37 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pengembangan Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (PUPM) di Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    The problem of food price fluctuations due to the length of the distribution chain is a problem that the government and society must face in meeting consumption needs. The PUPM program is the government's effort to control the stability of supplies and prices of staple foods since 2016 by cutting the supply chain from 7-8 parties to 3-4 parties collaborating with Gapoktan/LUPM and Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) as marketing partners. This research aims to determine the evaluation of the implementation of the Community Food Enterprise Development (PUPM) program in Wonogiri Regency in terms of context, input, process, and product. Data collection instruments are in the form of questionnaires and documentation using observation, interview, note-taking, and literature study techniques. The subjects in this research were Gapoktan/LUPM and TTI members who took part in the PUPM program with a total of 32 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive data analysis with interactive models (reduction, display, and conclusion drawing/verification) and analytical data analysis with tabulation and scoring methods. From the data analysis, the results obtained from each component are that context obtained 65.63% including the high category, input obtained 43.75% including the medium/sufficient category, process obtained 56.25% including the high category, and product obtained 50% including the category high, then overall the implementation of the PUPM program is included in the high category and is quite effective in its implementation.Permasalahan gejolak harga pangan akibat panjangnya rantai distribusi menjadi permasalahan yang harus dihadapi pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi. Program PUPM adalah upaya pemerintah dalam mengendalikan dan menstabilitaskan pasokan pangan dan harga pangan pokok sejak tahun 2016 dengan cara memotong rantai pasok (supply chain) yang semula 7-8 pihak menjadi 3-4 pihak dengan menggandeng gapoktan/Lembaga Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (LUPM) dan Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) sebagai mitra pemasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui evaluasi pelaksanaan program Pengembangan Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (PUPM) di Kabupaten Wonogiri yang ditinjau dari segi context, input, process, dan product.  Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner dan dokumentasi dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, pencatatan, dan studi pustaka. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu anggota gapoktan/LUPM dan TTI yang ikut dalam program PUPM dengan jumlah 32 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis data deskriptif dengan model interaktif (reduction, display, dan conclusion drawing/verification) dan analisis data analitik dengan tabulasi dan metode skoring. Dari analisis data diperoleh  hasil  dari masing-masing komponen yaitu context memperoleh 65,63% termasuk kategori tinggi, input memperoleh 43,75% termasuk kategori sedang/cukup, process memperoleh 56,25% termasuk kategori tinggi, dan product memperoleh 50% termasuk kategori tinggi, maka secara keseluruhan pelaksanaan program PUPM termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dan cukup efektif dalam pelaksanaannya


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat keterlibatan konsumen, perbedaan antar merek jamu tradisional, dan tipe perilaku konsumen dalam proses pengambilan keputusan pembelian jamu tradisional di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Metode deskriptif analitis digunakan sebagai metode dasar penelitian. Teknik survei digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Pasar Jamu Nguter Sukoharjo dipilih secara purposive sebagai lokasi penelitian. Sebanyak 100 konsumen yang diambil sebagai responden secara purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis desain inventaris keterlibatan, analisis uji Anova satu arah, dan model tipe perilaku konsumen. Hasil penelitian diketahui konsumen memiliki tingkat keterlibatan yang tinggi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan pembelian. Perbedaan antar merek jamu tradisional di Kabupaten Sukoharjo adalah signifikan. Tipe perilaku konsumen jamu tradisional adalah perilaku pembelian kompleks. Konsumen melakukan pencarian informasi terkait jamu tradisional dan menilai terdapat perbedaan yang jelas dan nyata di antara merek-merek jamu tradisional.


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    The research ordering to analyze the greatest affecting of production factors to the production result in soybean farm in Sukoharjo Regency and to find out whether the farmer in Sukoharjo Regency had reached the highest economic efficiency. The main method of research was descriptive and the technique was by using survey. The research was conducted in Sukoharjo Regency. The research took 30 farmers as the sample. The samples are monoculture soybean farmer which selected by purpusive sampling. The result of the doubled-linier regression analysis performed that the production factors which gave the greatest affecting to the result of soybean production is large of land. The large of land has linier comparison effect to the production result of soybean and affected to the production result of soybean, means addition of production factor of seeds exactly will be bring increase the production result of soybean. Based on the maximum profit approach can be found out that the combination of the use of production factors in soybean farm in Sukoharjo Regency not yet optimal. It means that the soybean farm needs combination of increasing and or decreasing production factors to optimize the use of production factor

    The Purchase Decision to ABC Sauce in Kebumen Regency

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    This analysis on purchasing decisions for ABC sauce in Kebumen Regency has the aim of knowing the effect of brand image, characteristic products, and cost on purchasing decisions for ABC sauces. This study was conducted on consumers who consume ABC brand sauce products, are domiciled in Kebumen Regency, and have a minimum age of 20 years. The respondent of this study is 100 people and was collected by using purposive sampling. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and observation in the existing sub-districts. The analytical method used is SEM-PLS. The output of this analysis regarding the purchase decision of ABC sauce illustrates that the purchase decision of ABC sauce is not influenced by the brand image variable, but the purchase decision of ABC sauce in Kebumen Regency is influenced by the product quality and product price. ABC sauce producers must pay attention to the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions such as product quality and price. Indicators of product quality are the suitability of benefits with needs, a guarantee of safety, product features, and quality. Indicators of price are affordable prices, prices according to product quality, chili prices can compete with similar products, and according to the needs and abilities of consumers

