1,813 research outputs found

    Mean ergodic theorems on norming dual pairs

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    We extend the classical mean ergodic theorem to the setting of norming dual pairs. It turns out that, in general, not all equivalences from the Banach space setting remain valid in our situation. However, for Markovian semigroups on the norming dual pair (C_b(E), M(E)) all classical equivalences hold true under an additional assumption which is slightly weaker than the e-property.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Reflected Brownian motion in generic triangles and wedges

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    Consider a generic triangle in the upper half of the complex plane with one side on the real line. This paper presents a tailored construction of a discrete random walk whose continuum limit is a Brownian motion in the triangle, reflected instantaneously on the left and right sides with constant reflection angles. Starting from the top of the triangle, it is evident from the construction that the reflected Brownian motion lands with the uniform distribution on the base. Combined with conformal invariance and the locality property, this uniform exit distribution allows us to compute distribution functions characterizing the hull generated by the reflected Brownian motion.Comment: LaTeX, 38 pages, 14 figures. This is the outcome of a complete rewrite of the original paper. Results have been stated more clearly and the proofs have been elucidate

    Perturbation of strong Feller semigroups and well-posedness of semilinear stochastic equations on Banach spaces

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    We prove a Miyadera-Voigt type perturbation theorem for strong Feller semigroups. Using this result, we prove well-posedness of the semilinear stochastic equation dX(t) = [AX(t) + F(X(t))]dt + GdW_H(t) on a separable Banach space E, assuming that F is bounded and measurable and that the associated linear equation, i.e. the equation with F = 0, is well-posed and its transition semigroup is strongly Feller and satisfies an appropriate gradient estimate. We also study existence and uniqueness of invariant measures for the associated transition semigroup.Comment: Revision based on the referee's comment

    Motion in a Random Force Field

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    We consider the motion of a particle in a random isotropic force field. Assuming that the force field arises from a Poisson field in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, d4d \geq 4, and the initial velocity of the particle is sufficiently large, we describe the asymptotic behavior of the particle

    Local time and Tanaka formula for G-Brownian Motion

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    In this paper, we study the notion of local time and Tanaka formula for the G-Brownian motion. Moreover, the joint continuity of the local time of the G-Brownian motion is obtained and its quadratic variation is proven. As an application, we generalize It^o's formula with respect to the G-Brownian motion to convex functions.Comment: 29 pages, "Finance and Insurance-Stochastic Analysis and Practical Methods", Jena, March 06,200

    On the substitution rule for Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals

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    We show how two change-of-variables formulae for Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals generalize when all continuity hypotheses on the integrators are dropped. We find that a sort of "mass splitting phenomenon" arises.Comment: 6 page

    Fast Lexically Constrained Viterbi Algorithm (FLCVA): Simultaneous Optimization of Speed and Memory

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    Lexical constraints on the input of speech and on-line handwriting systems improve the performance of such systems. A significant gain in speed can be achieved by integrating in a digraph structure the different Hidden Markov Models (HMM) corresponding to the words of the relevant lexicon. This integration avoids redundant computations by sharing intermediate results between HMM's corresponding to different words of the lexicon. In this paper, we introduce a token passing method to perform simultaneously the computation of the a posteriori probabilities of all the words of the lexicon. The coding scheme that we introduce for the tokens is optimal in the information theory sense. The tokens use the minimum possible number of bits. Overall, we optimize simultaneously the execution speed and the memory requirement of the recognition systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 4 table


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    For an arbitrary subset A of the finite state space 5 of a Markov chain the so–called embedded matrix PA is introduced. By use of these matrices formulas expressing all kinds of probabilities can be written down almost automatically, and calculated very easily on a computer. Also derivations can be given very systematically

    Area limit laws for symmetry classes of staircase polygons

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    We derive area limit laws for the various symmetry classes of staircase polygons on the square lattice, in a uniform ensemble where, for fixed perimeter, each polygon occurs with the same probability. This complements a previous study by Leroux and Rassart, where explicit expressions for the area and perimeter generating functions of these classes have been derived.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure