290 research outputs found


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    Pilkada selalu menyisakan banyak cerita yang wajib diteliti secara ilmiah. Salah satunya adalah adanya beberapa dugaan pelanggaran berupa fitnah, pencemaran nama baik, atau hasutan. Dalam istilah pilkada, politisi menyebutnya sebagai kampanye hitam dan kampanye negatif. Di Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur, Bawaslu menerima dua laporan dari masyarakat tentang dugaan pelanggaran kampanye. Kasus tersebut terdiri atas satu gambar bertuliskan amit-amit pilih Neni, cukup 1 periode dan satu video berdurasi satu menit. Linguistik forensik menjadi alat bantu penegak hukum untuk menentukan kasus tersebut. Keterangan linguis digunakan oleh penegak hukum dalam menarik keputusan akhir; bahwa apakah kasus tersebut termasuk pelanggaran atau hanya peristiwa kebahasaan biasa. Hasilnya, pelaporan pada kasus pertama  termasuk penghasutan dan ajakan kepada masyarakat untuk tidak memilih nama pasangan calon yang dituliskan namanya, tetapi tidak melanggar undangundang pilkada tentang kampanye. Sedangkan, kasus pada video yang diduga fitnah tidak termasuk pelanggaran karena ketidakjelasan konteks waktu dan tempat serta nama dalam video terseb

    Indoctrinating Muslim Youths: Seeking Certainty Through An-Nabhanism

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    This article discusses the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia’s (HTI) mechanism and medium of indoctrination as well as their impact on young Muslims’ mind and behaviour. It argues that intensive halqa in HTI plays a crucial role in implanting An-Nabhani’s doctrines into prospective members as well as senior ones so that they can maintain their ideological uniformity and dedication to HTI. In such a traditional medium of teaching, members are not encouraged to use critical thinking but to adopt and implement the HT doctrines correctly as guided by one supervisor (mushrif/mushrifa). Furthermore, the article argues that Muslim youth, especially disaffected ones, are more vulnerable to join HTI since they are at the stage of seeking personal empowerment and identity, social bonds, and channels to express their discontent with life. It is the intersection of these aspects that make young educated people become re-born Muslims who find a ‘total’ Islamic identity and certainty in HTI.[Artikel ini membahas mekanisme dan medium indoktrinasi yang dilakukan Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) serta implikasinya terhadap cara pandang dan perilaku kalangan muda Muslim. Kegiatan h} alqa yang dilaksanakan berperan besar dalam menanamkan doktrin-doktrin An-Nabhani, baik terhadap calon anggota maupun kalangan senior. H{alqa merupakan cara efektif untuk mempertahankan keseragaman ideologi di kalangan mereka dan menumbuhkan kesetiaan terhadap HTI. Dalam h}alqa, peserta sama sekali tidak didorong –untuk tidak menyebut dilarang- berpikir kritis, melainkan dibuat agar mau mengadopsi dan menerapkan doktrin Hizbut Tahrir (HT) seperti diajarkan mushrif/mushrifa. Ditengarai bahwa kalangan muda Muslim, utamanya yang sedang dalam masa labil, lebih berpotensi untuk direkrut bergabung dalam HTI. Hal itu karena mereka sedang dalam masa trasisi guna memenukan identitas dan ikatan-ikatan sosial serta cara/metode dalam mengekspresikan kekecewaan mereka terhadap persoalan-persoalan duniawi. Pertemuan semua kegalauan tersebut pada gilirannya menjadikan kalangan terdidik muda Muslim menjadi ‘terlahir kembali’, mereka merasa menemukan identitas ‘Islam-kaffah’ dan kepastian dalam HTI.

    Islam and Jihad: the Quest for Peace and Tolerance

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    The topic of the writing is Islam and Jihad.  The main focuses of this writing is how the concept of “Jihad” understood by the West, which is labeled as “Radical Islamist” on the base of the action of the radical Islamic groups, while Islam undermines tolerance and peace? The methodology of this writing is descriptive analyzes of the concept of Islam and jihad. It found that the idea of jihad has multiple meanings in Islam which is not confined to holy war. It is lesser jihad which is considered as holy war. However, holy war in Islam does not refer to military aggression as understood within the Christian tradition. The values of peace and tolerance are emphasized as Islam is very concerned with the sanctity of human life, justice and humanity. In addition, the history of Islam has shown that in the classical era Muslims could coexist with non-Muslims in harmony and peace. It is clear that Islam is deeply concerned with peace and tolerance such as Silm, assalamu alaikum etc. Jihad has been misunderstood and distorted in the west and among Muslim radicals as it tends to be associated with Muslim aggression, holy war, violence, and terrorism

    MAJELIS SHALAWAT: Dari Genealogi Suci, Media Baru, hingga Musikalitas Religi

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    Some da'i/mubaligh/celebrity preachers began to emerge in Indonesia with their own distinctive style and approach. This study assumes that habaib, gus, celebrity preachers rely more on entertainment performance than oratorical competence in attracting members of the congregation (followers). The results of this study show that (1) majelis shalawat has utilized new media and technology through the internet for self-promotion; (2) the promotional power possessed by the majelis shalawat is also supported by its leaders who generally have the sacred genealogy of the Hadramaut or Walisongo; (3) Shalawat practice is carried out by combining the dimensions of spirituality and musicality so that it can attract the attention of millennial youth in urban and rural areas


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    Ilmu Ushuluddin dan Issue Strategis di Aceh

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    Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) forecloses the intellectual attention and scientific challenges that are able to provide a positive solution in dynamic changes. Islamic application law on ”dejure and defacto” as well as challenges that actually require the application of thought in law that is more dynamic and solution adaptiveresponding to the up to date issues, and in turn there will be the suit to the existence and provide the chance of theology and challenges of dynamic changing of how it should be in the development og theology. The faculty of theology can be a strategic role as a cornerstone institution development is surrounded by the researchers qualified as the agent of change to the human life