6 research outputs found

    Hipertricosis adquirida y localizada en fascitis eosinofílica

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    La fascitis eosinofílica, se caracteriza por cambios cutáneos símil- esclerodermia y eosinofília periférica. Describimos un paciente de 54 años, de sexo masculino con diagnóstico de fascitis eosinofílica y seguimiento de 44 meses. Presentaba tumefacción, engrosamiento de la piel de antebrazos, piernas y flancos de abdomen, signo del surco y pérdida del pelo de antebrazos y piernas. El paciente fue tratado con glucocorticoides e hidroxicloroquina con evolución favorable. Concomitante a la remisión de los signos cutáneos observamos una hipertricosis de las zonas previamente afectadas. Comunicamos esta observación inusual en fascitis eosinofílica, secundaria a la mejoría del proceso inflamatorio cutáneo.Eosinophilic fasciitis is characterized by scleroderma-like indurations of the extremities and peripheral eosinophilia. We report a 54-year-old man with diagnosis of eosinophilic fasciitis and 44-month follow-up. The physical exam showed swelling, thickening in forearms´ skin, legs and abdominal flanks. Groove sing and loss of hair of forearms and legs. The patient was treated with glucocorticoids and hydroxychloroquine which favourable evolution. Concomitant to the remission of the cutaneous signs, we see a hypertrichosis of the previously affected areas. We communicate this unusual observation in eosinophilic fasciitis, secondary to the improvement of the cutaneous inflammatory process.Fil: Abaca, Héctor E.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Rivarola de Gutierrez, Emilce. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Evolution of stomatological lesions of traumatic origin once the causal agent has been removed

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    El trauma ocasionado en la mucosa por elementos odontológicos, alterados en su morfología o posición, es un cofactor que incide en la aparición de lesiones en la mucosa oral. Esto mantenido crónicamente en el tiempo, unido a otros factores como el hábito de fumar, consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, presencia de HPV, podría estar relacionado en el desarrollo del cáncer de boca. Un alto porcentaje de lesiones como, leucoplasias, ulceraciones traumáticas, hiperplasias y granulomas, entre otros, responden a la presencia de malposición de piezas dentarias, reconstrucciones desbordantes, cúspides agudas, elementos fracturados, caries macropenetrantes, cavidades abiertas, superficies que carecen de pulido, prótesis desadaptadas o inadecuadas, cálculo supragingival. Con tratamiento odontológico correctivo y tratamiento local específico para cada patología suelen remitir estas lesiones. El hábito de fumar incide prolongando el tiempo de cicatrización de las lesiones.Dental elements altered in their morphology or position affect the oral mucosa through repeated trauma. This is related to the presence of lesions of the oral mucosa. This traumatic mucosal impact sustained chronically over time, with other habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, presence of HPV, may be related to the development of oral cancer. A high percentage of leukoplakias, traumatic ulcerations, hyperplasias and granulomas, respond to the presence of, malposition of teeth, overflow reconstructions, acute cusps, fractured elements, caries, open cavities, surfaces without polishing, improper or inadequate prosthesis, supragingival calculus, among others. Remission of oral lesions occurs with corrective dental treatment and specific mucosal treatment. The smoking habit negatively affects the healing time of the lesions.Fil: Ingrassia, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Rivarola de Gutierrez, Emilce. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Bongiovanni, Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontologí

    Topical treatment of oral lichen planus with anthocyanins

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    Background: Oxidative stress is involved in oral lichen planus (OLP) pathogenesis; meanwhile anthocyanins are natural antioxidants present in grapes skin. Objectives: The aim of this research was to verify the utility of anthocyanins, extracted from grapes skin, for the local treatment of oral lichen planus and to compare it with clobetasol propionate- neomycin -nystatin cream (CP-NN). Study Design: Prospective, non-randomized study, with control group. Fifty-two patients with OLP were includ - ed. We divided patients into two categories: erosive oral lichen planus (EOLP) and non erosive oral lichen planus (NEOLP). 38 had EOLP (17 cases and 21 controls) and 14 presented NEOLP types (9 cases and 5 controls).Cases received local treatment with anthocyanins from grapes and controls, were treated with CP-NN. The clinical evo - lution of patients was followed up during six months. Results: The patients had a therapeutic response with anthocyanins. This was better than CP-NN treatment for patients with EOLP, in improving the involvement score of the oral mucosa and in the morphometric study of the affected areas. In EOLP there were no statistically significant differences in: therapeutic response time, the evolution of pain, or the relapse rate between the two groups. With respect to the treatment of NEOLP there was improved pain relief in the group treated with anthocyanins. This was not observed with CP-NN. The resting analized variables showed no significant difference with both treatments. Conclusions: OLP has a favorable response to local treatment with anthocyanins from grapes. We found an equal to or better response than with CP-NN treatment. Many of our patients have systemic diseases, which may con - traindicate the use of steroids. With regard to this particular group, the use of this natural antioxidant present in the diet is considered advantageous

    Oral piercing

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    Introducción: El piercing oral es ·una expresión contemporánea de arte que puede ocasionar lesiones en tejidos duros y blandos de la boca. Metodología: Se presentan diez casos clínicos de pacientes con piercing en la boca y se mencionan las lesiones ocasionadas por los mismos. Se actualizan las lesiones localizadas y sistémicas ocasionadas por los piercing. Conclusiones: Los riesgos implicados en el uso de estas técnicas de arte, deberían ser informados a los pacientes previo a su implantación, para que puedan ser usados de modo responsable.Introduction: Piercing is a new form of body art. This may be the cause of oral lesions, in teeth and soft tissues of the mouth. Method: The authors present ten patients with oral piercing and orallesions. Local and systemic complications are reviewed from literature. Conclusions: Suggestions are provided for patient education in order to decrease the number of complications due to this art technics.Fil: Ingrassia Tonelli, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Rivarola de Gutierrez, Emilce. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Bongiovanni, Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontologí

    Determination of cytokeratins 1, 13 and 14 in oral lichen planus

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    Introduccion: Cytokeratins (CK) are molecules of the cytoskeleton that contribute to the cellular differenciation. We studied the expression of CK1, CK13 and CK14 in thirty-three patients with OLP. The biopsied lesions were located in the dorsal surface of the tongue, the palatal keratinized mucosa and the nonkeratinized buccal mucosa. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the expression of CK1, CK13 and CK14 in oral lichen planus (OLP) and its relations with: clinical patterns, prognosis, drugs and tobacco intake and histopathological features. Study Design: Immunohistochemical analysis, retrospective, descriptive, observational and no randomized study. Results: No significant difference was observed in the expression of CK1 in patients with or without drug treat - ment. No association was found with the amount of drugs intake or smoking nor with the histopathological fea - tures examined. Samples immunostained with CK13 were all positive in the suprabasal layers, and 13 of them in the basal layer. In these last ones, statistical analysis showed significance in the grade of vacuolization of the basal layer ( p =0.023) and in the degree of exocytosis ( p =0.0025), this, making the degree of affection higher for both parameters. Thirty-two tissue sections were immunostained with CK14. CK14 was expressed in the basal layer in 97% of samples and in the suprabasal layer in 94% of samples. Conclusions: The three CK were altered in OLP. CK1 does not have a direct connection with the presence of or - thokeratosis. The finding of the CK13 in the basal layer is related to the agression of the lymphocytic infiltration in the epithelium, due to the basal stratum vacuolization and the increase in lymphocytic exocitosis. The presence of CK14 in the suprabasal stratums is not a parameter to predict malignancy. The CK in OLP do not follow the normal pattern of keratinized or non-keratinized mucosa