129 research outputs found
Study on the Current Performance of Piping and Structure Coatings in Oil and Gas Field
The objective of this project is to investigate the performance of the current piping and structure coatings (outer surface) in oil and gas field. The experimental works including metallography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cathodic disbondment test, and pull-off adhesion test described the real performance of the coatings
The detrimental effects of dirty energy, foreign investment, and corruption on environmental quality: New evidence from Indonesia
The alarming trend of CO2 emissions in Indonesia merits a reinvestigation into the determinants in a bid to conserve the environment. In the literature, in Indonesia, three potential determinants, namely, energy, foreign direct investment, and corruption, have been identified to harm the environment. However, their effects are still undetermined. Thus, this study aims to examine the relationships between corruption (COR), energy use (ENY), foreign direct investment (FDI), and CO2 emissions in Indonesia. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach was used to analyse data for 36 years, from 1984 to 2020. The results reveal that corruption contributes to greater environmental degradation in the short run, while foreign direct investment does not. However, in the long run, corruption and energy use can positively affect environmental degradation, but foreign direct investment can reduce environmental degradation in Indonesia. This study also found two other factors, namely, economic growth and urbanisation, which can affect the environment with mixed findings. These findings are indispensable for policy formulation in Indonesia as Indonesia is a rapidly developing country that depends on good environmental quality to ensure future growth and sustainable development
Social networking sites in cyberspace community in Malaysia / Abdul Rauf Ridzuan…[et.al]
This study is done in order to find the level of social networking sites among multiethnic users in Malaysia. Social networking sites are chosen as they bring many benefits to the users. This study used social capital theory as foundations theories for model development. The minimum sample size was determined through G⃰Power analysis. The study involved 482 respondents, selected through a cluster sampling technique involving three main ethnics in Malaysia. A cross sectional survey and structured questionnaire were used for data collection. All variables were measured through scales previously used by other researchers. SPSSS ver. 20 software was used in the analysis. Results of the SPSS indicated that the level of SNS, three out of four factors namely quality, intimacy, and interaction in SNS show very high level
Study on the Current Performance of Piping and Structure Coatings in Oil and Gas Field
The objective of this project is to investigate the performance of the current piping and structure coatings (outer surface) in oil and gas field. The experimental works including metallography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cathodic disbondment test, and pull-off adhesion test described the real performance of the coatings
Forward problem solving for non-invasive electrical resistance tomography system
This paper aims to provide a forward problem solving for non-invasive electrical resistance tomography. A finite element model (FEM) using COMSOL Multiphysics is implemented for generating the sensitivity map for ERT system. Later, a masking data for a better sensitivity map was done to optimize the map. As a result, the sensitivity map can be used later for reconstructing the image of the medium of interest
Landscape of Individual Muslim Giving in Malaysia: an Analysis
The landscape of donor funding for international development appears to be changing significantly. Private philanthropic donors are playing an increasingly important role. The list in World Giving Index was shown that Malaysia has been in 71 ranking on world giving index in 2013. This paper provides insight into the characteristics of individual Muslim in Malaysia towards giving. Data were collected via online approach, 556 questionnaires were received. The result shows donors’ satisfaction and level of well being do influence tendency to donate. While the transparency issue, and attitude do not influence the decision to donate. This is due to high donor trust and consequently less demand on transparency. For demographic factors four variables significant to determine behavior of giving: gender; age; level of income and education background of the respondent. Further research in this area should attempt to make cross-cultural comparisons of donor characteristics. This would provide a more holistic perspective on donor behavior
The impact of energy consumption based on fossil fuel and hydroelectricity generation towards pollution in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand
This study investigated the effects of energy consumption (ENY) based on fossil fuels and alternative energy with hydroelectricity as its proxy upon pollution, aside from ascertaining if the correlation between income and pollution determined the presence of Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). In addition, the functions of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and trade openness (TO) were probed into so as to generate more precise outcomes of EKC hypothesis. Hence, in order to fulfil the objectives outlined in this study, the Bound estimation method was utilized to examine three developing nations of the Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN), which are Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The main finding of interest retrieved from this paper refers to the EKC hypothesis reflective of Malaysia and Thailand. It was discovered that hydroelectricity favourably lowered the release of carbon emissions in the case of Malaysia, while it insignificantly influenced environmental degradation for Indonesia and Thailand. On the other hand, as anticipated, per capita energy use displayed a significant long-run effect in raising the levels of carbon emission in Indonesia and Thailand. Meanwhile, the FDI inflows seemed to improve the environmental quality only in Malaysia, while deepening in TO among ASEAN-3 nations appeared to successfully minimize issues related to environmental degradation in these countries
