2,610 research outputs found

    Pencegahan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Melalui Perjanjian Perkawinan (Tinjauan Hukum Islam)

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    The aggrement of marriage can be used as a legal instrument prevention of household violence. Payload contents in a marital agreement in the form of protection against violence carried out both from the husband to the wife to the husband or wife. The study belong to library research. More specifically, the type of research was also called normative legal research within the framework of prescriptive Islamic law by using approaches law (statue approach), the conceptual approach (conceptual approach), and analytical approach (analytical approach), using the method of data collection descriptive and deductive. The results of the study concluded that: Covenant marriage of a preventive nature has legitimate power, because it made notaril by the competent authority (notary) and legal certainty for married couples to refrain from domestic violence and to husbands and wives can exercise their rights and obligations in household well. The marriage covenant can be used also as a condition of lawful that must exist in marriage to provide legal protection in concrete terms with a form of protection and certainty in guaranteeing the rights and duties of husband and wife in order to realize the objectives of households that sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah as an objective

    تصميم اختبار اللغة العربية كاللغة الأجنبية

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    الملخّص: التقويم هو جزء هام في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية. تلعب الإختبارات دورا هاما في التعليم.فإن الإختبار الجيد أساسي للتعليم الجيد و التعلم الجيد. واختبار اللغة العربية قادر علي تصوير العيوبات و المزايا من برنامج تعليم اللغة العربية. والطلاب يقدرون ان يعرفوا مستوي قدرتهم و امتصاصهم لمواد تعليم اللغة. التوفل هو أحد الاختبارات القياسية الموحدة المتعلقة بقياسالقدرات اللغوية فى اللغة الإنجليزية. و هذا الإختبار يتكون من السؤال لفهم المسموع و السؤال لفهم المقروء و السؤال للتراكيب. و هذا الإختبار يقوم للعالم. و اما في اختبار اللغة العربية لم يوجد الإختبار كمثل التوفل الذي يقوم للعالم. و تقصد هذه الرسالة بتصميم الإختبار بمثل اختبار التوفل

    Pengaruh Penerapan Peran Komite Audit, Peran Dewan Pengawas Syariah, dan Efektivitas Pengendalian Intern Atas Pelaporan Keuangan terhadap Kualitas Pelaporan Keuangan (Studi Empiris pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia)

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    This study examines the effect of audit committee role, shari’a supervisory board role, and internal control over financial reporting effectiveness, on financial reporting quality. The data is taken by questionnaire from 173 employees (group head, division head, and internal auditor), audit committee members, and shari’a supervisory board members of 33 Islamic banking in Indonesian. Research results that used path analysis, show that a positive correlation exists between audit committee role, shari’a supervisory board role, and internal control over financial reporting effectiveness. There is strongest relationship between shari’a supervisory board role with internal control over financial reporting effectiveness. Furthermore, audit committee role, shari’a supervisory board role, and internal control over financial reporting effectiveness influence financial reporting quality simultaneously. Partially audit committee role, and internal control over financial reporting effectiveness influence financial reporting quality, but statistically shari’a supervisory board role was not significant

    Networks and Knowledge at the Interface Governing the Coast of East Kalimantan

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    The thesis explores the actual processes of interaction between global and local actors regarding marine conservation and aquaculture development. The objective of the thesis is to analyse the collaboration, friction, and the cultural-historical, social, political, and economic contestations of the value and meaning of conservation from the perspectives of the district governmental agencies, the district head, local entrepreneurs and industry, and the International NGO. Concentrating on the dynamics of this global-local interface this thesis adds to existing literature because it helps us to understand why global environmental networks often face contention and even fail to be effective in their attempts to implement regulations or standards for a more sustainable production of coastal resources. The data were gathered during long-term anthropological fieldwork combining a political-ecology approach with environmental anthropology

    Pengaruh Konseling terhadap Motivasi Ibu Melakukan Perawatan Metode Kangguru pada Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah

