9,239 research outputs found
A Fluctuation-Dissipation Process without Time Scale
We study the influence of a dissipation process on diffusion dynamics
triggered by fluctuations with long-range correlations. We make the assumption
that the perturbation process involved is of the same kind as those recently
studied numerically and theoretically, with a good agreement between theory and
numerical treatment. As a result of this assumption the equilibrium
distribution departs from the ordinary canonical distribution. The distribution
tails are truncated, the distribution border is signalled by sharp peaks and,
in the weak dissipation limit, the central distribution body becomes identical
to a truncated Levy distribution.Comment: REVTeX 3.1, 7 pages, 2 EPS figures, uses epsfig.sty. Submitted to
Phys. Rev.
Advanced expander test bed program
The Advanced Expander Test Bed (AETB) is a key element in NASA's Space Chemical Engine Technology Program for development and demonstration of expander cycle oxygen/hydrogen engine and advanced component technologies applicable to space engines as well as launch vehicle upper stage engines. The AETB will be used to validate the high-pressure expander cycle concept, investigate system interactions, and conduct investigations of advanced mission focused components and new health monitoring techniques in an engine system environment. The split expander cycle AETB will operate at combustion chamber pressures up to 1200 psia with propellant flow rates equivalent to 20,000 lbf vacuum thrust. Contract work began 27 Apr. 1990. During 1992, a major milestone was achieved with the review of the final design of the oxidizer turbopump in Sep. 1992
Wilson Loops and Area-Preserving Diffeomorphisms in Twisted Noncommutative Gauge Theory
We use twist deformation techniques to analyse the behaviour under
area-preserving diffeomorphisms of quantum averages of Wilson loops in
Yang-Mills theory on the noncommutative plane. We find that while the classical
gauge theory is manifestly twist covariant, the holonomy operators break the
quantum implementation of the twisted symmetry in the usual formal definition
of the twisted quantum field theory. These results are deduced by analysing
general criteria which guarantee twist invariance of noncommutative quantum
field theories. From this a number of general results are also obtained, such
as the twisted symplectic invariance of noncommutative scalar quantum field
theories with polynomial interactions and the existence of a large class of
holonomy operators with both twisted gauge covariance and twisted symplectic
invariance.Comment: 23 page
Cool early Albian climates; new data from Argentina
Previous studies on the stable isotope geochemistry of dimitobelid belemnites from Antarctica and Australia indicated cool climatic conditions during the early Albian in the shelf seas around the Gondwanan margin. In this paper new analyses from diagenetically unaltered specimens of Dimitobelus cf. stimulus from early Albian deposits of the Rio Mayer Formation of Lago San Martin, southern Argentina are presented. Oxygen isotope values for diagenetically least altered samples give values ranging between d18O C0.07 and C0.96 vPDB, which equate to a mean palaeotemperature of 9.5 (C (assuming dw of 1.2& SMOW). These data are consistent with a model of cool early Albian shelf seas in the Southern Hemisphere.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
Multipolar expansions for scattering and optical force calculations beyond the long wavelength approximation
We review three different approaches for the calculation of electromagnetic
multipoles, namely the Cartesian primitive multipoles, the Cartesian
irreducible multipoles and the spherical multipoles. We identify the latter as
the best suited to describe the scattering of electromagnetic radiation, as
exemplified for an amorphous silicon sphere. These multipoles are then used to
calculate the optical force acting on semiconductor, dielectric or metallic
particles in a wide wavelength range, from the dipolar down to the Mie regimes
Cool early Albian climates; new data from Argentina
Previous studies on the stable isotope geochemistry of dimitobelid belemnites from Antarctica and Australia indicated cool climatic conditions during the early Albian in the shelf seas around the Gondwanan margin. In this paper new analyses from diagenetically unaltered specimens of Dimitobelus cf. stimulus from early Albian deposits of the Rio Mayer Formation of Lago San Martin, southern Argentina are presented. Oxygen isotope values for diagenetically least altered samples give values ranging between d18O C0.07 and C0.96 vPDB, which equate to a mean palaeotemperature of 9.5 (C (assuming dw of 1.2& SMOW). These data are consistent with a model of cool early Albian shelf seas in the Southern Hemisphere.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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