19 research outputs found
A speech act is an action displayed through speech. This means that something like this contains an assumption that the speech we utter is not actually empty speech without any action in it, or empty of the context that is happening. This research aims to determine the form and meaning of illocutionary speech acts in the novel Buku Cinta Yusuf Zulaikha. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method aimed at describing in detail the illocutionary speech acts and their meanings in the novel Buku Cinta Yusuf Zulaikha. Research data collection techniques use listening techniques and note-taking techniques, data analysis techniques in this research include planning, starting data collection, basic data collection, closing data collection, and completing. The results of this research are that there are 23 illocutionary speech acts, consisting of Representative, Directive, Expressive and Declaration
Pada penelitian ini mendeskripsikan proses kebiasaan membaca dan hasil dari kemampuan membaca pemahaman yang terdapat pada kelompok literasi baca paksa santri Darussalam Blokagung pada Tahun 2022-2023. Kelompok literasi ini adalah sebuah organisasi yang berada di pondok pesantren Darussalam Blokagung yang berdiri pada tahun 2018 dan diketuai oleh saudara Nurul Huda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian ini dengan 3 tahap yaitu, teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, kedua yaitu reduksi data, dan yang terakhir yaitu penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Proses kebiasaan membaca dilakukan dengan cara melaksanakan tour asrama yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi-informasi mengenai manfaat membaca buku, menjelaskan betapa pentingnya membaca buku. kemampuan membaca pemahaman yang banyak di kuasai oleh santri yaitu pemahaman literal dan pemahaman interpretatif dengan perincian 100% pemahaman literal, 100% pemahaman interpretatif, 95% pemahaman kritis, dan 85% pemahaman kreatif
Adat as ancestral heritage plays an important role in people's lives. Adat is one of the studies of folklore. At the tip of the island of East Java, there is an area that has a lot of customs, namely Banyuwangi Regency. Banyuwangi Regency is famous for its Using Tribe. One of the famous Using Tribes in Banyuwangi is Singojuruh District. In Singojuruh District there is a kebo-keboan custom, this custom is carried out once a year. The focus of the research in this title is how to prepare and process the implementation of the kebo-keboan custom in Alasmalang Village and how the value of life is contained in the kebo-keboan custom. This study uses a partially oral folklore study. The method used in this study is a type of field qualitative research using data analysis methods, in this case, the researcher takes the title "the value of life contained in the kebo-keboan custom of Alasmalang Singojuruh Village, Banyuwangi". Researchers in obtaining data using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. This research resulted in 12 data from 4 different sources. This data explains the preparation and implementation procession in the kebo-keboan custom in Alasmalang Singojuruh Village, Banyuwangi. And then from the preparatory procession to the implementation of the kebo-keboan custom, there is a life value in it, where the values ??of life are very useful for the people of Krajan Hamlet, Alasmalang Villag
Secara umum pragmatik berhubungan sangat erat dengan penggunaan bahsa baik secara lisan maupun tulisan, dalam situasi pemakaian yang sebenarnya. Karena bahasa merupakan alat untuk berinteraksi, yang memungkinkan pelaku tindak tutur harus menggunakan prinsip kerja sama supaya pesan yang terdapat dalam ujaran dapat di mengerti oleh mitra tuturnya. Prinsip kerja sama pada dasarnya berfungsi untuk mengatur percakapan yang terjadi antara penutur dan mitra tutur, sehingga tuturan tersebut bisa menghasilkan informasi yang jelas dan tidak ambigu, sehingga tujuan dari komunikasi bisa berjalan tanpa ada kendala apapun. Prinsip kerja sama dalam berkomunikasi tidak hanya terjadi pada kehidupan nyata saja, tetapi juga dapat ditemui di karya sastra seperti novel, cerpen, dan sebagainya. Ada dua fokus penelitian yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) Bagaimanakah penggunaan prinsip kerja sama dalam novel Shaf karya Ima Madaniah dan 2) Apa sajakah jenis prinsip kerja sama yang terdapat dalam novel Shaf karya Ima madaniah. Dan tujuan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) Untuk mengetahui penggunaan prinsip kerja sama dalam novel Shaf karya Ima madaniah, dan 2) Untuk mengetahui jenis prinsip kerja sama yang terdapat dalam novel Shaf karya Ima Madaniah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak catat, pemeriksaan keabsahan data dengan triangulasi, dan analisis data menggunakan Miles dan Huberman. Hasil dari analisis data penelitian terdapat 112 percakapan yang mematuhi prinsip kerja sama yang terbagi menjadi dua maksim yaitu, maksim kuantitas ditemukan 94 data dan maksim kualitas ditemukan 18 data. Sehingga analisis data dalam novel Shaf karya Ima Madaniah ditemukan bahwa percakapan antara tokoh satu dengan yang lain menggunakan maksim kuantitas