Langkawi's Ecological and Economic Renaissance: A Study of Blue and Green Opportunities
This article delves into the potential of the blue and green sectors situated in Langkawi Island, Malaysia. With its abundant marine and terrestrial resources, the island needs to strike a balance between its economic growth and environmental preservation imperatives. By leveraging the potential of green and blue sectors such as tourism, fisheries, renewable energy, agriculture, and forestry, Langkawi Island can serve as a model for responsible development, all while preserving its innate natural beauty and biodiversity. A survey was conducted involving 104 local respondents at various attraction points across Langkawi Island to assess the progress of these sectors. Overall, the respondents were predominantly in agreement regarding the impacts of development stemming from both the blue and green economies, coupled with the positive spill-over effects witnessed on the island. The descriptive findings indicate that the potential for growth within these blue and green economies is promising, buoyed by anticipation from both governmental and private sectors. As such, it becomes imperative for policymakers to formulate a comprehensive development plan that can adequately bolster the expansion of these sectors. This preparation will be crucial in ensuring the sustainable growth of Langkawi Island's blue and green economies, ultimately fostering a harmonious coexistence between economic progress and environmental conservation.Artikel ini mengulas potensi sektor biru dan hijau yang berlokasi di Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. Dengan sumber daya laut dan darat yang melimpah, pulau ini perlu menemukan keseimbangan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan keharusan pelestarian lingkungan. Dengan memanfaatkan potensi sektor hijau dan biru seperti pariwisata, perikanan, energi terbarukan, pertanian, dan kehutanan, Pulau Langkawi dapat menjadi contoh pengembangan yang bertanggung jawab, sekaligus menjaga keindahan alam dan keanekaragaman hayatinya yang asli. Untuk menilai perkembangan sektor-sektor ini, dilakukan survei yang melibatkan 104 responden lokal di berbagai titik atraksi di Pulau Langkawi. Secara keseluruhan, responden sebagian besar sepakat mengenai dampak pembangunan yang berasal dari kedua sektor ekonomi biru dan hijau, serta efek positif yang terlihat di pulau ini. Temuan deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa potensi pertumbuhan dalam sektor ekonomi biru dan hijau ini sangat menjanjikan, didukung oleh antisipasi dari sektor pemerintah dan swasta. Oleh karena itu, menjadi sangat penting bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk merumuskan rencana pembangunan yang komprehensif yang dapat memadai memperkuat perluasan sektor-sektor ini. Persiapan ini akan menjadi kunci untuk memastikan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dari ekonomi biru dan hijau Pulau Langkawi, akhirnya mendorong keberadaan harmonis antara kemajuan ekonomi dan pelestarian lingkungan
The Carbon Conundrum: Exploring CO2 Emissions, Public Debt, and Environmental Policy
This study addresses a critical gap in the literature by examining the impact of CO2emissions on public debt in Malaysia, employing a non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach spanning from 1980 to 2020. This methodology captures the non-linear relationship between CO2 emissions and public debt, providing nuanced insights into how environmental factors shape fiscal dynamics. Despite encountering challenges arising from the limited body of literature on this specific relationship, the study highlights key findings with profound implications for policymakers. The inverse correlation between trade openness and public debt underscores the influence of international trade on Malaysia's fiscal landscape, while a positive association between investment and public debt emphasizes the importance of prudent debt management for economic growth. Furthermore, the negative relationship between higher foreign direct investment and long-term public debt highlights the need to foster an investor-friendly environment. A pivotal contribution is the confirmation of a positive link between CO2 emissions and public debt, urging policymakers to prioritize emission reduction strategies, implement carbon pricing, and promote green technologies. This research offers a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between CO2emissions and public debt, providing valuable insights for informed policy decisions in the Malaysian context. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-08 Full Text: PD
Simulation study on electrical resistance tomography using metal wall for bubble detection
Industrial process pipelines are mostly known to be constructed from metal which is a conducting material. Bubbles or gas detection are crucial in facilitating the bubble columns performance. By employing the Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) technique, a simulation study using COMSOL has been conducted to investigate the effect of excitation strategy, bubble sizes and locations towards the metal wall system. As for the current excitation strategy, conducting boundary protocol has to be applied when it comes to metallic vessel to overcome the grounding effect. Bubbles with a greater size than 2 mm and especially the one that is located near the wall boundary are much easier to detect. Further potential improvements to the current design and image reconstruction of the ERT system are desirable to improve the detection of small and centred bubble
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