298 research outputs found

    Rough clustering for web transactions

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    Grouping web transactions into clusters is important in order to obtain better understanding of user's behavior. Currently, the rough approximation-based clustering technique has been used to group web transactions into clusters. It is based on the similarity of upper approximations of transactions by given threshold. However, the processing time is still an issue due to the high complexity for finding the similarity of upper approximations of a transaction which used to merge between two or more clusters. In this study, an alternative technique for grouping web transactions using rough set theory is proposed. It is based on the two similarity classes which is nonvoid intersection. The technique is implemented in MATLAB ÂŽ version (R2008a). The two UCI benchmark datasets taken from: http:/kdd.ics.uci.edu/ databases/msnbc/msnbc.html and http:/kdd.ics.uci.edu/databases/ Microsoft / microsoft.html are opted in the simulation processes. The simulation reveals that the proposed technique significantly requires lower response time up to 62.69 % and 66.82 % as compared to the rough approximation-based clustering, severally. Meanwhile, for cluster purity it performs better until 2.5 % and 14.47%, respectively


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    Brondong District, Lamongan Regency, is one area that is rich in marine potential and can be a source of welfare for the surrounding community. However, in the economic sector in Brondong District in 1987-1998, precisely during the New Order era in Indonesia, it experienced ups and downs, which was influenced by the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia. This study analyzes the economic ups and downs of fishermen in Brondong District, Lamongan Regency. Thus, the purpose of this research is to see how the changes in the fishermen's economy before the reform period in 1998. The research method applied in this research is the historical research method. Which consists of four stages, namely: heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. There are also those in this research is to do a search with primary and secondary sources. The primary sources in this study used archived documents from the Lamongan Regency Statistics Agency and the Lamongan District Fisheries Service. The secondary sources use previous research sources in the form of articles, books, thesis, etc. Meanwhile, the interview was conducted with the fishing community in the Brondong area and the head of the Fishermen Association. The results of this study are the ups and downs of the fishermen's economy in 1987-1998 in Brondong District which were influenced by the internal factors of fishermen such as the availability of natural and operational resources, as well as external factors from the social conflict between TPI and the economic crisis. Keywords: Brondong District, Fishermen, Ups and Downs of the Econom


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    Artikel menjelaskan analisis dan perancangan perangkat lunak yang dapat memanfaatkan geometri fraktal, khususnya fraktal iterated function system, sebagai seni. Metode digunakan dalam penelitian adalah studi pustaka dan studi laboratorium dengan menguji kinerja perangkat lunak tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musik yang dikonversi dari geometri fraktal sangat bervariasi tergantung parameter dan jenis geometri gambar fraktal yang dihasilkan. Disimpulkan, penggunaan jumlah iterasi fraktal yang berjumlah besar menghasilkan gambar fraktal yang jelas dan musik fraktal yang rumit

    Pengaruh File Apk Terhadap Keamanan Sistem Operasi Android Berdasarkan Analisis Statik dan Dinamik

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    Many devices using Android such as handphone, tablet and others. Android makes the daily works become so easy to activate other devices using IoT technology. To use those facilitate, Android user should install a file such as an apk file. The objective of this research is to examine the impact of an apk file in Android using static and dynamic analysis. First, static analysis was done using Qark and the results are three recommendation such as vulnerable, warning and information. Second, dynamic analysis was done by giving the permission to the apk file when it was installed in Android. The impact of this condition was anyone could access almost all the resources in the Android such as SMS when connected to internet

    Profile of Visual-Spatial Intelligence In Solving Geometric of 11th Grades Viewed From Gender Differences

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    Visual-spatial intelligence is one of the multiple bits of intelligence that important to solve a mathematics problem, especially in geometry. This present research investigates the profile of students’ visual-spatial intelligence. This research focuses on analysis and description of students’ visual-spatial intelligence level generally and its aspect when solving the geometric problem. Visual-spatial intelligence aspect, there is imagination, pattern seeking, problem-solving, and conceptualization. Qualitative research with case study strategy was used in this research. The subject in this research involved 12 students of 11th grades chosen with purposive sampling. Data in this research were students’ visual-spatial intelligence test result and task based interviews. They were asked to complete visual-spatial intelligence test before interview. The data was analyzed based on visual-spatial intelligence aspect of female and male students. The results of this research show that female students have better pattern seeking and conceptualization. Meanwhile, male students have better in imagination and problem-solving

