95 research outputs found
Theoretical analysis and experimental validation of volume bias of soft Dice optimized segmentation maps in the context of inherent uncertainty
The clinical interest is often to measure the volume of a structure, which is
typically derived from a segmentation. In order to evaluate and compare
segmentation methods, the similarity between a segmentation and a predefined
ground truth is measured using popular discrete metrics, such as the Dice
score. Recent segmentation methods use a differentiable surrogate metric, such
as soft Dice, as part of the loss function during the learning phase. In this
work, we first briefly describe how to derive volume estimates from a
segmentation that is, potentially, inherently uncertain or ambiguous. This is
followed by a theoretical analysis and an experimental validation linking the
inherent uncertainty to common loss functions for training CNNs, namely
cross-entropy and soft Dice. We find that, even though soft Dice optimization
leads to an improved performance with respect to the Dice score and other
measures, it may introduce a volume bias for tasks with high inherent
uncertainty. These findings indicate some of the method's clinical limitations
and suggest doing a closer ad-hoc volume analysis with an optional
re-calibration step.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, published in Elsevier Medical Image
Analysis (2021
Final infarct prediction in acute ischemic stroke
This article focuses on the control center of each human body: the brain. We
will point out the pivotal role of the cerebral vasculature and how its complex
mechanisms may vary between subjects. We then emphasize a specific acute
pathological state, i.e., acute ischemic stroke, and show how medical imaging
and its analysis can be used to define the treatment. We show how the
core-penumbra concept is used in practice using mismatch criteria and how
machine learning can be used to make predictions of the final infarct, either
via deconvolution or convolutional neural networks.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, part of PhD thesis KU Leuven 2022 "Understanding
Final Infarct Prediction in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Convolutional Neural
Recruitment of Gr-1+ monocytes is essential for control of acute toxoplasmosis
Circulating murine monocytes comprise two largely exclusive subpopulations that are responsible for seeding normal tissues (Gr-1−/CCR2−/CX3CR1high) or responding to sites of inflammation (Gr-1+/CCR2+/CX3CR1lo). Gr-1+ monocytes are recruited to the site of infection during the early stages of immune response to the intracellular pathogen Toxoplasma gondii. A murine model of toxoplasmosis was thus used to examine the importance of Gr-1+ monocytes in the control of disseminated parasitic infection in vivo. The recruitment of Gr-1+ monocytes was intimately associated with the ability to suppress early parasite replication at the site of inoculation. Infection of CCR2−/− and MCP-1−/− mice with typically nonlethal, low doses of T. gondii resulted in the abrogated recruitment of Gr-1+ monocytes. The failure to recruit Gr-1+ monocytes resulted in greatly enhanced mortality despite the induction of normal Th1 cell responses leading to high levels of IL-12, TNF-α, and IFN-γ. The profound susceptibility of CCR2−/− mice establishes Gr-1+ monocytes as necessary effector cells in the resistance to acute toxoplasmosis and suggests that the CCR2-dependent recruitment of Gr-1+ monocytes may be an important general mechanism for resistance to intracellular pathogens
Detecting CTP truncation artifacts in acute stroke imaging from the arterial input and the vascular output functions
Background: Current guidelines for CT perfusion (CTP) in acute stroke suggest acquiring scans with a minimal duration of 60-70 s. But even then, CTP analysis can be affected by truncation artifacts. Conversely, shorter acquisitions are still widely used in clinical practice and may, sometimes, be sufficient to reliably estimate lesion volumes. We aim to devise an automatic method that detects scans affected by truncation artifacts.
Methods: Shorter scan durations are simulated from the ISLES’18 dataset by consecutively removing the last CTP time-point until reaching a 10 s duration. For each truncated series, perfusion lesion volumes are quantified and used to label the series as unreliable if the lesion volumes considerably deviate from the original untruncated ones. Afterwards, nine features from the arterial input function (AIF) and the vascular output function (VOF) are derived and used to fit machine-learning models with the goal of detecting unreliably truncated scans. Methods are compared against a baseline classifier solely based on the scan duration, which is the current clinical standard. The ROC-AUC, precision-recall AUC and the F1-score are measured in a 5-fold cross-validation setting.
