50 research outputs found
The hexagonal versus the square lattice
We establish Schmutz Schaller's conjecture that the hexagonal lattice is
`better' than the square lattice.
Schmutz Schaller (Bulletin of the AMS 35 (1998), p. 201), motivated by
considerations from hyperbolic geometry, conjectured that in dimensions 2 to 8
the best known lattice sphere packings have `maximal lengths' and goes on to
write: "In dimension 2 the conjecture means in particular that the hexagonal
lattice is `better' than the square lattice. More precisely, let 0<h_1<h_2<...
be the positive integers, listed in ascending order, which can be written as
h_i=x^2+3y^2 for integers x and y. Let 0<q_1<q_2<... be the positive integers,
listed in ascending order, which can be written as q_i=x^2+y^2 for integers x
and y. Then the conjecture is that q_i<=h_i for i=1,2,3,..."
Our proof requires computational prime number theory in combination with
methods from a preprint of the first author (to appear in Math. Comp.),
arXiv:math.NT/0112100.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 2 table
Average prime-pair counting formula
Taking , let denote the number of prime pairs with . The prime-pair conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood (1923) asserts that with an explicit constant . There seems to be no good conjecture for the remainders \om_{2r}(x)=\pi_{2r(x)-2C_{2r}\,{\rm li}_2(x) that corresponds to Riemann's formula for . However, there is a heuristic approximate formula for averages of the remainders \om_{2r}(x) which is supported by numerical results
On some conjectural inequalities and their consequences
We discuss some conjectural inequalities involving the sums sig_n(s) := 1^s + 2^s + ... + n^s. Two of our Conjectures assert that both a(s):=sig_(n+1)(s)/sig_n(s) and a(s)*sig_(n+1)(s)/sig_(n+2)(s) are strictly log-convex in s on all of the real axis. We will also present a common generalization of these two Conjectures. Various applications are described, to existing theorems as well as to some other unproven conjecture