    Studi Bahan Velg Aluminium yang di Quenching 520 °C Terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis dari Merk yang Berbeda

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan panas (heat treatment) terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis pada velg aluminium paduan AlSiCu. Bahan velg yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah aluminium yang diperoleh dengan cara pengecoran. Setelah itu dilakukan pembuatan spesimen standar JIS Z 2201 dan 2202 (1981). Perlakuan panas (heat treatment) dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu: Solution Treatment pada suhu 520°C ditahan selama 1 jam, pendinginan dengan menggunakan media air. Untuk mengetahui sifat fisis dan mekanis bahan uji dilakukan beberapa pengujian meliputi : uji komposisi kimia, uji struktur mikro, uji kekerasan, uji tarik, dan uji impact. Hasil pengujian benda uji yang telah di heat treatment dibandingkan dengan hasil pengujian raw material. Didapatkan hasil komposisi kimia golongan paduan AlSiCu. Pada uji struktur mikro material yang sudah mengalami heat treatment terlihat homogen, unsur Cu menyebar merata pada aluminium. Pada uji kekerasan diperoleh harga kekerasan rata-rata tertinggi saat heat treatment adalah velg merk Sprint 59,10 Kg/mm² dan harga kekerasan rata-rata terendah saat raw material adalah velg merk YIMM (Mio) 40,87 Kg/mm². Pada uji tarik tegangan maksimal rata-rata tertinggi raw material pada velg merk YIMM (Mio) yaitu 222,12 kg/mm² dan tegangan maksimal ratarata tertinggi heat treatment pada velg merk V.Rossi 72,31 kg/mm². Harga tegangan maksimal rata-rata terendah raw material pada velg merk V.Rossi yaitu 138,99 kg/mm² dan tegangan maksimal rata-rata terendah heat treatment pada velg merk Sprint 62,35 kg/mm². Pada uji impact diperoleh harga keuletan rata-rata pada ketiga merk velg diatas relatif berbeda-beda, Akan tetapi nilai impact pada merk YIMM (Mio) dan V.Rossi yaitu 0,068 J/mm² dan 0,604 J/mm², setelah di heat treatment harga keuletan rataratanya lebih tinggi daripada harga keuletan rata-rata saat raw material, harga keuletan rata-rata terendah pada velg merk Sprint yaitu 0,114 J/mm² pada saat raw material dan 0,113 J/mm² pada saat heat treatment, dikarenakan merk velg jenis Sprint mempunyai harga keuletan yang relatif rendah. Sehingga velg merk Sprint tidak mengalami fenomena transisi liat-getas setelah dilakukan heat treatment


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    Increasing the effectiveness of learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKN) in Primary School (SD) Grade 5 is an urgent need. This scientific article aims to develop interactive learning media based on Quizizz as an alternative in improving the quality of PPKN learning. In analysing the data, this research presents the results of a literature study to support the successful implementation of interactive learning media. The results of data analysis through a qualitative approach show the suitability of learning media with learning objectives and the potential effectiveness of using Quizizz in improving students' understanding of Civics concepts. This article concludes that the development of interactive learning media based on Quizizz can be an effective alternative in improving Civics learning in Grade 5 SD. The practical and theoretical implications of the results of this study are expected to make a positive contribution to the development of technology-based learning strategies at the basic education level. This study provides a basis for further research in exploring the potential of interactive learning media for other subjects and higher levels

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tgt Dan Tai Pada Materi Vektor Kelas XII SMA Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa

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    This study aimed to determine: (1) which model produces better learning achievement TGT, TAI, or direct learning model, (2) to find out which one has the better learning achievement between students with high creativity, moderate or low creativity, (3) to determine which one gives better learning achievement between cooperative learning model TGT, TAI or Direct for each student creativity, (4) to find out which one gives the better learning achievement among students who have high creativity, moderate creativity or lower creativity in each of the learning model.This study was a quasi-experimental study with a 3 x 3 factorial design. The sampling technique was done by stratified cluster random sampling. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire and math achievement tests. The instrument has been tested by some experts before it is used to conduct trials. Hypothesis testing used two- way Anava with unbalanced cells. Before the Anava test, research data are tested first by test analysis requirements that were test for normality and homogeneity test. The results of two- way Anava analysis show: (1) learning model of TGT and TAI produce better learning achievement, compared to the direct instructional model, while the learning model of TAI and TGT has no difference; (2) Students who have high creativity and moderate creativity have a better learning achievement than the students who have low creativity, the students who have high creativity have better learning achievement than the students who have moderate creativity; (3) students who have creativity of high, moderate or low have on the model TGT learning and TAI have better learning achievement compared to the direct instructional model, while the learning model TGT produce the same learning achievement as TAI learning model; (4) cooperative learning model TGT, TAI and Direct give better result for students who have high and moderate creativity than students who have low creativity, as well as the students who have high creativity provide a better learning achievement than moderate creativity

    Keefektifan Pengelolaan Laboratorium Komputer di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri se Kota Banjarbaru

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    Penelitian yang berjudul Keefektifan Pengelolaan Laboratorium Komputer di SMK Negeri se Kota Banjarbaru ini meneliti tentang sejauhmana keefektifan pengelolaan laboratorium komputer di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri se Kota Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskritif kualitatif, bertempat di SMK Negeri se Kota Banjarbaru, sampel sekaligus menjadi populasi penelitian adalah 3 orang kepala sekolah, 15 orang guru, 3 orang laboran, 30 orang siswa kelas XII. Subyek penelitian adalah laboratorium komputer dengan menggunakan teknik dan alat pengumpul data melalui wawancara terstruktur dan observasi di lapangan yang di dilakukan oleh peneliti sebagai sumber data dengan instrument penelitian berupa angket dan lembar observasi Penelitian memperoleh hasil bahwa; Pengelolaan laboratorium komputer secara umum kurang efektif. Hal ini terlihat pada perencanaan yang tidak terstruktur dan kurang melibatkan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, pengorganisasian yang tidak maksimal, pelaksanaan yang masih kurang sesuai dengan perencanaan, dan pengawasan dilakukan secara tidak terencana dan tidak ada tindak lanjut yang jelas, Untuk itu pengelolaan laboratorium komputer memerlukan strategi dalam melaksanakan fungsinya sebagai salah satu sarana prasarana kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan sumber daya yang ada, memperbaiki kelemahan, dan tanggap terhadap peluang serta mencari solusi untuk setiap hambatan yang ditemukan. Selanjutnya disarankan kepada pemegang kebijakan bahwa untuk meningkatkan keefektifan pengelolaan laboratorium komputer adalah dengan melakukan konsultasi dan komunikasi dua arah dengan pihak yang terkait dalam upaya memperdayakan dan mengembangkan sumber daya serta memberi solusi dan arahan penyelesaian masalah yang tepat


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Teknologi Informasi dan Saling Ketergantungan Organisasional terhadap Karakteristik Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen Serta dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Manajerial”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Teknologi Informasi dan Saling Ketergantungan Organisasional terhadap Karakteristik Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen serta dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Manajerial pada BUMN Sektor Industri Pengolahan dan Sektor Kontruksi di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda untuk mengetahui persamaan Teknologi Informasi dan Saling Ketergantungan Organisasional terhadap Karakteristik Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen dan Untuk Mengetahui Teknologi Informasi, Saling Ketegantungan Organisasional dan Karakteristik Sisterm Akuntansi Manajemen terhadap Kinerja Manajerial; analisis jalur untuk mengetahui koefisien jalur antara Teknologi Informasi terhadap Karakteristik SAM; Teknologi Informasi terhadap Kinerja Manajerial; Ketergantungan Organisasional terhadap Kinerja Manajerial dan Karakteristik terhadap Kinerja Manajerial dan Karakteristik terhadap Kinerja Manajerial dengan bantuan IBM SPSS 24 Version For Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa total pengaruh Teknologi Informasi terhadap Karakteristik SAM serta dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Manajerial adalah sebesar 38,2%. Ketergantungan Organisasional terhadap Karakteristik SAM serta dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Manajerial adalah sebesar 45,6%. Kata Kunci : Teknologiu Informasi; Ketergantungan Organisasional; Karakteristik Sisten Akuntansi Manajemen; Kinerja Manajerial
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