224 research outputs found

    Explosive percolation in correlation-based networks

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    We show briefly the features of a percolation transition related to the networks obtained from a correlation matrix. The most interesting behaviour of this transition, investigated by numerical simulations with different thresholding rules, is that it shows a much faster transition from the disaggregated to the clustered phase, that resembles what has been described as an “explosive” percolation. A comparison with the “classic” random network percolation is shown, together with some applications of these concepts to the networks obtained from real data, that behave differently depending on the data intrinsic structure

    Equivalence between spectral properties of graphs with and without loops

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    In this paper we introduce a spectra preserving relation between graphs with loops and graphs without loops. This relation is achieved in two steps. First, by generalizing spectra results got on (m, k)-stars to a wider class of graphs, the (m, k, s)-stars with or without loops. Second, by defining a covering space of graphs with loops that allows to remove the presence of loops by increasing the graph dimension. The equivalence of the two class of graphs allows to study graph with loops as simple graph without loosing information

    Network measures for protein folding state discrimination

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    Proteins fold using a two-state or multi-state kinetic mechanisms, but up to now there is not a first-principle model to explain this different behavior. We exploit the network properties of protein structures by introducing novel observables to address the problem of classifying the different types of folding kinetics. These observables display a plain physical meaning, in terms of vibrational modes, possible configurations compatible with the native protein structure, and folding cooperativity. The relevance of these observables is supported by a classification performance up to 90%, even with simple classifiers such as discriminant analysis

    On the multiplicity of Laplacian eigenvalues and Fiedler partitions

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    In this paper we study two classes of graphs, the (m,k)-stars and l-dependent graphs, investigating the relation between spectrum characteristics and graph structure: conditions on the topology and edge weights are given in order to get values and multiplicities of Laplacian matrix eigenvalues. We prove that a vertex set reduction on graphs with (m,k)-star subgraphs is feasible, keeping the same eigenvalues with reduced multiplicity. Moreover, some useful eigenvectors properties are derived up to a product with a suitable matrix. Finally, we relate these results with Fiedler spectral partitioning of the graph. The physical relevance of the results is shortly discussed

    Merging 1D and 3D genomic information: Challenges in modelling and validation

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    Genome organization in eukaryotes during interphase stems from the delicate balance between non-random correlations present in the DNA polynucleotide linear sequence and the physico/chemical reactions which shape continuously the form and structure of DNA and chromatin inside the nucleus of the cell. It is now clear that these mechanisms have a key role in important processes like gene regulation, yet the detailed ways they act simultaneously and, eventually, come to influence each other even across very different length-scales remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we recapitulate some of the main results concerning gene regulatory and physical mechanisms, in relation to the information encoded in the 1D sequence and the 3D folding structure of DNA. In particular, we stress how reciprocal crossfeeding between 1D and 3D models may provide original insight into how these complex processes work and influence each other. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Transcriptional Profiles and Regulatory Gene Networks edited by Dr. Dr. Federico Manuel Giorgi and Dr. Shaun Mahony

    Quantifying the relevance of different mediators in the human immune cell network

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    Immune cells coordinate their efforts for the correct and efficient functioning of the immune system (IS). Each cell type plays a distinct role and communicates with other cell types through mediators such as cytokines, chemokines and hormones, among others, that are crucial for the functioning of the IS and its fine tuning. Nevertheless, a quantitative analysis of the topological properties of an immunological network involving this complex interchange of mediators among immune cells is still lacking. Here we present a method for quantifying the relevance of different mediators in the immune network, which exploits a definition of centrality based on the concept of efficient communication. The analysis, applied to the human immune system, indicates that its mediators significantly differ in their network relevance. We found that cytokines involved in innate immunity and inflammation and some hormones rank highest in the network, revealing that the most prominent mediators of the IS are molecules involved in these ancestral types of defence mechanisms highly integrated with the adaptive immune response, and at the interplay among the nervous, the endocrine and the immune systems.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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