10 research outputs found
Sebagai kaum marjinal yang bertinggal di lingkungan padat perkotaan tidak memiliki daya dalam memperbaiki kualitas bertinggal mereka agar tahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran yang sewaktu-waktu dapat menimpa. Kecamatan Tanjungbalai Utara merupakan salah satu wilayah yang sangat rentan terhadap bencana kebakaran yang ditetapkan sebagai wilayah studi penelitian untuk menemukan rumusan sistem yang bagaimana dapat menanggulangi bencana kebakaran. Sebagai pendekatan dilakukan identifikasi terhadap wilayah studi dengan menggunakan rumusan Model Crunch yang menerjemahkan bahwa tingkat resiko bencana kebakaran (R) merupakan penjumlahan atas sumber bahaya (H) dan kerentanan (V) yang dikurangi dengan ketahanan (C). Sedangkan tindakan mengungkap keberadaan lingkungan mereka digunakan pemikiran tipologi perumahan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di perkotaan dan didukung dengan pemikiran-pemikiran para ahli dan instansi, standarisasi serta peraturan pemerintah untuk mengetahui keberadaan lingkungan permukiman mereka terhadap tingkat resiko kebakaran yang ada. Kemudian dilakukan penilaian yang dimuat melalui variabel-variabel tolok ukur tertentu berdasarkan sumber bahaya, kerentanan dan ketahanan terhadap lingkungan permukiman mereka. Setelah dilakukan penilaian melalui model Crunch yang didukung dengan rumus Sturges atas interval penilaian yang ada, ternyata wilayah studi memiliki status tingkat resiko bencana kebakaran yang cukup tinggi dengan nilai -7. Berdasarkan status tingkat resiko bencana kebakaran wilayah studi, dilakukan analisis praktis dengan melihat potensi yang dimiliki wilayah studi untuk diolah menjadi suatu sistem penanggulangan kebakaran yang dapat meningkatkan nilai ketahanan. Kemudian lahirlah sistem swadaya penanggulangan bencana kebakaran di lingkungan padat perkotaan sebagai rumusan pemikiran yang diharapkan ideal bagi lingkungan permukiman mereka
One of the areas and spaces in a city is the urban village area which is located almost spread in all urban areas and is generally dominated by residential areas with generally high settlement densities. This area is an inseparable part of an urban area and its physical form and order must be harmonized with the city, and at the same time it must also have a level of community welfare that is also in harmony and can support the level of welfare of the city. In order to improve the quality of society and the environment in Bogor City as desired by the Bogor City government, in 2017 an innovative thematic village idea contest was held. In order to implement the results of this innovative thematic village idea competition, a Landscape Design Plan for 7 (seven) villages with the highest value was carried out. One of them is KAMPUNG SEMUT KROTO Area, Cikaret Village, South Bogor District. Through the program of community service activities Indraprasta University PGRI Jakarta Faculty of Computer Science Engineering Department majoring in Architecture will collaborate with the village of Cikaret to organize the thematic tourist village. Community service with thematic village planning in the Cikaret sub-district will offer solutions to make Thematic village design concept drafts and make Thematic village design engineering details
Sustainable regional development is one of the government program, but in Indonesia there has been no direct assessment for the sustainable region. This is caused by the assessment tools that available now is not completed yet. Objectives of the study were to compare some assessment tools to formulate the considered best tools; to analyze the practice of one of the green assessment tools in Indonesia, specifically sustainable regional development assessment tools for a residential area in Bogor City; and to give an overview for the residential area that has green concept development generally in Indonesia and Bogor City in particular. Result of this study shows that the assessment tools in Indonesia still needs improvement, and that the green concept of the researched residential area is not suitable with criteria from assessment tools. Thus recommendation is proposed, based on minimum score of the existing assessment tools
