14 research outputs found
Maximum change in parameters at any time during and up to one hour after L-arginine infusion.
<p>Mean maximum change (range).</p
Time-concentration curves for plasma L-arginine concentrations before and after infusion of 12 g L-arginine (solid line) or saline (broken line) for patients 1 to 5.
<p>X-axis = time in hours, y-axis = L-arginine concentration in mg/L.</p
Pharmacokinetic parameter values estimated in the patients with severe malaria compared to those from moderately severe malaria [15].
<p>The moderate severe malaria parameter estimates are derived from the best model without considering covariates (for comparison with the current parameter estimates).</p><p>Baseline = base+gradient(1)*<i>time</i>+gradient(2)*<i>time</i><sup>2</sup>. Where <i>time</i> represents time post-start of L-arginine infusion.</p><p>CL = clearance, V1 = central volume of distribution, V2 = peripheral volume of distribution, Q = intercompartmental clearance, BSV = between subject variability which was assumed to be log-normally distribution and expressed as a %, σ = residual variability (standard deviation).</p
Flow diagram of patients screened and enrolled for the ARGISM-1 study.
<p>Flow diagram of patients screened and enrolled for the ARGISM-1 study.</p
RH-PAT index profile pre-infusion, one hour and eight hours after infusion of L-arginine.
<p>Dotted lines indicate patients who received saline.</p
Baseline characteristics and laboratory results in severe malaria patients.
<p>Baseline characteristics and laboratory results in severe malaria patients.</p
Figure 3
<p>a. Profile of the venous potassium concentration of patients before, during and three hours after receiving L-arginine. Broken lines indicate patients with acute renal failure and dotted lines indicate patients who received saline. L-arginine was infused between zero and eight hours. b. Profile of the venous bicarbonate concentrations of patients before, during and three hours after receiving L-arginine. Broken lines indicate patients with acute renal failure and dotted lines indicate patients who received saline. c. Profile of the venous blood glucose concentrations of patients before, during and three hours after receiving L-arginine. Broken lines indicate patients with acute renal failure and dotted lines indicate patients who received saline. d. Profile of the venous blood chloride concentrations of patients before, during and three hours after receiving L-arginine. Broken lines indicate patients with acute renal failure and dotted lines indicate patients who received saline.</p
Plasma dimethylarginine concentrations in each group on enrollment (ANOVA: p<0.001).
<p><b>A.</b> Plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) concentrations in each group on enrollment (ANOVA: p<0.001). In the severe malaria group, open circles represent fatal cases and closed circles survivors. Horizontal lines indicate mean for each group. <b>B.</b> Plasma symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) concentrations in each group on enrollment (ANOVA: p<0.001). In the severe malaria group, open circles represent fatal cases and closed circles survivors. Horizontal lines indicate mean for each group.</p
Baseline Characteristics of Patients According to Clinical Status.
<p>* p<0.01 calculated by χ2 test.</p><p>†p<0.01 calculated by ANOVA or two sided <i>t</i> test.</p><p>IQR, interquartile range.</p
Baseline Laboratory and Physiological Measurements According to Clinical Status.
<p>* p<0.01 calculated by ANOVA (overall) or two sided t test. ND, not measured.</p><p>†p<0.05 calculated by Kruskal-Wallis test.</p><p>IQR, Interquartile Range.</p