Pembelajaran inovatif adalah proses pembelajaran yang dirancang oleh guru dengan menerapkan beberapa metode dan teknik dalam setiap pertemuan. Artinya dalam setiap kali tatap muka guru harus menerapkan beberapa metode sekaligus. Namun dalam penerapannya harus memperhatikan karakteristik kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapainya, sehingga sangat dimungkinkan setiap kali tatap muka guru menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang berbeda. Untuk bisa melakukan pembelajaran yang inovatif guru dituntut mempunyai wawasan yang luas dalam hal metode pembelajaran. Jika hal ini tidak dimiliki oleh seorang guru maka pembelajaran tidak menutup kemungkinan mengarah ke pembelajaran ”tradisional” (ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi). Bentuk pembelajaran inovatif diantaranya dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan pendekatan kontekstual, dan PAIKEM. Kedua pendekatan ini dalam implementasin dan prinsipnya sama yaitu semuanya menuntut adanya kreatifitas guru yang tinggi serta dalam pelaksanaannya menuntut keaktifan dan kreatifitas siswa
Analisis Watak Tokoh dalam Novel Kitab Cinta Yusuf Zulaikha Karya Taufiqurrohman al-Azizi
The focus of this research is: (1) to analyze the character of the character through what is done, (2) to analyze the character of the character through his speech, (3) to analyze the character of the character through the physical description, (4) to analyze the character of the character through his thoughts. This study uses an intertextual approach, which is a study of the number of texts that have certain relationships. The source of this research data is a novel entitled book of Love Yusuf Zulaikha by Taufiqurrohman Al-Azizi. Conclude this research (1) through what he did get the picture that, Yusuf has a patient, religious nature, began to small he was taught religion by his father and broad insight even the only high school graduate knowledge is not inferior to the lecture because his hobby likes reading and discussing with his friends. (2) through his utterance, the illustration is that Joseph is very careful in speaking almost all words that come out of his mouth are wise and orderly. (3) through the physical description in obtaining the picture that Joseph has a handsome and beautiful face, his face glowing everybody is happy to see him, but Yusuf is so humble he is never arrogant about it. (4) through his thoughts obtained the picture that not in a hurry in making decisions and always ask for guidance to Allah SWT
Peningkatan Keterampilan Menyimak Berita Dengan Media Audio Visual Siswa SMP Plus Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi
This study was designed using the method of action research (action research). The research objective of this class action to overcome the problem of the ability of listening skills. Because the real conditions that occur in class VIII SMP Plus Darussalam are still lacking, because during this time the learning activities are still many teachers who are reluctant to use the media. Media used are media Audio Visual techniques of group work. The research process begins with the initial observation and two cycles. The effectiveness of the actions in each cycle is measured from the observation and assessment activities in two ways, namely product assessment and appraisal process. Meanwhile, the data of listening skills through audiovisual media methods of group work techniques is analyzed by describing the average value of per cycle so the results can reach the learning target of 75%. The average yield on the class of initial observations is 71.6% and the results of the first cycle the average ability listening is 75.125%, while in the second cycle is 87.50%. Based on the results of 1 and 2 of the decision can be taken, namely: 1.kemampuan listening through audiovisual media techniques of group work in class VIII SMP Plus Darussalam Blokagung Tegalsari fairly good Banyuwangi, 2. The use of audio-visual media in improving listening skills was quite successful
