242 research outputs found

    A time dependent Stokes interface problem: well-posedness and space-time finite element discretization

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    In this paper a time dependent Stokes problem that is motivated by a standard sharp interface model for the fluid dynamics of two-phase flows is studied. This Stokes interface problem has discontinuous density and viscosity coefficients and a pressure solution that is discontinuous across an evolving interface. This strongly simplified two-phase Stokes equation is considered to be a good model problem for the development and analysis of finite element discretization methods for two-phase flow problems. In view of the unfitted finite element methods that are often used for two-phase flow simulations, we are particularly interested in a well-posed variational formulation of this Stokes interface problem in a Euclidean setting. Such well-posed weak formulations, which are not known in the literature, are the main results of this paper. Different variants are considered, namely one with suitable spaces of divergence free functions, a discrete-in-time version of it, and variants in which the divergence free constraint in the solution space is treated by a pressure Lagrange multiplier. The discrete-in-time variational formulation involving the pressure variable for the divergence free constraint is a natural starting point for a space-time finite element discretization. Such a method is introduced and results of numerical experiments with this method are presented

    Discontinuous Galerkin Time Discretization Methods for Parabolic Problems with Linear Constraints

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    We consider time discretization methods for abstract parabolic problems with inhomogeneous linear constraints. Prototype examples that fit into the general framework are the heat equation with inhomogeneous (time dependent) Dirichlet boundary conditions and the time dependent Stokes equation with an inhomogeneous divergence constraint. Two common ways of treating such linear constraints, namely explicit or implicit (via Lagrange multipliers) are studied. These different treatments lead to different variational formulations of the parabolic problem. For these formulations we introduce a modification of the standard discontinuous Galerkin (DG) time discretization method in which an appropriate projection is used in the discretization of the constraint. For these discretizations (optimal) error bounds, including superconvergence results, are derived. Discretization error bounds for the Lagrange multiplier are presented. Results of experiments confirm the theoretically predicted optimal convergence rates and show that without the modification the (standard) DG method has sub-optimal convergence behavior.Comment: 35 page

    Trace Finite Element Methods for PDEs on Surfaces

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    In this paper we consider a class of unfitted finite element methods for discretization of partial differential equations on surfaces. In this class of methods known as the Trace Finite Element Method (TraceFEM), restrictions or traces of background surface-independent finite element functions are used to approximate the solution of a PDE on a surface. We treat equations on steady and time-dependent (evolving) surfaces. Higher order TraceFEM is explained in detail. We review the error analysis and algebraic properties of the method. The paper navigates through the known variants of the TraceFEM and the literature on the subject

    Error analysis of a space-time finite element method for solving PDEs on evolving surfaces

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    In this paper we present an error analysis of an Eulerian finite element method for solving parabolic partial differential equations posed on evolving hypersurfaces in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, d=2,3d=2,3. The method employs discontinuous piecewise linear in time -- continuous piecewise linear in space finite elements and is based on a space-time weak formulation of a surface PDE problem. Trial and test surface finite element spaces consist of traces of standard volumetric elements on a space-time manifold resulting from the evolution of a surface. We prove first order convergence in space and time of the method in an energy norm and second order convergence in a weaker norm. Furthermore, we derive regularity results for solutions of parabolic PDEs on an evolving surface, which we need in a duality argument used in the proof of the second order convergence estimate

    A Multigrid Method Based on Incomplete Gaussian Elimination

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    Analysis of a high order Trace Finite Element Method for PDEs on level set surfaces

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    We present a new high order finite element method for the discretization of partial differential equations on stationary smooth surfaces which are implicitly described as the zero level of a level set function. The discretization is based on a trace finite element technique. The higher discretization accuracy is obtained by using an isoparametric mapping of the volume mesh, based on the level set function, as introduced in [C. Lehrenfeld, \emph{High order unfitted finite element methods on level set domains using isoparametric mappings}, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 2016]. The resulting trace finite element method is easy to implement. We present an error analysis of this method and derive optimal order H1(Γ)H^1(\Gamma)-norm error bounds. A second topic of this paper is a unified analysis of several stabilization methods for trace finite element methods. Only a stabilization method which is based on adding an anisotropic diffusion in the volume mesh is able to control the condition number of the stiffness matrix also for the case of higher order discretizations. Results of numerical experiments are included which confirm the theoretical findings on optimal order discretization errors and uniformly bounded condition numbers.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    A trace finite element method for a class of coupled bulk-interface transport problems

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    In this paper we study a system of advection-diffusion equations in a bulk domain coupled to an advection-diffusion equation on an embedded surface. Such systems of coupled partial differential equations arise in, for example, the modeling of transport and diffusion of surfactants in two-phase flows. The model considered here accounts for adsorption-desorption of the surfactants at a sharp interface between two fluids and their transport and diffusion in both fluid phases and along the interface. The paper gives a well-posedness analysis for the system of bulk-surface equations and introduces a finite element method for its numerical solution. The finite element method is unfitted, i.e., the mesh is not aligned to the interface. The method is based on taking traces of a standard finite element space both on the bulk domains and the embedded surface. The numerical approach allows an implicit definition of the surface as the zero level of a level-set function. Optimal order error estimates are proved for the finite element method both in the bulk-surface energy norm and the L2L^2-norm. The analysis is not restricted to linear finite elements and a piecewise planar reconstruction of the surface, but also covers the discretization with higher order elements and a higher order surface reconstruction
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