97 research outputs found
Poisson Lie symmetry and D-branes in WZW model on the Heisenberg Lie group
We show that the WZW model on the Heisenberg Lie group has Poisson-Lie
symmetry only when the dual Lie group is . In this way,
we construct the mutual T-dual sigma models on Drinfel'd double generated by
the Heisenberg Lie group and its dual pair, , as
the target space in such a way that the original model is the same as the
WZW model. Furthermore, we show that the dual model is conformal up to two
loops order. Finally, we discuss -branes and the worldsheet boundary
conditions defined by a gluing matrix on the WZW model. Using the duality
map obtained from the canonical transformation description of the Poisson-Lie
T-duality transformations for the gluing matrix which locally defines the
properties of the -brane, we find two different cases of the gluing matrices
for the WZW model based on the Heisenberg Lie group and its dual model.Comment: 17 page
(2+1)-dimensional interacting model of two massless spin-2 fields as a bi-gravity model
We propose a new group-theoretical (Chern-Simons) formulation for the
bi-metric theory of gravity in (2+1)-dimensional spacetime which describe two
interacting massless spin-2 fields. Our model has been formulated in terms of
two dreibeins rather than two metrics. We obtain our Chern-Simons gravity model
by gauging {\it mixed AdS-AdS Lie algebra} and show that it has a two
dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) at the boundary of the anti de Sitter
(AdS) solution. We show that the central charge of the dual CFT is proportional
to the mass of the AdS solution. We also study cosmological implications of our
massless bi-gravity model.Comment: 8 page
(1+1)-dimensional gauge symmetric gravity model and related exact black hole and cosmological solutions in string theory
We introduce a four-dimensional extension of the Poincar\'{e} algebra
in (1+1)-dimensional space-time and obtain a (1+1)-dimensional
gauge symmetric gravity model using the algebra . We show that the
obtained gravity model is dual (canonically transformed) to the
(1+1)-dimensional anti de Sitter () gravity. We also obtain some black
hole and Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) solutions by solving its classical
equations of motion. Then, we study
gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model and obtain some
exact black hole and cosmological solutions in string theory. We show that some
obtained black hole and cosmological metrics in string theory are same as the
metrics obtained in solutions of our gauge symmetric gravity model.Comment: 15 pages. Section 4 is rewritten and 2 refs. are adde
Exact three dimensional black hole with gauge fields in string theory
We have obtained exact three dimensional BTZ type solutions with gauge
fields, for string theory on a gauge symmetric gravitational background
constructed from semi-simple extension of the Poincare algebra (and the Maxwell
algebra) in 2 + 1 dimensions. We have studied the models for two non-Abelian
and Abelian gauge fields solutions and shown that the related sigma models for
each of these backgrounds is a SL(2;R) WZW (Wess-Zumino-Witten) model and that
they are classically canonically equivalent. We have also obtained the dual
solution for the Abelian case and by interpreting the new field strength
tensors of the Abelian solution as electromagnetic field strength tensors shown
that dual models coincide with the charged black string solution.Comment: 11 pages. Appendix and two references are adde
New five-dimensional Bianchi type magnetically charged hairy topological black hole solutions in string theory
We construct black hole solutions to the leading order of string effective
action in five dimensions with the source given by dilaton and magnetically
charged antisymmetric gauge -field. Presence of the considered -field
leads to the unusual asymptotic behavior of solutions which are neither
asymptotically flat nor asymptotically (A)dS. We consider the three-dimensional
space part to correspond to the Bianchi classes and so the horizons of these
topological black hole solutions are modeled by seven homogeneous Thurston
geometries of , , , , ,
nilgeometry, and solvegeometry. Calculating the quasi-local mass, temperature,
entropy, dilaton charge, and magnetic potential, we show that the first law of
black hole thermodynamics is satisfied by these quantities and the dilaton hair
is of the secondary type. Furthermore, for Bianchi type , the -dual black
hole solution is obtained which carries no charge associated with -field and
possesses a dilaton hair of secondary kind. Also, the entropy turns to be
invariant under the -duality
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