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    Hasil survei demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia angka kematian bayi sebesar 34/1000 kelahiran hidup, jauh dari sasaran MDGs (23/1000 kelahiran hidup). Penyebab utama kematian bayi adalah asfiksia, bayi prematur, BBLR dan infeksi. Angka kematian bayi di RSUD Soreang sebesar 14,76%, salah satu upaya menurunkan angka kematian bayi diantaranya dengan Perawatan Metode Kangguru (PMK). Penelitian tahun 2015 ini bertujuan menge-tahui perbedaan motivasi ibu melakukan PMK pada BBLR antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan one group pretest and posttest design, dilakukan terhadap 32 sampel ibu dengan bayi BBLR. Uji statistik menggunakan paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian pada pretest maupun posttest sebesar 62,5% mempunyai motivasi tinggi. Ada perbedaan rata-rata nilai motivasi ibu antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling dengan thitung = 10,268 ( >dari t tabel = 2,042; nila p = 0,0001). Sosialisasi PMK kepada ibu yang mempunyai BBLR dan anggota keluarga berperan penting dalam mendukung pelaksanaan PM. Result of Indonesia demography and health survey, infant mortality rate is 34/1,000 live births, highest from the MDGs target (23/1,000 live births). The main causes of infant mortality are asphyxia, premature, low birth weight and infection. The infant mortality rate in hospitals Soreang amounted 14.76%, one of the efforts to reduce infant mortality among the treatment with kangaroo methode. The research in 2015 aimed to determine differences in maternal motivation of kanggoroo carein LBW between before and after counseling. The research design uses one group pretest and posttest design, carried out on 32 samples of mothers with LBW babies. Statistical test using a paired sample t-test. Results of research on the pretest and posttest 62.5% have high motivation. There are differences in the average value of maternal motivation between before and after counseling with Score T= 10.268 (> of T table = 2.042; p value = 0.0001). Socialization kanggoroo care to mothers with LBW and family members play an important role in supporting the implementation kanggoroo care

    Determinan Kepuasan Kerja dan Implikasinya terhadap Komitmen Organisasi (Studi pada Karyawan Biro Perjalanan Wisata di Kota Palembang)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of leadership, motivation and organizational climate on job satisfaction and employee commitment. Sampling was done by proportionate random sampling. The sample in this study were employees of a travel agency as a member ASITA in South Sumatra consist of 185 people. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis using SPSS software for Windows version 19. The results showed that the leadership, motivation, organizational climate have significant effect on job satisfaction. There is no significant effect leadership on job satisfaction. There is no significant effect work motivation on job satisfaction. There is significant effect organizational climate on job satisfaction. There is significant effect leadership, motivation, organizational climate, job satisfaction on organizational commitment. There is significant effect leadership on organizational commitment. There is significant effect work motivation on organizational commitment. There is no significant effect organizational climate on organizational commitment. Based on the results of the study manager of a travel agent should be increase level of employee satisfaction by providing better motivation, attention to the working environment more comfortable and conducive and awards both financially and non-financially so that employees are more committed to the compan

    Analisis Penempatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Pekanbaru

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    Placement of the right employees are the way to optimize the capabilities, skills to the job performance of employees, it is an evolution of employee future directed to place employees in positions appropriate to their rules and their qualifications, but in reality there are still some institutions, especially government that ignores those principles. Employees are very important and key to any organization because employees determine the realization of the objectives of the organization, so that the objective will be easily achieved if the employee is placed at a position corresponding to the competency. The purpose of this study was to determine the placement of Analysis of Civil Servants at the Regional Employment Board Pekanbaru city and to determine the factor that influence it. The concept of the theory is used the staffing proposed by siagian three promotions, and demotions over the task. This study is using current methods of qualitative research with an assessment of descriptive data. In data collection the author uses interview, observation and documentation. By using key informants as source of information and triangulation techniques as source of data validity. The results of research by the author that the Placement Analyze On Civil Servants Personnel Board in Pekanbaru, placement is done as in the Regional Employment Board of Pekanbaru most positions occupied by most employees are not in accordance with the educational background. In addition, factors are affecting the Regional Employment Board of Pekanbaru is the employees placement who are still influenced elements are not objective, the proximity of families and certain groups. This study is focused on the placement of employees on the basis of expected employees more motivated and passion in order to gain new positions and tasks through a system of career coaching orderly and healthy to realize an apparatus and accountable government organization and quality