22,156 research outputs found

    The Triangular Love Representation of Edward Cullen Character in Breaking Dawn Part I Movie

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    Breaking Dawn Part I is an American romantic movie which shows the love relationship between a human, vampire, and werewolf. This research paper discusses about the character of Edward Cullen on showing his affection toward his beloved one and the kind of love of the main couple of the movie. The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the extrinsic aspect of the movie. I used two methods in analyzing the extrinsic aspect. Qualitative method is used to collect the data of this paper. In analyzing the character of the movie, I used psychological approach. This paper used Triangular Theory of Love by Robert J. Sternberg to analyze the character. Based on the theory, love has three components which are intimacy, passion, and commitment. The finding of this research paper is the type of love of the main couple that is consummate love. The love relationship between Edward and Bella has all the three components of love. It depicts the complete components of love in the movie. Keywords: triangular theory of love, intimacy, passion, commitment

    Análisis del desempeño financiero de la organización de gestión de Zakat en Indonesia

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    This study aimed to analyze the financial performance of zakat management organizations. Sample in the measurement of internet reporting application is Zakat Management Organization website registered in Directorate General of Taxation Regulation No. PER-15 / PJ / 2012. This research uses purposive sampling that can access the financial report completely. The method of research analysis used is a content analysis and performance measurement of the prime part of financial performance issued by Indonesia Magnificence of Zakat (IMZ) in Indonesia Zakat Development Report (IZDR) 2011. The assessment of financial performance, in general, is considered quite good.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el desempeño financiero de las organizaciones de gestión de zakat. La muestra de la aplicación de medición de informes de Internet es el sitio web de la Organización de Gestión de Zakat registrado en la Dirección General de Regulación Fiscal No. PER-15 / PJ / 2012. Esta investigación utiliza un muestreo intencional que puede acceder al informe financiero por completo. El método de análisis de investigación utilizado es un análisis de contenido y medición del desempeño de la parte principal del desempeño financiero emitido por Indonesia Magnificence of Zakat (IMZ) en Indonesia Zakat Development Report (IZDR) 2011. La evaluación del desempeño financiero, en general, se considera Bastante bien


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    This paper aims to investigate the existence of traditional music like “tarling” as a means of maintaining indigenous Javanese language at Northern Coast areas (“Pantai Utara” or “Pantura” for short)in the Provinces of West Java and Central Java. The word ‘tarling’ itself stands for guitar and suling—a traditional flute made of bamboo. This kind of music is commonly heard by communities who live in Indramayu and Cirebon (located in the Province of West Java) and those ones in Brebes, Tegal and Slawi (located in the Province of Central Java)People living in those areas get used to communicating in Javanese language with typically strong accent or dialect which other Javanese speakers at the Eastern area—such as: in Semarang, Solo, and Yogyakarta—call it basa ngapak. The way they communicate in Javanese with basa ngapak is assumed rather rude and impolite even though the assumption cannot be truly generalized. In addition, speaking Javanese with basa ngapak has formed the people of the communities to be proud of their self identity because their Javanese language speaking is unique. While listening to the music and trying to understand the lyrics of the songs, there are some moral values that show how to well behave and interact in social life. It proves that tarling maintains and supports local wisdom through music since music has become a universal means to deliver someone’s intention

    The English teaching methods for the 4th grade students in SDN 03 Pendem, Mojogedang

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    This final project report studies about the English teaching methods applied in 4th grade of SDN 03 Pendem, Mojogedang. The writer wants to know The English teaching methods and tries to find the appropriate method to create a possible environment for students getting good lesson. In collecting the data the writer had interviewed the Headmaster, the teacher and the students. The result from the analysis the English teaching method applied in 4th grade of SDN 03 Pendem, Mojogedang has still a number of problems during the teaching, not only from the teachers but also from the students. The writer chose Direct method and Communicative method to encourage students to use English in daily conversation. As a result, those methods are very good to teach English. Based on the description above, the writer wants to give suggestion to SDN 03 Pendem, Mojogedang. To support the students in learning, it will be better if the teacher has good method to teach English ABSTRAK Tugas Akhir ini mempelajari tentang Metode Pengajaran yang diterapkan di kelas 4 di SD N 03 Pendem, Mojogedang. Penulis ingin mengetahui metode-metode dan mencoba mencari metode yang tepat untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang memungkinkan bagi siswa untuk mendapatkan pelajaran yang baik. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis mewawancarai Kepala Sekolah, Guru dan para siswa. Hasil dari analis metode pengajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi kelas yang diterapkan di SD N 03 Pendem, Mojogedang masih ada beberapa masalah selama mengajar, tidak hanya dari Guru tetapi juga dari para Siswa. Penulis memilih “Metode Langsung” dan “Metode Pendekatan secara Komunikasi” untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Sebagai hasilnya, metode-metode tersebut sangat bagus dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas, penulis ingin memberikan Saran bagi SD N 03 Pendem, Mojogedang. Untuk mendukung para siswa dalam mengajar, hal ini akan lebih baik apabila Guru mempunyai metode yang baik dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris

