33 research outputs found
Implementasi Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) Berbasis Kelas Online (Daring) pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19
In the implementation of Curriculum 2013, especially in Elementary School, the more emphasis is placed on Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) with the percentage of education of character reaching 80 percent and only 20 percent for the knowledge. Based on the Circular Number 4 of 2020 Issued by the Minister of Education and Culture on the implementation of education during the Covid-19 pandemic, the government took the anticipatory step that was implementing an online learning system across all levels of education. Teachers are required to be more creative in providing the learning materials and instilling the character education values to the students. Based on the results of the pre-survey, there were two problems: (1) The teachers had difficulty in integrating the main character education values, such as religiosity, nationalism, integrity, independence, and mutual cooperation into the lesson plan; (2) The teachers found it difficult to determine the right learning media for online classes. The solutions provided by the PKM team were by giving a training on how to integrate the character values into the lesson plan and how to create learning videos for online class. The resource people for the training were the team of lecturers and FKIP students from University of Palangka Raya. The training participants were all teachers at Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Al Ghazali Palangka Raya. The results of this activity show that the teachers have succeeded in formulating RRP which has the integrated character values and implemented them in the learning process. In addition, they have also succeeded in designing the learning video and implementing them in the online learning.Dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013, khususnya di Sekolah Dasar, penekanan dilakukan terhadap Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK), yang mana persentase pengajaran pendidikan karakter mencapai 80 persen, dan hanya 20 persen untuk pengetahuan. Berdasarkan surat edaran Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 tentang penyelenggaraan pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid-19, pemerintah mengambil langkah antisipatif, yaitu menerapkan sistem pembelajaran secara daring untuk semua jenjang pendidikan. Guru dituntut untuk lebih kreatif dalam memberikan materi pembelajaran dan menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter kepada siswa. Berdasarkan hasil pra-survei, terdapat dua permasalahan: (1) guru-guru mengalami kesulitan dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter utama, seperti religius, nasionalis, integritas, mandiri, dan gotong royong ke dalam RPP; (2) guru-guru sulit menentukan media pembelajaran yang tepat menjadi kelas online. Solusi yang diberikan oleh tim PKM adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan tentang cara mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter ke dalam RPP dan cara membuat video pembelajaran untuk kelas daring. Narasumber dalam pelatihan ini adalah tim dosen dan mahasiswa FKIP Universitas Palangka Raya. Peserta pelatihan adalah seluruh guru di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Al Ghazali Palangka Raya. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa guru telah berhasil merumuskan RRP yang memiliki nilai-nilai karakter yang terintegrasi dan mengimplementasikannya dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain itu, mereka juga telah berhasil merancang video pembelajaran dan mengimplementasikannya dalam pembelajaran daring
An Analysis of English Material for Tourism Industry at Vocational High School 4 Sampit Based on ESP Approach
Teaching material is an important aspect in teaching and learning process, because it gives significant impacts toward reaching the teaching and learning goal. English has become an important subject to master by the Tourism Industry students of Vocational High School 4 Sampit. Because most tourism industries use English as a global language, hence, English teaching material should be related to vocational school students’ needs for their future workplace. This study aimed to analyze the compatibility of the English teaching material with the students’ needs. This study was a descriptive qualitative study employing content analysis. Questionnaire was used as the research instrument in collecting the data. The data were analyzed by using ESP approach based on Richards and Rodger’s theory (2001). The findings show that the English teaching materials used in Tourism Industry Program at Vocational High School 4 Sampit were not related to the students’ needs. The materials were too general for Vocational High School students. The result suggested that English material for Vocational High School 4 Sampit must be developed based on students’ needs of tourism industry
