3,860 research outputs found

    Nuclear density-functional theory and fission of super-heavy elements

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    We review the prediction of fission properties of super-heavy elements (SHE) by self-consistent mean-field models thereby concentrating on the widely used Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) approach. We explain briefly the theoretical tools: the SHF model, the calibration of model parameters together with statistical analysis of uncertainties and correlations, and the involved computation of fission lifetimes. We present an overview of fission stability in comparison to other decay channels over the whole landscape of SHE reaching deep into the rr-process domain. The main emphasis lies on a detailed discussion of the various ingredients determining eventually the fission properties. The main result is that fission is an involved process which explores many different influences with almost equal share, basic bulk properties (also known as liquid-drop model parameters), pairing strengths, and shell effects. %Comment: 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Misfits in Skyrme-Hartree-Fock

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    We address very briefly five critical points in the context of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) scheme: 1) the impossibility to consider it as an interaction, 2) a possible inconsistency of correlation corrections as, e.g., the center-of-mass correction, 3) problems to describe the giant dipole resonance (GDR) simultaneously in light and heavy nuclei, 4) deficiencies in the extrapolation of binding energies to super-heavy elements (SHE), and 5) a yet inappropriate trend in fission life-times when going to the heaviest SHE. While the first two points have more a formal bias, the other three points have practical implications and wait for solution.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Central depression in nuclear density and its consequences for the shell structure of superheavy nuclei

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    The influence of the central depression in the density distribution of spherical superheavy nuclei on the shell structure is studied within the relativistic mean field theory. Large depression leads to the shell gaps at the proton Z=120 and neutron N=172 numbers, while flatter density distribution favors N=184 for neutrons and leads to the appearance of a Z=126 shell gap and to the decrease of the size of the Z=120 shell gap. The correlations between the magic shell gaps and the magnitude of central depression are discussed for relativistic and non-relativistic mean field theories.Comment: 5 page