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa dan makna gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam berdakwah oleh santri senior pondok pesantren Darussalam banyuwangi. Selain itu, dengan adanya penelitian ini mampu menyadarkan para pembaca bahwasannya banyak sekali macam-macam gaya bahasa yang digunakan oleh santri dalam berdakwah maupun dalam kegiatan sehari-hari tanpa kita sadari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian yang dikaji adalah santri senior pondok pesantren Darussalam banyuwangi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian ini dengan 4 tahap yaitu, teknik pengumpulan data berupa dokumentasi, simak dan catat, kedua yaitu reduksi data, ketiga yaitu penyajian data dan yang keempat yaitu pengambilan keputusan. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini berupa triangulasi sumber, teknik dan waktu. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini yaitu dari data primer dan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lapangan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, maka dapat dipaparkan dengan hasil sebagai berikut terdapat gaya bahasa retoris dan kiasan yang digunakan oleh santri senior pondok pesantren Darussalam banyuwangi, yaitu: 18 gaya bahasa , 12 gaya bahasa retoris, dan 6 gaya bahasa kiasan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari 12 gaya bahasa retoris dan 6 gaya bahasa kiasan santri senior pondok pesantren Darussalam Banyuwangi. Dari data di atas dapat disimpulkan santri menggunakan bahasa retoris (kiasmus, prolepsis, erotesis, koreksio, asonansi, asindenton, selepsis&zeug, periphrasis, aliterasi, apofasis, oksimoron, pleonasme polisendenton). Dan menggunakan gaya bahasa kiasan yang (antonomasia, eponim, metafora, alusi, hipalase, dan epitet)
Speech acts are actions that are displayed through speech. This means that something like that contains an assumption that the utterances we speak are not really empty speeches without any action content in them, or empty of the current context. Speech acts are divided into three types, namely speech acts of locus, illocution and perlocution. The problems discussed in this research are 1) What are the forms of speech acts between the seller and the buyer at Sumberayu Market, Muncar Banyuwangi? 2) It is included in the category of speech acts whether the utterances uttered by sellers and buyers at Sumberayu Muncar Banyuwangi Market. This study aims to determine the forms of speech acts between sellers and buyers at Sumberayu Muncar Banyuwangi Market, and to find out the meaning contained in the the form of speech acts and including the category of speech acts whether the utterances spoken by the seller and the buyer at Sumberayu Market Muncar Banyuwangi. Researchers here use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is an approach based on a natural or naturalist background. Research data collection techniques using observation techniques and note-taking techniques, data analysis techniques flow analysis methods which include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions / verification. The results of the study were speech acts which consisted of 19 forms of conversation consisting of 86 locusive speech acts, 20 illocutionary speech acts, and 14 perlocutionary speech acts which were spoken between sellers and buyers consisting of vegetable sellers, fruit-fruit sellers, ampok rice sellers, traditional hawker sellers, soybean sellers and others
Analisis Watak Tokoh dalam Novel Kitab Cinta Yusuf Zulaikha Karya Taufiqurrohman al-Azizi
The focus of this research is: (1) to analyze the character of the character through what is done, (2) to analyze the character of the character through his speech, (3) to analyze the character of the character through the physical description, (4) to analyze the character of the character through his thoughts. This study uses an intertextual approach, which is a study of the number of texts that have certain relationships. The source of this research data is a novel entitled book of Love Yusuf Zulaikha by Taufiqurrohman Al-Azizi. Conclude this research (1) through what he did get the picture that, Yusuf has a patient, religious nature, began to small he was taught religion by his father and broad insight even the only high school graduate knowledge is not inferior to the lecture because his hobby likes reading and discussing with his friends. (2) through his utterance, the illustration is that Joseph is very careful in speaking almost all words that come out of his mouth are wise and orderly. (3) through the physical description in obtaining the picture that Joseph has a handsome and beautiful face, his face glowing everybody is happy to see him, but Yusuf is so humble he is never arrogant about it. (4) through his thoughts obtained the picture that not in a hurry in making decisions and always ask for guidance to Allah SWT