254 research outputs found

    Strangeness Form Factors of the Proton in the Chiral Quark Model

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    The chiral quark model describes the strangeness components of the light quarks as fluctuations into strange mesons and quarks. The single strange pseudoscalar and vector meson loop fluctuations of the constituent uu- and dd-quarks give rise to only very small strangeness form factors for the proton. This result is in line with recent experimental results, given their wide uncertainty range.Comment: 15 pages RevTeX, 6 figures (PS

    Axial Transition Form Factors and Pion Decay of Baryon Resonances

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    The pion decay constants of the lowest orbitally excited states of the nucleon and the Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) along with the corresponding axial transition form factors are calculated with Poincar\'e covariant constituent-quark models with instant, point and front forms of relativistic kinematics. The model wave functions are chosen such that the calculated electromagnetic and axial form factors of the nucleon represent the empirical values in all three forms of kinematics, when calculated with single-constituent currents. The pion decay widths calculated with the three forms of kinematics are smaller than the empirical values. Front and instant form kinematics provide a similar description, with a slight preference for front form, while the point form values are significantly smaller in the case of the lowest positive parity resonances.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Slightly revised, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Pion loop fluctuations of constituent quarks and baryons

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    The implications of the pion (meson) degrees of freedom for baryon properties, taken at the constituent quark and baryon levels are compared. It is shown that there is a dramatic qualitative difference between two approaches.Comment: 3 pages, contribution at the 16th Int. Conf. on Few Body Problems (Taipei, March 6-10, 2000