-based correlation analysis of all simulations. The changes of overall protein entropy when individual residues being held rigid support that the rigidity/flexibility equilibrium in protein structure is governed by the La Châtelierâs principle of chemical equilibrium. Key residues of PDZ2 allostery were identified with good agreement with NMR studies of the same protein bound to the same peptide. On the other hand, the change of entropic contribution from each residue upon perturbation revealed intrinsic differences among all the residues. The quasi-harmonic and principal component analyses of simulations without rigid residue perturbation showed a coherent allosteric mode from unbound and bound states, respectively. The projection of simulations with rigid residue perturbation onto coherent allosteric modes demonstrated the intrinsic shifting of ensemble distributions supporting the population-shift theory of protein allostery. Overall, the study presented here provides a robust and systematic approach to estimate the contribution of individual residue internal motion to overall protein dynamics and allostery.</p></div
Average entropic response from each residue in all RRS simulations.
<p>Average entropic response from each residue in all RRS simulations.</p