4,052 research outputs found

    Spoken Thesaurus: Sorrow

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    The Hindi Thesaurus addresses such questions in a series of lively, unscripted Hindi-medium conversations about groups of words of related meaning. Concentrating on selected mainstream words and phrases, we help you to broaden your active vocabulary by encountering styles of language appropriate for everyday speech. The conversations are between Rupert Snell (Hindi teacher and perpetual Hindi learner) and Neha Ladha (mother-tongue speaker of Hindi). Glossaries for each podcast can be read online or downloaded in PDF format. (Length: 7:49)Asian Studie

    Pengaruh Rekrutmen dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Pengawasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Moderating pada PT. Titian Abadi Lestari

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang ”Pengaruh rekrutmen dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan pengawasan kerja sebagai variabel moderating pada PT. Titian Abadi Lestari”. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah kinerja karyawan. Variabel independennya adalah rekrutmen dan kompensasi. Serta varibel moderating dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengawasan kerja. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan atau sebanyak 70 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji kelayakan data, uji hipotesis dan uji variabel moderasi. Hasil penelitian uji kelayakan data membuktikan bahwa kuesioner valid dan reliabel. Sedangkan uji hipotesis secara parsial dan simultan membuktikan bahwa rekrutmen dan kompensasi secara bersama - sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Hasil uji variabel moderasi membuktikan bahwa pengawasan kerja merupakan pure moderating dikarenakan hasil pengaruh Z terhadap Y pada output pertama dan pengaruh interaksi Z*X1 pada output kedua, salah satunya signifikan. Sehingga pengawasan kerja memoderasi pengaruh rekrutmen dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan

    Stochastic modeling of soil salinity

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    A minimalist stochastic model of primary soil salinity is proposed, in which the rate of soil salinization is determined by the balance between dry and wet salt deposition and the intermittent leaching events caused by rainfall events. The long term probability density functions of salt mass and concentration are found by reducing the coupled soil moisture and salt mass balance equation to a single stochastic differential equation driven by multiplicative Poisson noise. The novel analytical solutions provide insight on the interplay of the main soil, plant and climate parameters responsible for long-term soil salinization. In particular, they show the existence of two distinct regimes, one where the mean salt mass remains nearly constant (or decreases) with increasing rainfall frequency, and another where mean salt content increases markedly with increasing rainfall frequency. As a result, relatively small reductions of rainfall in drier climates may entail dramatic shifts in long-term soil salinization trends, with significant consequences e.g. for climate change impacts on rain-fed agricultur

    Local regulation of the siting of community residential facilities for the mentally disabled

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    Cellular Models for River Networks

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    A cellular model introduced for the evolution of the fluvial landscape is revisited using extensive numerical and scaling analyses. The basic network shapes and their recurrence especially in the aggregation structure are then addressed. The roles of boundary and initial conditions are carefully analyzed as well as the key effect of quenched disorder embedded in random pinning of the landscape surface. It is found that the above features strongly affect the scaling behavior of key morphological quantities. In particular, we conclude that randomly pinned regions (whose structural disorder bears much physical meaning mimicking uneven landscape-forming rainfall events, geological diversity or heterogeneity in surficial properties like vegetation, soil cover or type) play a key role for the robust emergence of aggregation patterns bearing much resemblance to real river networks.Comment: 7 pages, revtex style, 14 figure

    Hemofiltration in sepsis: where do we go from here?

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    Hemofiltration as an adjunct to therapy for sepsis is now 10 years old. Despite early successes and significant theoretical advantages, the treatment remains experimental. Although feasibility has been established, efficacy has proved to be much more difficult. Clinical as well as technical difficulties remain important considerations to future studies. These issues are discussed and the brief history of hemofiltration in sepsis is reviewed

    A novel bacterial l-arginine sensor controlling c-di-GMP levels in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Nutrients such as amino acids play key roles in shaping the metabolism of microorganisms in natural environments and in host–pathogen interactions. Beyond taking part to cellular metabolism and to protein synthesis, amino acids are also signaling molecules able to influence group behavior in microorganisms, such as biofilm formation. This lifestyle switch involves complex metabolic reprogramming controlled by local variation of the second messenger 3â€Č, 5â€Č-cyclic diguanylic acid (c-di-GMP). The intracellular levels of this dinucleotide are finely tuned by the opposite activity of dedicated diguanylate cyclases (GGDEF signature) and phosphodiesterases (EAL and HD-GYP signatures), which are usually allosterically controlled by a plethora of environmental and metabolic clues. Among the genes putatively involved in controlling c-di-GMP levels in P. aeruginosa, we found that the multidomain transmembrane protein PA0575, bearing the tandem signature GGDEF-EAL, is an l-arginine sensor able to hydrolyse c-di-GMP. Here, we investigate the basis of arginine recognition by integrating bioinformatics, molecular biophysics and microbiology. Although the role of nutrients such as l-arginine in controlling the cellular fate in P. aeruginosa (including biofilm, pathogenicity and virulence) is already well established, we identified the first l-arginine sensor able to link environment sensing, c-di-GMP signaling and biofilm formation in this bacterium