Taman lingkungan di Permukiman Villa Bogor Indah merupakan salah satu ruang terbuka hijau di tengah permukiman yang berfungsi sebagai taman dengan aktivitas pertanian perkotaan, rekreasi, dan koleksi tanaman (arboretum). Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membuat desain dan melakukan pembangunan taman lingkungan di Permukiman Villa Bogor Indah berbasis partisipasi masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan desain berbasis komunitas. Desain taman lingkungan yang dilakukan adalah desain berbasis aktivitas persepsi, keinginan dan prilaku komunitas penghuni lingkungan tersebut. Luas taman lingkungan ini adalah 1.680,749 m2. Penghuni permukiman menginginkan taman lingkungan dapat berfungsi sebagai sarana urban farming 55 %, sebagai koleksi tanaman 40 % dan sebagai sarana rekreasi pasif 5 %. Fungsi yang dapat dikembangkan di taman lingkungan Permukiman Villa Bogor Indah , yakni : 1) urban farming; 2) koleksi tanaman; 3) rekreasi pasif; dan 4) parkir.Keinginan masyarakat terhadap adanya aktivitas urban farming memberikan nuansa yang baik terhadap desain taman lingkungan sebagai ruang aktivitas bersama warga. Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap lingkungannya diwujudkan juga dengan keinginan hadirnya taman lingkungan sebagai ruang untuk koleksi tanaman (arboretum) terutama tanaman langka
Selection of plants in accordance with the appearance of the building is very necessary at this time, this is due to lack of attention to the selection of plants in the design of a building. So in addition to reducing the aesthetic appearance of the building can also reduce the indoor comfort caused by the heat from the sun can directly affect the skin of the building. One method of approach in measuring aesthetics in the science of architecture is to use the approach of Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) and Semantic Differential (SD). Visual evaluation produced by the method is calculated quantitatively by SBE method so that it can be assessed in accordance with the perception of the respondents. The aesthetic qualities of a visible building can be strongly influenced by the presence of landscape elements in the form of combinations of trees and shrubs appropriate and dynamic. Using a header shaped form terraced and with a blend of shrub topiary with teh-tehan shrubs. This is because the combination of these plants are dynamic, and can strengthen the character of the building
Wilayah Bogor Timur merupakan pusat Kota Bogor merupakan salah satu wilayah sangat aktif terutama saat hari dan jam kerja. Jalur sirkulasi kendaraan bermotor di Kelurahan Baranangsiang merupakan salah satu jalur sirkulasi sangat padat. Kepadatan juga terjadi di jalur-jalur pejalan kaki. Keadaan ini mendorong Pemerintah Kota Bogor untuk membangun jalur pejalan kaki yang nyaman dan mengatur rute jalur pergerakan pejalan kaki. Jalur sirkulasi kendaraan bermotor dan jalur hijau dipisahkan oleh jalur pejalan kaki. Kegiatan pengawan teknis penataan taman jalur hijau ini akan dilakukan di Jl. Padi Kelurahan Baranangsiang. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah melakukan pengawasan teknis penataan taman jalur hijau. Metode yang digunakan adalah perencanaan pengawasan teknis dalam manajemen lanskap. Melalui pengawasan teknis yang dilakukan maka dapat dicapai pelaksanaan pembangunan taman jalur hijau yang efisiens dalam biaya, efektif dalam pekerjaan, dan memenuhi standar mutu kerja dan bahan, serta pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang tepat waktu. Keberadaan jalur hijau ini selain bernilai estetik juga berfungsi sebagai tempat pemberhentian sementara pejalan kaki
Bogor City is a city that has some places for tourist. The Bogor City station area is one of the most active areas, especially during working days and hours. The motorized vehicle circulation path is one of the very dense circulation routes. The aims of this study is to design a vertical garden around the Bogor Station area. The activity method used is descriptive qualitative method. The Bogor City Government builds comfortable pedestrian paths and regulates pedestrian movement routes, for example installing road dividers between vehicle circulation lanes, placing vertical gardens and fences to separate pedestrian paths from motorized vehicle lanes, building JPOs (Pedestrian Bridges). The two-way motorized vehicle circulation path is separated by a median of the road where a portion of the fence has been placed by a vertical garden. This technical design activity was carried out at the median of Kapten Muslihat road at the junction segment of Ir. H. Djuanda road, intersection of the red bridge and front and back view of the JPO fence. For pedestrian paths, there are several paths that have been installed vertical gardens on the dividing fence between the vehicle lane and the path. Besides having aesthetic value, the existence of this route also functions as a barrier for pedestrians entering the station. The path of this path continues towards Major Oking roa