Results: The best performing classifier obtained an ROC-AUC of 0.982, precision-recall AUC of 0.985 and F1-score of 0.938. The most important feature was the AIF, measured as the time difference between the scan duration and the AIF peak. When using the AIF to build a single feature classifier, an ROC-AUC of 0.981, precision-recall AUC of 0.984 and F1-score of 0.932 were obtained. In comparison, the baseline classifier obtained an ROC-AUC of 0.954, precision-recall AUC of 0.958 and F1-Score of 0.875.
Conclusions: Machine learning models fed with AIF and VOF features accurately detected unreliable stroke lesion measurements due to insufficient acquisition duration. The AIF was the most predictive feature of truncation and identified unreliable short scans almost as good as machine learning. We conclude that AIF/VOF based classifiers are more accurate than the scans’ duration for detecting truncation. These methods could be transferred to perfusion analysis software in order to increase the interpretability of CTP outputs
AIFNet: Automatic Vascular Function Estimation for Perfusion Analysis Using Deep Learning
Perfusion imaging is crucial in acute ischemic stroke for quantifying the
salvageable penumbra and irreversibly damaged core lesions. As such, it helps
clinicians to decide on the optimal reperfusion treatment. In perfusion CT
imaging, deconvolution methods are used to obtain clinically interpretable
perfusion parameters that allow identifying brain tissue abnormalities.
Deconvolution methods require the selection of two reference vascular functions
as inputs to the model: the arterial input function (AIF) and the venous output
function, with the AIF as the most critical model input. When manually
performed, the vascular function selection is time demanding, suffers from poor
reproducibility and is subject to the professionals' experience. This leads to
potentially unreliable quantification of the penumbra and core lesions and,
hence, might harm the treatment decision process. In this work we automatize
the perfusion analysis with AIFNet, a fully automatic and end-to-end trainable
deep learning approach for estimating the vascular functions. Unlike previous
methods using clustering or segmentation techniques to select vascular voxels,
AIFNet is directly optimized at the vascular function estimation, which allows
to better recognise the time-curve profiles. Validation on the public ISLES18
stroke database shows that AIFNet reaches inter-rater performance for the
vascular function estimation and, subsequently, for the parameter maps and core
lesion quantification obtained through deconvolution. We conclude that AIFNet
has potential for clinical transfer and could be incorporated in perfusion
deconvolution software.Comment: Preprint submitted to Elsevie
Unsupervised 3D Brain Anomaly Detection
Anomaly detection (AD) is the identification of data samples that do not fit
a learned data distribution. As such, AD systems can help physicians to
determine the presence, severity, and extension of a pathology. Deep generative
models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), can be exploited to
capture anatomical variability. Consequently, any outlier (i.e., sample falling
outside of the learned distribution) can be detected as an abnormality in an
unsupervised fashion. By using this method, we can not only detect expected or
known lesions, but we can even unveil previously unrecognized biomarkers. To
the best of our knowledge, this study exemplifies the first AD approach that
can efficiently handle volumetric data and detect 3D brain anomalies in one
single model. Our proposal is a volumetric and high-detail extension of the 2D
f-AnoGAN model obtained by combining a state-of-the-art 3D GAN with refinement
training steps. In experiments using non-contrast computed tomography images
from traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients, the model detects and localizes TBI
abnormalities with an area under the ROC curve of ~75%. Moreover, we test the
potential of the method for detecting other anomalies such as low quality
images, preprocessing inaccuracies, artifacts, and even the presence of
post-operative signs (such as a craniectomy or a brain shunt). The method has
potential for rapidly labeling abnormalities in massive imaging datasets, as
well as identifying new biomarkers.Comment: Accepted at BrainLes Workshop in MICCAI 202
Theoretical analysis and experimental validation of volume bias of soft Dice optimized segmentation maps in the context of inherent uncertainty
