12 research outputs found
Promotion and development strategy for 5 prioritized tourist attraction in Kotabaru Regent
The decrease number of tourists’ visit in Kotabaru district, in the year of 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic serves as the background of this research. The aim of this research is to compose a marketing and development strategy of 5 priority tourist destinations in Kotabaru district South Borneo province namely: Siring Laut Saijaan beach, Gedambaan beach, Samber Gelap beach, Tamiang bay, and Tanjung Kunyit bay. This research is using a quantitative approach with a survey questionnaire as a tool for data collection using a Likert scale to measure tourists’ perception of 5 aspects namely: attraction, amenities, accessibility, image, price, tourist satisfaction on the 5 priority tourist destinations in Kotabaru district. This research combines marketing and development strategy investigation by using demography and tourists’ perception analysis of those 5 aspects. The result of this research concludes that an effective promotion strategy using market segmentation, the development of four aspects such as attraction, amenities, accessibility, image with reasonable price will improve the quality of tourist destination which subsequently will increase the number of tourists visiting
Kajian pengembangan potensi pariwisata kawasan pesisir pantai kabupaten Aceh Timur
The aim of this research is to search for the potential of the tourism development in East Aceh Regency based on the concept of sustainable tourism development. This research is using qualitative approach to identify the appropriate pattern for tourism development in coastal area in East Aceh Regency. Based from this research, it can be concluded that education for the local people to change their way of thinking is very important. The support from the local people is essential for the planning of sustainable tourism development. Sense of belonging for the culture and tourism will promote proudness and will get the local people to participate in tourism development in their area
Studi Kepuasan Konsumen Menggunakan Empat Dimensi Servqual Pada Area Publik Terminal 3 Bandara Changi Singapura
SERVQUAL is one of the model that is frequently used to measure customer satisfaction regarding the service quality. This study is using 4 dimensions of SERVQUAL to measure customer satisfaction about service quality in Changi Airport public area terminal 3 Singapore. The main objective of this study is to analyze the satisfaction level of Changi Airport’s customers of service quality in the public area in Terminal 3. In order to achieve this main objective, the following sub objectives were set namely: (1)to investigate whether there is a gap between customer expectations and customer perception of service quality in Changi Airport public area terminal 3; (2) to identify the significant factors that affecting customer expectations of service quality in Changi Airport public area terminal 3; (3)To identify the significant factors that affecting customer perception of service quality in Changi Airport Public Area terminal 3. Data was collected using survey questionnaire with Likert scale, it was analyzed using SPSS 21 using descriptive statistics, two tailed test, and faktor analysis. .The factors that have significant impact on customers’ expectations are assurance and security, comfort and convenience, safety and service, ambience and accessibility. While the customers’ perception of service quality is influenced by convenience and service, comfort, ambience and cleanliness, safety, accessibility and security factors
The Application of Sustainable Development Concept for Tourism Development in Indonesia
Tourism is a leading economic sector that generates the growth of world economy. Accelerating tourism development is one of the main priority of the government of Indonesia because tourism is expected to be one of the main sector to increase the GDP of Indonesia by generating jobs for millions of people that still live below the poverty line. The purpose of this article is to determine on how to implement the concept of sustainable development for tourism development in Indonesia effectively. Butler (1999) mentioned that to ensure the implementation of sustainable development in tourism, the concept must be accepted by all the stakeholders (Butler, 1999). How can the stakeholders accept the concept if they do not even understand the meaning of sustainable development in tourism? Before commencing the tourism development in an area, the concept of sustainable development in tourism must be introduced to all stakeholders. The next thing that has to be done by the government is to plan on how to socialize the concept of sustainable tourism development through education, campaign, and seminar. Further research needs to be conducted to identify how to introduce sustainable development concept in tourism through education in Indonesia
Competitiveness of Tourism Destinations: An Extended Criteria of Resource-Based View
This research aims to increase the tourism destination competitiveness for the city of Malang. This research uses the extended criteria of Resource-based View (RBV): VRIOLU (Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, Organization, Large Market, Unmet Need) to analyze tourism destination competitiveness for the city of Malang. A qualitative approach with a case study research design is adopted in this research. Data was collected using data triangulation, such as an in-depth interview with the informants, direct observation in the form of field notes, and picture documentation. The data was analyzed manually by the researchers using thematic analysis. In this research, VRIOLU, the extended criteria of RBV is proven that it can be used as a tool to analyze tourism destination competitiveness by giving the researchers a framework to get the answers from the informants to achieve the research aim. Suggestions to improve the tourism destination competitiveness for the city of Malang include: (1) Actively promoting the added value that can be given by the city of Malang to the visitors; (2) Forming a tourism board to manage the city of Malang as a tourism destination in a holistic manner; (3) Creating synergistic promotion between the stakeholders of tourism operator and governments