Kota Jakarta sebagai Ibu Kota Negara Republik Indonesia berusaha memberikan kenyamanan dan keamanan kepada penduduk dan pengunjungnya. Salah satu rasa nyaman dapat diberikan melalui penataan dan pengembangan serta pembangunan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kawasan Perkotaan (RTHKP). Salah satu jenis RTHKP adalah kawasan pertanian (perkebunan). Kawasan pertanian yang hadir di tengah-tengah kota merupakan komponen perkotaan yang menarik dan dapat digunakan sebagai kawasan agrowisata. Salah satu kebun pembibitan yang dikelola oleh UPT Pusbangbenih dan Proteksi Tanaman berada di Ciganjur, Jakarta Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan expert and public participatory dan desain berbasis komunitas (community based design). Dengan melakukan pengamatan lapangan berupa kondisi tapak, penutup dan penggunaan lahan, topografi, kemerangan lereng, viual, fasilitas serta drainase, maka dilakukan proses analisa tapak. Hasilnya merupakan suatu konseptual desain perencanaan kawasan agrowisata ciganjur, dengan kesimpulan direncanakan area untuk kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan budidaya tanaman alpukat campedak dan belimbing serta kegiatan lainnya seperti kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan pengelolaan kawasan agrowisata
Rana Lake is a lake on Buru Island, Maluku Province, which is a tourist attraction with various benefits in it and cultural tourism of the Rana Tribe, who make the lake sacred to uphold the potential of local wisdom. By utilizing the water in Lake Rana with the principles of good water resources management, we can reap various benefits for the needs and needs of the community, such as: Irrigation & agriculture, drinking water for humans & animals, tourism for preservation & improvement of the community's economy. Lake Rana has a positive potential (+) in the form of quite large water resources, namely the condition of the area and water quality is quite good and a negative potential (-) in the form of problems faced, namely Lake Rana is in an area of customary land which is difficult to access and needs to be engineered technique. With these problems, it is necessary to arrange the area as a natural tourist spot based on local wisdom. This study aims to identify problems with the existing economic, socio-cultural conditions of the area and analyze the return of important functions and benefits from the lake through Lake Rana Revitalization. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative and qualitative research with an empirical approach to cultural substance, namely the local wisdom approach, namely identifying existing conditions and identifying problems as well as the spatial analysis stage, with an approach that takes into account facts and realities in the field, so that there is continuity tendencies towards better completion and drafting by maintaining traditions and local wisdom as well as the sustainability of cultural values and welfare heritage
Implementasi Konsep Kampus Berkelanjutan di Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Berdasarkan Kategori Tata Letak dan Infrastruktur
A sustainable campus is a concept that implements sustainable development in aspects of campus environmental management. A sustainable campus emerges from academic awareness of the importance of the campus contributing to maintaining the integrity of the current environment for future generations, starting on the campus environment. This research was conducted on the basis of measuring the application of the sustainable campus concept in the site and infrastructure category within the UNINDRA B Campus environment. Data collection was carried out through observation, measurement surveying, interviews and documentation studies to obtain the necessary data. Then the data obtained was processed using scoring and mixed method research methods, then analyzed descriptively. In this study, respondents were parties who understood development developments reviewed in the category of UNINDRA B site and infrastructure facilities. After measuring each indicator in the site and infrastructure category, the following scoring is obtained: 1) Ratio of Open Space to Total Area (180 points), 2) Ratio of Open Space to Higher Education Population (30 points), 3) Area area planted with forest plants (60 points), 4) area planted with plants (100 points), and 5) area that cannot be impregnated with water (0 points). The total score for the site and infrastructure category is 370 of the maximum points for all indicators, namely 1500 points. Based on the measurement results of implementing a sustainable campus within UNINDRA B, it still needs to be improved. Improvements in the achievement of site and infrastructure indicators that have not been maximized need to be pursued such as expanding open space along with the addition of facilities inside, expanding space planted with forest vegetation and also reducing pavement areas that cannot be impregnated with water