29 research outputs found
Pembinaan Dan Penguatan Karakter Generasi Muda Melalui Sinergi Building Dan Entrepreneurship Programme Desa Glagah Lamongan.
As a young generation, they must have the provision of creativity, innovation, intelligence and skills that can benefit the environment around them. As a young generation with character, they must be able to have a strong mentality in dealing with various problems that occur in society. Character alone is not enough for the younger generation, but must be able to think creatively and innovatively through entrepreneurship programs. Because at this time the field in the world of work has begun to fill up, the younger generation does not have to look for work but they should be the ones who create jobs. So coaching the younger generation for entrepreneurship programs is also necessary and important to be given to the younger generation. The material presented by the implementing team of this Community Service program will initiate partners to become entrepreneurs with character, so there are several scientific fields that will be given, namely entrepreneurship, managerial science (POAC), production processes to sales processes, leadership, organizational science , craft science, arts, synergy building and cultivation science to be able to provide input or ideas to partners regarding what business fields they can do later
Pendampingan Peningkatan Mutu Sistem Manajerial Pada Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan
Most universities are more concerned with accreditation or SPME rather than SPMI, accreditation has always been the goal of improving the quality of study programs or universities. Once the accreditation is out, the institution will no longer carry out internal quality evaluations. In the law, the SPMI process must be carried out by universities at least once a year. If study programs or universities only improve their quality in order to achieve good accreditation scores, there is a tendency that internal quality will not increase. The most important thing to achieve good accreditation is to apply the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) pattern. By improving the internal quality first, it is certain that the accreditation process will also be good. This service seeks to help the Tarbiyah Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan College of Science become a quality university and can compete with other universities. If the quality of the university is maintained, it can attract students to continue their studies at the university. It is hoped that this service activity using the workshop and mentoring method will make STITM Paciran have a management system that is organized according to university standard rules. The service team will provide explanations regarding the national standards of higher education, the ways that STITM partnering can do to achieve perfect quality. If universities can carry out management according to SN Dikti, an organizational culture will also be formed because all activities are carried out in accordance with SN Dikti
Dampak Perubahan Pada Gaya Kepemimpinan
Perubahan pemimpin di dalam sebuah organisasi pasti terjadi, karena sebuah organisasi/ institusi membutuhkan perubahan gaya kepemimpinan sebagai salah satu bentuk pembaharuan budaya. Jika tidak ada perubahan struktur organisasi, maka anggota organisasi akan terasa jenuh dan juga monoton. Jika kejenuhan terjadi dalam suatu organisasi maka akan dapat menimbulkan strees kerja yang nantinya akan berdampak pada produktivitas kerja. Hal ini pasti tidak diinginkan organisasi, maka di beberapa organisasi akan mengalami perubahan pimpinan setiap empat hingga lima tahun sekali. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan berparadigma Deskriptif-Kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua macam teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu: Metode Wawancara dan Metode Observasi atau Pengamatan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa dampak yang dirasakan setelah adanya perubahan kepemimpinan. Pertama, adanya perubahan budaya organisasi yang didalamnya terdapat perencanaan yang terarah dan terlaksanakan sesuai timeline yang dibuat dan juga lebih mengedepankan pendekatan personal terhadap mahasiswa untuk dapat menajalankan arahan dan mewujudkan tujuan organisasi berupa tertib administrasi. Perubahan yang kedua adalah bentuk komunikasi yang dijalankan saat ini lebih mengedepankan dua arah bukan hanya instruksi seperti periode kepemimpinan sebelumnya. Kepemimpinan saat ini selalu mengikutsertakan semua personil dalam berkomunikasi untuk pengambilan keputusan. Ketiga, penegakkan disiplin terhadap seluruh pihak yang ada dalam organisasi termasuk dengan seluruh mahasiswa. Perubahan keempat adalah Pelaksanaan operasional instansi perguruan tinggi ini memulai untuk mengikuti standar nasional pendidikan tinggi agar tidak ada lagi kebohongan saat melakukan pengisian atau pengajuan akreditasi di masa mendatang. Pendekatan personal yang digunakan pimpinan saat ini untuk mempengaruhi para bawahannya agar mengikuti dan mentaati kebijakan-kebijakan yang telah di buat
Pengembangan Karir Dosen Melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro
University Education Education and teaching, research and development, and community service make up the three pillars of Tri Dharma. Typically, each college simply concentrates on education and teaching in order to make the other two elements slightly better. Bojonegoro Regency is home to the Muhammadiyah College of Tarbiyah (STIT) Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro. The tri dharma is still not being implemented to its full potential, particularly in terms of research and community service. It is intended that by providing this service, the number and quality of research and service will both rise. The mentorship and workshop strategy is employed in this service. This exercise starts with recognizing the issues that partners are facing, which is followed by sharing sessions. To ensure that agency activities adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Education and Culture, agencies must encourage all lecturers to practice the tri dharma properly. To transform the culture, nevertheless, considerable effort must be put into encouraging all levels of the existing human resources to abide by the regulations established in accordance with SN DIKTI
Peran Rangkap Jabatan Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi Pada PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya
Background - In 2020 the organizational performance of PT Mustika Karya Anugrah decreased because there were two employees who held concurrent positions. However, in 2022 the company's performance increased even though there were several employees who played multiple roles. This is evidenced by the achievement of five performance indicators. Objective - The purpose of this study was to determine the role of concurrent positions in improving organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya which is engaged in the importer-distributor of fruit. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is qualitative research using primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were through interviews and observations. The selection of informants in this study was carried out using purposive sampling method. Findings - The results of this study indicate that organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya will increase in 2022 even though some of its employees have to work concurrently. This is because good leadership and internal control systems have been implemented by the company. All employees who hold concurrent positions or do not hold concurrent positions can complete their duties properly. Increased organizational performance is evidenced by increased company productivity, good service quality results in customer satisfaction, the achievement of responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Research implications - This research contributes to the trap of position in order to maintain a sense of belonging to the company by not expecting large compensation or rewards from the company, the trap of position accepting assignments with the aim of advancing the company. Research limitations - This research is only conducted on employees who carry out dual roles at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya
Analisis model kepemimpinan Islami pada CV. Dharma Utama-Batu
Suatu perusahaan yang efektif memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang mampu mengkoordinasikan karyawan yang dipimpinnya ke arah tujuan dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai. Selama ini masyarakat banyak yang membicarakan tentang gaya kepemimpinan, mereka mengidentifikasikan dua kategori gaya kepemimpinan yang ekstrem yakni otoriter atau demokratis, yang masing-masing mengklaim yang lebih baik. Tetapi ada yang lebih baik yaitu gaya kepemimpinan Islami atau gaya yang sesuai dengan cara Rasulullah SAW untuk membimbing umatnya dan juga sesuai dengan perilaku Rasulullah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep Islamic Leadership Style, kepemimpinan yang diterapkan pada CV. Dharma Utama, dan untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan CV. Dharma Utama apakah telah menerapkan Islamic Leadership Style.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitiannya adalah Top Manajer dan Staff Divisi CV. Dharma Utama. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan data yang telah didapat sehingga menggambarkan realitas yang sebenarnya sesuai dengan fenomena yang terjadi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah model kepemimpinan Islami ini dapat dilihat dari beberapateri ini: dari segi syarat, karakterisik dan prinsip kepemimpinan Islami yang sesuai dengan perilaku pemimpin telah terpenuhi secara keseluruhan. Dari segi kriteria sebagaiaa besar memiliki kesesuaian dengan konsep, dilihat dari ciri-ciri memiliki kesesuaian hanya sebagian besar. Dan dari semua itu dapat dilihat model kepemimpinan Islami yang diterapkan pada CV. Dharma Utama ini sebagian besar telah sesuai dengan konsep yang telah dipetakan peneliti. Tetapi penelitian belum dapat dkatakan sempurna
The number of unemployed continue to rise, people can not afford to make business that is caused by bumped capital, skills, and limited market access. In fact, positive benefits for migrant workers who work abroad are also many to get jobs, income, improve welfare and develop skills. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by making the migrant workers and former migrant workers as key informant as well as to extract the data through 3 kinds of way, interview, observation and documentation. From this research, there are many factors that influence the people of Gresik Regency to become migrant workers such as, at least the employment around them, the low level of education, the economic factor of the family, and the environment, whether from the internal family and the environment. Another thing that gained from this research is still many people who become TKI with illegal status.
Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) is one of the banking companies whose business scope is narrower than that of commercial banks. This study aims to identify and analyze PD Strategies. BPR Bank Jombang to build quality banking services to create customer satisfaction for the people in Jombang. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative research approach, the data collection method used is observation and interview method, the data source used is the primary (direct) data source, namely the interview results, while the data analysis techniques used are triangulation or metode which aims to evaluate how the implementation of strategies to support the success of Bank Jombang's marketing to increase customer satisfaction. From the results of this study, it can be concluded PD. BPR Bank Jombang as a banking company based in the region, that Bank Jombang has a considerable opportunity in developing its business. This can be seen from the achievement of a Simarmas Program that is able to attract customers, and customers are also very enthusiastic in the presence of the Simarmas Program
The Meaning of Capital in the Perspective of Cultural Norms for Fish Cracker Entrepreneurs in Srowo Village Gresik Regency
The background in this research is the idea of ​​being able to return business capital from existing capital in Srowo Village. This study aims to examine the meaning of capital in the perspective of customs and the meaning of capital in the perspective of folkways or habits of cracker entrepreneurs in Srowo Village, Gresik Regency. This study uses a qualitative method. The subjects in this study were Fish Cracker Businesses in Srowo Village, Gresik Regency, while the sampling used the Non Probability Sampling technique using Purposive Sampling. The reason is because sampling has more characteristics or generalizations. The sample studied by the researcher was Mr. Kinun as the village apparatus in Srowo Village and also one of the cracker entrepreneurs who the researchers used as the gatekeeper, the first person as the researcher's data source who understands and has experience. The analysis technique uses data collection methods through interviews, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of this study indicate that obedience is caused by devotion to ancestors by preserving inheritance which can be used as a business opportunity in carrying out obligations to earn a living. Innovation profit due to business success from investment and achievement in their business continuity