Construction of Tourism Competitiveness Model Based on a Case Study of the City of Malang
This research aims to construct a tourism destination model to improve tourism destination competitiveness for the city of Malang by exploring and understanding the condition of tourism destination competitiveness. Qualitative approach using case study based on the interpretivism research paradigms is used to collect and analyze the primary data namely: interview, observation, and photo documentation. This study builds a model to improve competitiveness of a tourism destination based on the results of the study. The model consist of three layers namely: the innermost layer or the core resources consist of unique characteristic of the city of Malang, middle layer is consist of tourism destination management, and the outer layer is the pull factors of tourism destination. Core Resources (Unique characteristics of the city of Malang) include: (1) Story telling; (2) The city of Malang as cultural melting pot; (3) Landscape; (4) Fresh air and cooling weather; (5) Geographical position and condition. The core resources serve as the core value or philosophy for tourism destination management especially in creating policy and strategy to increase tourism destination competitiveness
Pengaruh Komunikasi Dan Customer Service Terhadap Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan Ciliwungcamp
Ciliwungcamp merupakan salah satu perusahaan di Kota Malang yang berfokus pada penyediaan jasa, sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung aktivitas outdoor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komunikasi Customer service terhadap peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dimana data diperoleh dari responden yang telah mengunjungi Ciliwungcamp sebanyak 87 reponden, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ketika melakukan penelitian ini adalah kuesioner, serta teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan Customer service berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kepuaan pelanggan
Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis : dengan Pendekatan Aspek Keuangan dan Pasar
Buku ini membahas kinerja suatu perusahaan dilihat dari aspek keuangan, manajemen dan administrasi, serta operasional pasar sehingga dapat dianalisis secara spesifik level kinerjanya. Selain itu, buku ini juga membahas secara spesifik proses analisis suatu perusahaan sehingga dikatakan layak dalam menjalankan proses bisnis, melalui pendekatan kebijakan pemerintah atau perundang-undangan, yaitu Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dan Undang-Undang No. 33 Tahun 2004 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan dengan
Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah Perundangan. Hal tersebut berlaku jika suatu perusahaan berada di lingkup atau memiliki relationship dengan pemerintah daerah atau Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) yang menggunakan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD), Badan
Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang menggunakan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN), serta pelaku bisnis dengan perusahaan swasta yang didirikan secara mandiri atau perorangan dalam skala kecil, menengah, maupun besar
Tujuan dari penelitan ini adalah untuk membuat pola perjalanan wisata heritage, wisata budaya, wisata kuliner dan wisata Intangible serta aktivitas wisatawan pada daya tarik sehingga menghasilkan suatu rekomendasi untuk wisatawan yang berkunjung di Kota Malang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, variabel aktivitas ada dua jenis kegiatan meliputi aktivitas budaya dan minat khusus. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat indikator aktivitas wisatawan yaitu aktivitas budaya seperti melakukan kunjungan budaya ke kampung budaya, melakukan wisata kuliner dan melakukan wisata ke museum. Indikator aktivitas wisata minat khusus terdiri dari wisata heritage seperti melakukan perjalanan yang sudah disediakan oleh operator wisata lokal seperti mengunjungi bangunan / landmark bersejarah. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan kuesioner daring. dan wawancara.Sampel dilakukan dengan mencari responden yang memiliki usia 17-50 tahun dan pernah melakukan perjalanan wisata ke Kota Malang. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diperoleh bahwa pola perjalanan wisatawan yang menggunjungi kota Malang khususnya tempat tujuan wisata dengan pola perjalanan Base Site dan Chaining Loop. Bisa di lihat bahwa wisatwan memilih Base Site seperti menggunjungi bangunan bersejarah dan melakukan kunjungan ke tempat tujuan lainnya yang masih dalam kawasan yang sama.Pola perjalanan yang kedua adalah Chaining Loop yang mana wisatawan melakukan perjalanan memutar tanpa mengulangi rute yang sama, dan wisata yang dipilih oleh wisatawan yaitu wisata budaya, wisata kuliner dan wisata intangible,Ă‚Â seperti menggunjungi kampung budaya polowijen dan kampung heritage kayutangan atau menggunakan kuliner sebagai tempat tujuan yang akan mereka kunjungi seperti sate kelapa, sate gebug, lodeh hingga soto.Aktivitas wisatawan lebih melakukan aktivitas wisata budaya dan wisata minat khusus seperti menikmati kearifan local berupa kuliner dan berbaur dengan budaya yang berada di Masyarakat seperti belanja di pasar tradisional. Fakta menarik yang muncul adalah wisatawan lebih nyaman dan menikmati berada di kota Malang adalah perpaduan budaya dan urban tourism yang menjadi daya tarik.Kata Kunci: Pola Perjalanan, Aktivitas Wisatawan, Wisata Heritage, Wisata Budaya, Wisata Kuline