At university education level, Extensive reading is an course that taught at third or fourth semester. The material for this course should be easy and interested, because the students should enjoy everything they read. However, in this crucial situation of pandemic covid 19, the process of teaching and learning extensive reading is conducted in online mode to avoid the spreading of corona virus. Thus, the lecturer need an materials that support the online learning. Developing an Electronic instructional material is an solution to solve the lecturer’s problem in teaching and learning of extensive reading. One of step in the developing the materials is implementation, in which the students will give their response about the e-instructional material.Conducting this research is for explaining the students’ perception towards Electronic Extensive Reading Materials Based Stories of Banjar. This research done at fourth semester students of Lambung Mangkurat University. Quantitative with design survey applied as the method of this research. The questionnaire is instrument used to obtain the data.The result revealed that most of students respond positive towards this Electronic Extensive Reading Materials Based on Banjar Stories . They agree that it is interesting and flexible to use. It means this E-instructional material is feasible to use as an reference for supporting extensive reading course
In the process of English teaching and learning at Sendratasik Education Study Program of Lambung Mangkurat University, general English was given and the available English material so far did not include local content of arts related to the students’ needs and interest in their own major. This article aims to present the results of need analysis of English language teaching materials for Sendratasik Education major students at Lambung Mangkurat University based on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by Hutchinson & Waters (1991). They were expected to be used for developing English materials for students majoring in Sendratasik to cater for their needs in learning English in accordance with their specific major. The data were collected through a questionnaire uploaded in Google Form to be responded by Sendratasik Education major students of Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. The data obtained were calculated in percentage and the result was analyzed qualitatively. The results might be significantly useful for designers of ESP for they reflected the real needs of Sendratasik Education major students
Vocational High School was designed to prepare the students to be ready to work after they graduate. In Vocational High School, students must have an appropriate competence based on their major. English becomes very important in this school since most of jobs in the workplace put English proficiency both written and spoken. Giving materials in Vocational High School must be appropriated to the students’ needs for their work place future. Module becomes one of effective media in teaching learning, the statement above was strengthened by Mayer’ theory in Lasmiyati (2014) stated that module is relatively short self-contained independent unit of instructional designed to achieve a limited set of specific and well-defined educational objectives. This research aimed to analyze the students’ perspective toward implementation of ESP module for Tourism Industry students in English teaching learning. This research was a qualitative descriptive, the online interview sheet that form of google form used as a research instrument in collecting data. The data analyzed qualitatively by explaining the result descriptively. The findings showed that the English book used in SMKN 4 sampit was too general. And the English teacher who tough in Tourism Industry Program found difficulty of English teaching that related to the English materials. The next finding showed that, the English skills were most be needed by the Tourism Industry students were speaking and writing. And the result suggested that the English materials in Tourism Industry Program in SMKN 4 Sampit sould be developed based on syllabus used and students’ needs
An Analysis Types of Figurative Languages Used in The Sherlock Holmes; The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes of The Noble Bachelor
The objectives of this research are to describe the types of figurative languages found in the short story, identify the meaning of the figurative languages, and find the most frequently used figurative language type in the story. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The data were collected from the adventure of noble bachelor short story. The research has found 41 figurative languages of 8 types, which are 21 metonymy (51.21%), 6 hipflask (14.63%), 4 epithet (9.76%), 3 synecdoche (7.32%), 2 metaphor 2 (4.88%), simile 2 (4.88%), irony 2 (4.88%), and innuendo (2.44%). The research has found that metonym used more than other figurative languages and the contextual meaning are used in the short story
Banks play a crucial role in the economy of a country, especially in developing nations like Indonesia. Commercial banks classified as BUKU IV are the largest banking group in Indonesia and are known for their strong management. This research aims to analyze the influence of capital adequacy, liquidity, bank size, and profitability on credit risk in Commercial Banks classified as BUKU IV during the period of 2015-2020. The independent variables consist of CAR, LDR, BS, and ROA, while the dependent variable is NPL (Non-Performing Loans). Secondary data collected by the researcher from the annual financial reports of BUKU IV commercial banks are utilized in this study, employing a census sampling technique. The data analysis method applied is panel data regression using E-Views 10 software. The research results indicate that ROA has a negative and significant effect on NPL in BUKU IV Commercial Banks. However, CAR, LDR, and BS do not have a significant impact on NPL in BUKU IV Commercial Banks