10 research outputs found
The prevalence and intensity of ectoparasites that infects tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in floating net cages
Ectoparasites which often attack tilapia include Trichodina sp., Dactylogyrus spp., Gyrodactylus spp., and Epistylis spp. This research aims to determine the types, prevalence, and intensity of ectoparasites found on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the floating net cages of Batanghari River, Jambi. The research was conducted from February through March 2020. A survey method is carried out through direct sampling at the study site to identify the tilapia ectoparasites. The sampling technique is done using random sampling. Ninety fish were taken for parasite inspection at the Fish Quarantine, Quality Control, and Safety of Fishery Products Class I Jambi Station. The observations found three types of ectoparasites namely Dactylogyrus sp., Epistylis sp., and Oodinium sp. The highest ectoparasite prevalence rate was found from the species Epistylis sp. with a value of 37.7% and an intensity value of 24.7 ind/fish. The prevalence of Dactylogyrus sp. was 26.6% and an intensity value of 1.3 ind/fish. The lowest prevalence value was from Oodinium sp. with a prevalence value of 7.7% and an intensity value of 3.2 ind/fish. The prevalence and intensity values of tilapia ectoparasites based on their locations were 56.6% and 23 ind/fish (station I), 50% and 18.6 ind/fish (station II) and 43.3% and 17.6 ind/fish (station III). The types of ectoparasites found on tilapia in this study were Epistylis sp., Oodinium sp., and Dactilogyrus sp. The parasite with the highest prevalence and intensity found during the survey was Epistylis sp.
Floating net cage
Plankton potential as bioindicator of trophic status of Lokop River Leuser Ecosystem
Lokop is one of the villages in East Aceh which has a watershed in the Leuser Ecosystem. Human activities have the potential to disrupt the Trophic Status of Lokop River, such as the use of pesticides for agriculture, household waste and the use of potassium for fishing. It is necessary to research the quality of the waters in the Lokop River. The plankton community present in river waters can be an indicator of environmental pollution by analyzing the saprobic index. This study aims to determine the index of plankton diversity and water quality in the Leuser Ecosystem of the Lokop River through the saprobic index. The research was conducted at three stations. A sampling of plankton was taken in the form of a 10 cc filtrate and five replications were carried out for each study site. Water quality measurements include pH, TDS, Temperature, transparancy, depth, and current. 11 potential species can be used as pollution indicators in the Lokop River, namely Cladophora sp, Diatoma elongatum, Fragilaria capucina, Oedogonium sp., Gonatozygon sp, Lyngbya agardh, Melosira sp., Merismopedia punctata, Microspora sp, Pinnularia sp, Synedra ulna. The plankton diversity index is in the medium category. Based on the Saprobic Index, the level of pollution at the research site was not to lightly loaded of organic pollution and lowly loaded of organic pollution.
Oceanographic studies as the basis for shipyard development at the Fish Landing Port of Sabang
Shipbuilding is one of the marine industries which in development needs to pay attention to various parameters from the sea and land. This research was conducted in March to May 2022 with the aim of identifying the influence of oceanographic factors and water quality on the development of the shipbuilding industry at the fishing port of Sabang City. The oceanographic data used includes tides, wind, bathymetry, and sediment composition observed at 12 station points. The depth and tide data are then processed using QGIS. Wind data was analyzed using the Wind Rose Plot and sediment using the Wentworth scale. Oceanographic factors in Sabang Bay have shown very satisfactory results for the development of fish landing bases. The wind in the waters of Sabang Bay blows northwest with high speeds ranging from ≥10.00 m/s. The depth of the waters indicates a potential location for ship mooring. Sandy sediment is the most common type of sediment found. The tides that occur in the bay of Sabang are relatively stable. Oceanographic factors in Sabang Bay have shown very satisfactory results for the development of fish landing bases.