The clinical interest is often to measure the volume of a structure, which is typically derived from a segmentation. In order to evaluate and compare segmentation methods, the similarity between a segmentation and a predefined ground truth is measured using popular discrete metrics, such as the Dice score. Recent segmentation methods use a differentiable surrogate metric, such as soft Dice, as part of the loss function during the learning phase. In this work, we first briefly describe how to derive volume estimates from a segmentation that is, potentially, inherently uncertain or ambiguous. This is followed by a theoretical analysis and an experimental validation linking the inherent uncertainty to common loss functions for training CNNs, namely cross-entropy and soft Dice. We find that, even though soft Dice optimization leads to an improved performance with respect to the Dice score and other measures, it may introduce a volume bias for tasks with high inherent uncertainty. These findings indicate some of the method’s clinical limitations and suggest doing a closer ad-hoc volume analysis with an optional re-calibration step.NEXIS (www.nexis-project.eu), a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovations Programme and an innovation mandate of Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/mediahj2022Anatom
Prediction of final infarct volume from native CT perfusion and treatment parameters using deep learning
CT Perfusion (CTP) imaging has gained importance in the diagnosis of acute
stroke. Conventional perfusion analysis performs a deconvolution of the
measurements and thresholds the perfusion parameters to determine the tissue
status. We pursue a data-driven and deconvolution-free approach, where a deep
neural network learns to predict the final infarct volume directly from the
native CTP images and metadata such as the time parameters and treatment. This
would allow clinicians to simulate various treatments and gain insight into
predicted tissue status over time. We demonstrate on a multicenter dataset that
our approach is able to predict the final infarct and effectively uses the
metadata. An ablation study shows that using the native CTP measurements
instead of the deconvolved measurements improves the prediction.Comment: Accepted for publication in Medical Image Analysi
Predicting Infarct Core From Computed Tomography Perfusion in Acute Ischemia With Machine Learning: Lessons From the ISLES Challenge.
The ISLES challenge (Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation) enables globally diverse teams to compete to develop advanced tools for stroke lesion analysis with machine learning. Detection of irreversibly damaged tissue on computed tomography perfusion (CTP) is often necessary to determine eligibility for late-time-window thrombectomy. Therefore, the aim of ISLES-2018 was to segment infarcted tissue on CTP based on diffusion-weighted imaging as a reference standard.
The data, from 4 centers, consisted of 103 cases of acute anterior circulation large artery occlusion stroke who underwent diffusion-weighted imaging rapidly after CTP. Diffusion-weighted imaging lesion segmentation was performed manually and acted as a reference standard. The data were separated into 63 cases for training and 40 for testing, upon which quality metrics (dice score coefficient, Hausdorff distance, absolute lesion volume difference, etc) were computed to rank methods based on their overall performance.
Twenty-four different teams participated in the challenge. Median time to CTP was 185 minutes (interquartile range, 180-238), the time between CTP and magnetic resonance imaging was 36 minutes (interquartile range, 25-79), and the median infarct lesion size was 15.2 mL (interquartile range, 5.7-45). The best performance for Dice score coefficient and absolute volume difference were 0.51 and 10.1 mL, respectively, from different teams. Based on the ranking criteria, the top team's algorithm demonstrated for average Dice score coefficient and average absolute volume difference 0.51 and 10.2 mL, respectively, outperforming the conventional threshold-based method (dice score coefficient, 0.3; volume difference, 15.3). Diverse algorithms were used, almost all based on deep learning, with top-ranked approaches making use of the raw perfusion data as well as methods to synthetically generate complementary information to boost prediction performance.
Machine learning methods may predict infarcted tissue from CTP with improved accuracy compared with threshold-based methods used in clinical routine. This dataset will remain public and can be used to test improvement in algorithms over time
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