    Effect of Growing Season on Growth and Relation of Height and Above Ground Biomass of Avicennia Marina

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    Relation of height of seedling stands and above ground biomass is an important indicator of successful stand establishment and effectivity of carbon cycle which requires further study. This research aimed to study the growth level of Avicennia marina seedling planted in dry season and rainy season and to analyze the relation of mangrove stand height to above ground biomass of seedling for each season. This research was conducted through field experiment involving grouped random design including group of seedling plantation in dry season and rainy season with 40 replication for each group and 6 months of experiment period. Data collection including stand height above ground biomass, followed by data analysis on the relation of seedling height and above ground biomass. The result showed that the growth of mangrove stand planted in rainy season was better than those planted on dry season. Average height of mangrove Avicennia marina stand planted in dry season was 30,5 ± 7,3 cm while stand height of mangrove planted in rainy season was 42,7 ± 11,4 cm. Above ground biomass data showed the average of 4,1 ± 1,8 gr in the dry season treatment group and 6,6 ± 2,5 gr in the rainy season treatment group. Regression analysis on the relation of stand height and above ground biomass of Avicennia marina seedling showed that the above ground biomass was significantly affected by stand height both for dry season and rainy season treatments. But, there was a difference on the determination index and the coefficient of the effect on each treatment groups. The relation of stand height and above ground biomass was Y = 0.1871 X0.8832 with R2 = 0.2802 for the dry season group and Y = 0.0506 X1.2892 with R2 = 0.743 for the rainy season group.

    Hubungan Powerfull Repetitive Motions dengan Kejadian Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pada Penumbuk Wijen di Wilayah Soko Bogor, Kecamatan Cawas, Kabupaten Klaten

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    Kasus Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS)terbesar terjadi pada pekerjaan yang melibatkan tugas dengan kombinasi gerakan repetitif dengan kekuatan otot, contohnya adalah penumbuk wijen. Di Indonesia kasus CTS tidak dilaporkan secara pasti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan powerfull repetitive motions dengan kejadian CTS pada pekerja penumbuk wijen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan menggunakan metode survey dan pendekatan cross sectional study . Jumlah populasi adalah 55 orang. Hasil penelitian adalah 60% penumbuk wijen di Soko Bogor, Cawas, Klaten menderita CTS. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara gerakan repetitif dengan kejadian CTS dengan p value 0,002, tingkat kepercayan 95% dan ada hubungan antara kekuatan otot tangan dengan kejadian CTS dengan p value 0,002, tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Sarannya bagi penumbuk wijen agar memilih palu dengan berat maksimal 5 kg, memilih tekstur pegangan palu yang tidak licin, istirahat singkat selama 3-5 menit setiap kali 2 siklus kerja sedangakan untuk puskesmas setempat dengan cara mengembangkan upaya promotif dan preventif terhadap penangganan kasus CTS pada penumbuk wijen. The highest rates of carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS occur in occupations ang job tasks with combinations between highly repetitive work and force-for example in wijen seed pounders. There's no national report on CTS in Indonesia. this research wanted to know the association between powerfull repetitive motions and CTS among wijen seed pounders in Soko Bogor, Cawas, Klaten. The method of this research was analysis with used survey method and cross sectional study. The total populations were 55 as there's pounders. the result of this research were 60% wujen seed pounders had suffered CTS. there was have assiciation between repetitive motions and CTS, a statistically significant trend p value 0,002, confidence level 95%. there was association hand muscles force and CTS, a statistically significant 0.002, confidence level 95%. the suggestion for wijen seed pounders are in order to choose the hammer have weight's 5 kg for maximum weight, to selected the handle hammer have surface texture is coarse, have short rest during 3-5 minites every two cycle work, for puskesmas in there to develope promotive and preventive programme to prevent CTS case wijen seed pounders in Soko Bogor, Cawas, Klaten Kata Kunci: powerfull repetitive motions, carpal tunnel syndrome , penumbuk wijen powerfull repetitive motions, carpal tunnel syndrome, wijen seed pounder

    Pencegahan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Melalui Perjanjian Perkawinan (Tinjauan Hukum Islam)

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    The aggrement of marriage can be used as a legal instrument prevention of household violence. Payload contents in a marital agreement in the form of protection against violence carried out both from the husband to the wife to the husband or wife. The study belong to library research. More specifically, the type of research was also called normative legal research within the framework of prescriptive Islamic law by using approaches law (statue approach), the conceptual approach (conceptual approach), and analytical approach (analytical approach), using the method of data collection descriptive and deductive. The results of the study concluded that: Covenant marriage of a preventive nature has legitimate power, because it made notaril by the competent authority (notary) and legal certainty for married couples to refrain from domestic violence and to husbands and wives can exercise their rights and obligations in household well. The marriage covenant can be used also as a condition of lawful that must exist in marriage to provide legal protection in concrete terms with a form of protection and certainty in guaranteeing the rights and duties of husband and wife in order to realize the objectives of households that sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah as an objective