Sabang Ba
Shark and ray monitoring on the marine critical habitat in Aceh Province
Aceh is the leading province in Indonesia, where the marine protection area for juvenile sharks and rays was first established, precisely in Aceh Jaya waters. Rigaih is the fishing port located closest to Aceh Jaya waters, where the angler fish closely with the marine protected area and even intersect with the juvenile’s habitat. This study aimed to examine shark and ray catches in Aceh Jaya before and after establishing the marine protection area. We conducted landing monitoring from 2017 to 2019 (before establishing a conservation area) and monitored in 2020 when the conservation area was established. We recorded that 73% of sharks and ray caught on set gill net. The composition of sharks and rays landed at PPI Rigaih consisted of Sphyrna lewini (75%, n=1783), Chiloscyllium punctatum (8%), Neotrygon caeruleopunctata (7%, n =175), and other species (10%). This study aimed to provide scientific recommendations to support shark conservation action in Aceh Jaya Waters. We found that Aceh Jaya waters are an important area for the life stages of several threatened species, including Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks (S.lewini) and Bottlenose Wedgefish (R.australiae) that are listed in Critically Endangered and listed in Appendix II CITES. Management to support the conservation action needs to be strengthened not only limited to Marine Protected Areas but also fisheries management to reduce the incidental catch of threatened sharks and ray species. Further studies need to be conducted to delineate the habitat range of threatened shark and ray species and identify fishing behaviours that pose a risk for incidental catches of sharks and rays
Pidie district is one of the producers of capture fisheries in Aceh Province with a number of fishermen reaching 1,019. Sea fishing activities are open access causing concern to the stock of fish resources in the waters. Many fishing operations that use fishing gear that are not environmentally friendly if not managed properly will cause fish resources to decline or overfishing. This study aims to identified environmentally friendly fishing tools based on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in Pidie District. This research was conducted in March 2019 in the waters of Pidie District. Data collection was done by interview and direct observation in the field. Analysis of the environmental friendliness of fishing gear based on weighting the score with the Analysis Hiercy Process (AHP) method. The results showed that the fishing gear included in the category of very environmentally friendly, namely; handline, longline, gillnet, and purse seine. While the fishing gear category is not environmentally friendly, namely; Modified beach seine and beach seine
Pidie district is one of the producers of capture fisheries in Aceh Province with a number of fishermen reaching 1,019. Sea fishing activities are open access causing concern to the stock of fish resources in the waters. Many fishing operations that use fishing gear that are not environmentally friendly if not managed properly will cause fish resources to decline or overfishing. This study aims to identified environmentally friendly fishing tools based on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in Pidie District. This research was conducted in March 2019 in the waters of Pidie District. Data collection was done by interview and direct observation in the field. Analysis of the environmental friendliness of fishing gear based on weighting the score with the Analysis Hiercy Process (AHP) method. The results showed that the fishing gear included in the category of very environmentally friendly, namely; handline, longline, gillnet, and purse seine. While the fishing gear category is not environmentally friendly, namely; Modified beach seine and beach seine
A study of sea surface temperature effect on purse seine catch in Aceh North Waters, Indonesia
Aceh fishermen in Ocean Fishing Port Kutaraja Banda Aceh generally carry out fishing operations around Aceh North waters which have abundant and diverse biological potential. Catches in Aceh North waters are still heavily influenced by several natural factors that often occur in certain seasons, one of which is the factor of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) based on this research about the effect of SST on purse seine catches based in Kutaraja Banda Aceh Ocean Fishery Port. This study aims to determine the catches of purse seine fishermen in Kutaraja Ocean Fishery Port to know the SST distribution, and to determine the effect of SST on purse seine catches based in Kutaraja Banda Aceh Ocean Fishery Port. This research was conducted in November 2019 at Kutaraja Ocean Fishery Port. Data analysis used in this study is purse seine catch data obtained from UPTD from 2015-2019 tabulated in tabular and graphical format, SST distribution obtained from Aqua-MODIS satellites from 2015-2019 using SeaDas software and analysis used to see the effect of SST on catch is using linear regression analysis. The conclusian is based on the results of studies on how ocean SPL affect the fish catches using purse seine with the highest vessel size of 11-20 GT in 2018 with a total of 2,499,634 kg while the lowest catch in 2016 with a total of 1,460,220 kg. SST distribution found in Aceh North waters shows that the highest temperature occurred in 2015 which was 30.24oC while the lowest occurred in 2016 which was 29.04oC. From linear regression analysis results showed that SST in Aceh North waters showed a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.2279. This value can give a picture that the SST parameters contribute to fish catches of 22.79% and the rest is influenced by other oceanographic factors. While the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.477 means that this condition can indicate sufficient correlation have a positiv
Valuation of fisheries management status based on ecosystem approach (EA) in East Simeulue, Aceh
Fishery management is an activity that must be carried out to achieve sustainable fisheries. Fisheries management using the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) approach is the sustainable use of fishery resources and protection of fish stocks in nature. One of the objectives of fisheries management in social and economic aspects is how fisheries can ensure the socio-economic welfare of the fishing community. Using fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly is one of the triggers for social conflict between fishermen and the uncertain selling price when the peak season of fish impacted the fishermen's economy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the socio-economic domain indicators from the aspect of EAFM-based coastal and marine resource ecosystem management. This research was conducted from January to February 2021, located in Simeulue District, Sub-District East Simeulue. The data collection method used in the study was interviews and field surveys. The determination of respondents is done by using a gradual sampling technique or stratified random sampling. Data analysis uses an ordinal-based Likert score of 1,2,3 for each indicator, namely the economic domain, fishery household income (RTP), savings ratio, asset ownership, and the social domain, namely stakeholder participation fisheries conflict and the use of local knowledge in fish resource management. Management status in East Simeulue District assessed the aggregate value of the economic domain in the medium category with a score of 48.3. Fishermen still earn less than the minimum wage, while in the social domain, it is in the excellent category with a score of 100 because fishermen, institutions, and related agencies work with each other.
Ecosystem approach
Fishery managemen
Length-weight relationships and condition factors of
The peacock hind grouper (Cephalopholis argus) is among several highly exploited grouper fishes globally. Categorized as least concern (LC) in the IUCN, biological data on the species is limited, especially in the Aceh region. This research targeted to investigate the biological features of the C. argus fished on the northern coast of Aceh. The fish samples were collected from Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Lampulo, Kuta Alam District, Banda Aceh, Aceh from June - September 2020. Overall, 30 specimens C. argus were compiled in this study. The total length (TL) varied between 136.0-284.0 mm, while weight (W) ranged between 46.5-460.0 g. In addition, Fulton's condition (K) ranged from 1.45-4.61, and relative weight (Wr) ranged from 81.75-128.53 g. The LWRs analysis revealed a b value of 3.1329 with a correlation coefficient of 0.94, indicating a positive allometric growth pattern. This study provides length-weight relationships (LWR) and condition factors value for the peacock hind grouper that will assist in building a feasible management of the fish