1,054 research outputs found
The Progeny of Stellar Dynamics and Stellar Evolution within an N-body model of NGC 188
We present a direct N-body simulation modeling the evolution of the old (7
Gyr) open cluster NGC 188. This is the first N-body open cluster simulation
whose initial binary population is directly defined by observations of a
specific open cluster: M35 (150 Myr). We compare the simulated color-magnitude
diagram at 7 Gyr to that of NGC 188, and discuss the blue stragglers produced
in the simulation. We compare the solar-type main sequence binary period and
eccentricity distributions of the simulation to detailed observations of
similar binaries in NGC 188. These results demonstrate the importance of
detailed observations in guiding N-body open cluster simulations. Finally, we
discuss the implications of a few discrepancies between the NGC 188 model and
observations and suggest a few methods for bringing N-body open cluster
simulations into better agreement with observations.Comment: Contributed talk at IAUS 266 'Star clusters: basic galactic building
blocks', R. de Grijs and J.R.D. Lepine, eds. 6 pages, 4 figure
A Connection between Submillimeter Continuum Flux and Separation in Young Binaries
We have made sensitive 800-micron continuum observations of low-mass,
pre-main sequence (PMS) binary stars with projected separations less than 25 AU
in Taurus-Auriga to study disks in the young binary environment. We did not
detect any of the observed binaries, with typical 3-sigma upper limits of about
30 mJy. Combining our observations with previous 1300-micron observations of
PMS Taurus binaries by Beckwith et al. (1990) and others, we find that the
submillimeter fluxes from binaries with projected separations between 1 AU and
50 AU are significantly lower than fluxes from binaries with projected
separations > 50 AU. The submillimeter fluxes from the wider binaries are
consistent with those of PMS single stars. This may indicate lower disk surface
densities and masses in the close binaries. Alternatively, dynamical clearing
of gaps by close binaries is marginally sufficient to lower their submillimeter
fluxes to the observed levels, even without reduction of surface densities
elsewhere in the disks.Comment: 12 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript with figures; Wisconsin
Astrophysics 526; to appear in ApJ Letter
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