7 research outputs found
Pemanfaatan Media Youtube dan Pembelajaran Matematika Ditinjau dari Minat Berwirausaha
Mayoritas pengguna media sosial mengakses platform Youtube tidak lepas dari kelebihan di dalamnya. Kelebihan yang utama yaitu kemudahan dalam mengakses dan mengunggah video yang tersedia di Youtube dengan internet secara gratis tanpa ada batasan ruang dan waktu. Selain itu, matematika memiliki karakteristik yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap minat berwirausaha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan Youtube dan pembelajaran matematika ditinjau dari minat berwirausaha. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan angket Googleform kepada mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah kewirausahaan. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif sedangkan untuk menguji validitas angket dengan Pearson Correlation dan reliabilitas angket dengan Cronbach Alpha menggunakan SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mayoritas mahasiswa (62%) yang menganggap bahwa youtube dapat meningkatkan minat berwirausaha masih berada dalam kategori minat “Sedang”. Sedangkan, mayoritas mahasiswa (94%) yang menganggap bahwa pembelajaran matematika dapat meningkatkan minat berwirausaha
Pengembangan E-Book Materi Jual Beli dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Suku Dayak Kalimantan Tengah untuk Mengatasi Cognitive Load
Overcoming cognitive load is very necessary so that the learning material delivered by teachers can be constructed by students, so that students gain meaningful knowledge and experience. Thus, learning mathematics using a Realistic Mathematics Education approach based on the local wisdom of the Dayak Tribe is important to apply to overcome the cognitive load of students in Central Kalimantan. The objectives of this research are 1) To find out whether e-book buying and selling material using a Realistic Mathematics Education approach based on local Dayak wisdom can meet the criteria for being suitable for use; 2) To find out whether e-book buying and selling material using a Realistic Mathematics Education approach based on local Dayak wisdom can overcome the cognitive load of students in Central Kalimantan. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) method with a 4-D model developed by Thiagarajan. The development steps are definition, design, development and dissemination. The data collection technique is a Likert Scale to determine whether the product being developed meets feasibility. The research results show that 1) e-book buying and selling material using a Realistic Mathematics Education approach based on local Dayak wisdom meets the appropriate criteria; 2) e-book buying and selling material with a Realistic Mathematics Education approach based on local Dayak wisdom can overcome the cognitive load of students in Central Kalimanta
Analysis of the Effect of Government Expenditures, Inflation, and Labor on the Economic Growth of the City of Palangka Raya
ABSTRACTThis study analyzes the effect of government spending, inflation, and labor on the economic growth of the City of Palangka Raya. The analysis was performed statistically using multiple linear regression equation models and secondary data in line with the time period between 2002-2016. The results of the analysis conclude that partially government expenditure variables have a positive and significant effect on the economic growth of Palangka Raya City, the inflation variable has a positive but not significant effect on the economic growth of Palangka Raya City, and labor variables have a positive and significant effect on the economic growth of Palangka Raya City
Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas pada mata pelajaran IPS di SMP Muhammadiyah Kuala Kapuas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif menggunakan analisi ssecara mendalam. Ada dua jenis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran tatap muka terbtas peserta didik masih merasa kesulitan dalam pembelajarannya dikarenakan sistem pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas masih dianggap baru, Pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas menggunakan sistem shifting atau bergiliran ini pihak sekolah melakukan pembatasan jumlah peserta didik per ruang kelas yang mengakibatkan keterbatasan jam belajar peserta didik dalam pertemuan tatap muka terbatas disekolah. Hal ini akan menimbulkan Kendala terkait ketidak capaian materi jam belajar. Ketidak capain materi belajar tentunya akan berdampak dan mempengaruhi kompetensi peserta didik yang dihasilkan, apabila tidak segera ditangani maka akan berpotensi menyebabkan penurunan capaian belajar peserta didik
Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan, pertumbuhan yang tinggi merupakan sasaran utama bagi negara berkembang. Pembangunan ekonomi tidak hanya menjadi agenda pemerintah pusat atau secara nasional, tetapi juga menjadi agenda setiap daerah dalam suatu negara. Pembangunan ekonomi daerah adalah suatu proses di mana pemerintah daerah dan masyarakatnya mengelola sumber-sumber daya yang ada dan membentuk suatu pola kemitraan antara pemerintah daerah dan sektor swasta untuk menciptakan suatu lapangan pekerjaan dan merangsang perkembangan kegiatan ekonomi di dalam wilayah tersebut. Untuk itu, kebijakan pembangunan ekonomi dilakukan untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dengan mengelola potensi dan sumber daya yang ada bagi masing-masing daerah
Analisis Potensi Youtube sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Mahasiswa dalam Belajar Matematika dan Berwirausaha: Analysis of YouTube's Potential as an Effort to Increase Student Interest in Learning Mathematics and Entrepreneurship
The majority of social media users accessing the Youtube platform cannot be separated from the advantages in it. The main advantage is the ease of accessing and uploading videos available on Youtube with the internet for free without any space and time limitations. The purpose of this study was to find out and describe student responses when using the resume method via YouTube social media in learning mathematics. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method by collecting questionnaires from students taking mathematics courses. The results of the average percentage score of the overall student response to resuming videos on Youtube reached 80%. The data analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative while to test the validity of the questionnaire with Pearson Correlation and the reliability of the questionnaire with Cronbach Alpha using SPSS. This shows that the student's response when the ethics of resuming videos on Youtube in mathematics learning is positive
The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurship Interest of Economic Education Students
The objectives of this study are: (1) Explain the effect of self-efficacy on the entrepreneurial interest of Economic Education students. (2) Explain the influence of entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial interest of Economic Education students. (3) Explain the influence of self-efficacy and entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial interest of Economic Education students. To achieve the above objectives, a quantitative research approach with a descriptive type of research is used. The instrument used is in the form of a questionnaire, Instrument testing uses validity and reliability tests. While the data analysis method uses multiple linear regression, with a total of 98 students. The results of the research that have been carried out can be concluded that: (1) The Self-Efficacy Variable has a t count of 3.375 which is greater than the table t value of 0.67705 with a significance value of 0.001 smaller than 0.05. In accordance with this description, it can be concluded that Self-Efficacy affects Entrepreneurial Interest. (2) The variable of Entrepreneurship Education has a t count of 2.296 which is greater than the table t value of 0.67705 with a significance value of 0.024 smaller than 0.05. In accordance with this description, it can be concluded that Entrepreneurship Education affects Entrepreneurial Interest. (3) The results of the analysis on the third hypothesis test show that the calculated F value has a value of 18.012 where the calculated F value of the variable is greater than the table F which is 3.092 and has a significance probability value of 0.000 where the value is smaller than 0.0