    Coffee Business Development Strategy (Case Study at PT XYZ)

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    The coffee business especially in the coffee shop sector to be superior to the competition is something that must be carried out in a sustainable manner by PT XYZ. Realizing this goal, PT XYZ must formulate its business development strategy. This study aims to determine internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) which are used as the basis for formulating coffee shop business development strategies. The basic research method is descriptive with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), observation, documentation. Information was obtained through key informants who were determined purposively with the consideration of knowing the coffee shop business, namely directors, managers, supervisors, baristas, consumers, competitors, suppliers and coffee experts. Data analysis uses internal factor evaluation matrix, external factor evaluation, Grand Strategy matrix, SWOT matrix, and participatory prospective analysis. The results of the study show that the position of the grand strategy of PT XYZ is in quadrant I, which means that the strategy concentrates on market and product sustainability, product diversification, and aggressiveness. The main strategy prioritized based on the driving strategy is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of departmental performance and improve the quality of human resources


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    This study aimed to map the condition of food insecurity in Bojonegoro region of Bojonegoro. The research design was exploratory research, which was conducted in Bojonegoro. The data used were secondary data issued by the Food Security Agency in Bojonegoro District . The retrieving method of research location was purposively where Bojonegoro suffered flooding almost every year. The result showed that based on the results of the analysis of FNS (Food and Nutrition Awareness System) in the classifi-cation of food security mapping in Bojonegoro showed that out of 28 districts just as much as 9 districts which were yellow, while 19 districts were shown in green. A total of nine districts that had a yellowfood security map showed that the area was not good conditions for food security which included sub Ngraho, Sekar, Gondang, Ngasem, Kepohbaru, Baureno, Sumberejo, Balen and Malo. From 19 districts that constituted the general overview of Bojonegoro indicated that food security conditions of the area was good. Keywords: mapping, food insecurity, region, food securit


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    Indonesia is recognized as one of the world's leading cinnamon producers, boasting competitive capabilities in the global cinnamon trade. Despite a decline in export volume, the value and export prices of Indonesian cinnamon tend to increase. Therefore, this study aims to comparatively analyze the market structure and export competitiveness of Indonesian cinnamon in international trade using secondary data. To evaluate the market structure, several analysis methods are used including the Concentration Ratio (CR4), Herfindahl Index (HI), Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), and Trade Specialization Index (TSI). This results shows that the cinnamon market in international trade can be characterized as an oligopolistic competitive market with a notable level of concentration. Indonesian cinnamon shows both comparative and competitive advantages in the global market, occupying a Rising Star position in the United States, a Falling Star position in India, a Lost Opportunity position in Vietnam, and a Retreat position in the Netherlands and German markets respectively. Indonesian cinnamon is in the maturity stage with an average TSI value of 0.90, and Indonesia tends to be an exporting country. In terms of market potential, the United States emerges as the most promising market for developing Indonesian cinnamon, with considerable opportunities also present in the Indian and Vietnamese markets. Conversely, the Netherlands and German markets show comparatively less potential for growth and development. The study recommends that efforts to increase the volume of Indonesian cinnamon exports should be focused on increasing domestic cinnamon production both in terms of quality and quantity


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    Penelitian dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekuitas merek minyak goreng bimoli terhadap keputusan pembelian di Kota Surakarta. Ekuitas merek terdiri dari asosiasi merek, persepsi kualitas, kesadaran merek, dan loyalitas merek. Penelitian  menggunakan metode kausal komparatif sebagai metode dasar. Kota Surakarta dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian secara purposive. Metode penentuan responden penelitian secara accidental sampling, yaitu pada saat responden membeli minyak goreng. Total responden yang diambil sebagai sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) melalui pendekatan Partial Least Square. Software yang digunakan adalah smartPLS 4.0. Uji instrument diketahui terdapat satu indikator yang tidak valid dan harus dieliminasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi model pengukuran menunjukkan setiap indikator diketahui valid dan reliabel terhadap uji validitas konvergen, validitas dikriminan, dan uji reliabilitas. Sedangkan hasil evaluasi model struktural menunjukkan persepsi kualitas dan asosiasi merek merek memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pembelian minyak goreng bimoli di Kota Surakarta. Variabel persepsi kualitas mempunyai pengaruh terbesar sedangkan variabel kesadaran merek dan loyalitas merek tidak berpengaruh signifikan

    The Purchase Decision to ABC Sauce in Kebumen Regency

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    This analysis on purchasing decisions for ABC sauce in Kebumen Regency has the aim of knowing the effect of brand image, characteristic products, and cost on purchasing decisions for ABC sauces. This study was conducted on consumers who consume ABC brand sauce products, are domiciled in Kebumen Regency, and have a minimum age of 20 years. The respondent of this study is 100 people and was collected by using purposive sampling. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and observation in the existing sub-districts. The analytical method used is SEM-PLS. The output of this analysis regarding the purchase decision of ABC sauce illustrates that the purchase decision of ABC sauce is not influenced by the brand image variable, but the purchase decision of ABC sauce in Kebumen Regency is influenced by the product quality and product price. ABC sauce producers must pay attention to the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions such as product quality and price. Indicators of product quality are the suitability of benefits with needs, a guarantee of safety, product features, and quality. Indicators of price are affordable prices, prices according to product quality, chili prices can compete with similar products, and according to the needs and abilities of consumers