290 research outputs found

    Precise Control of Molecular Self-Diffusion in Isoreticular and Multivariate Metal-Organic Frameworks.

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    Understanding the factors that affect self-diffusion in isoreticular and multivariate (MTV) MOFs is key to their application in drug delivery, separations, and heterogeneous catalysis. Here, we measure the apparent self-diffusion of solvents saturated within the pores of large single crystals of MOF-5, IRMOF-3 (amino-functionalized MOF-5), and 17 MTV-MOF-5/IRMOF-3 materials at various mole fractions. We find that the apparent self-diffusion coefficient of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) may be tuned linearly between the diffusion coefficients of MOF-5 and IRMOF-3 as a function of the linker mole fraction. We compare a series of solvents at saturation in MOF-5 and IRMOF-3 to elucidate the mechanism by which the linker amino groups tune molecular diffusion. The ratio of the self-diffusion coefficients for solvents in MOF-5 to those in IRMOF-3 is similar across all solvents tested, regardless of solvent polarity. We conclude that average pore aperture, not solvent-linker chemical interactions, is the primary factor responsible for the different diffusion dynamics upon introduction of an amino group to the linker

    Near-band-gap photo-induced nuclear spin dynamics in semi-insulating GaAs: Hyperfine- and quadrupolar-driven relaxation

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    Understanding and manipulating spin polarization and transport in the vicinity of semiconductor-hosted defects is a problem of present technological and fundamental importance. Here, we use high-field magnetic resonance to monitor the relaxation dynamics of spin-3/2 nuclei in semi-insulating GaAs. Our experiments benefit from the conditions created in the limit of low illumination intensities, where intermittent occupation of the defect site by photo-excited electrons leads to electric field gradient fluctuations and concomitant spin relaxation of the neighboring quadrupolar nuclei. We find indication of a heterogeneous distribution of polarization, governed by different classes of defects activated by either weak or strong laser excitation. Upon application of a train of light pulses of variable repetition rate and on/off ratio, we uncover an intriguing regime of mesoscale nuclear spin diffusion restricted by long-range, non-uniform electric field gradients. Given the slow time scale governing nuclear spin evolution, such optically-induced polarization patterns could be exploited as a contrast mechanism to expose dark lattice defects or localized charges with nanoscale resolution

    Cooperative Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in Alcoholamine- and Alkoxyalkylamine-Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks.

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    A series of structurally diverse alcoholamine- and alkoxyalkylamine-functionalized variants of the metal-organic framework Mg2 (dobpdc) are shown to adsorb CO2 selectively via cooperative chain-forming mechanisms. Solid-state NMR spectra and optimized structures obtained from van der Waals-corrected density functional theory calculations indicate that the adsorption profiles can be attributed to the formation of carbamic acid or ammonium carbamate chains that are stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions within the framework pores. These findings significantly expand the scope of chemical functionalities that can be utilized to design cooperative CO2 adsorbents, providing further means of optimizing these powerful materials for energy-efficient CO2 separations

    Water Enables Efficient CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Flue Emissions in an Oxidation-Resistant Diamine-Appended Metal-Organic Framework.

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    Supported by increasingly available reserves, natural gas is achieving greater adoption as a cleaner-burning alternative to coal in the power sector. As a result, carbon capture and sequestration from natural gas-fired power plants is an attractive strategy to mitigate global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However, the separation of CO2 from other components in the flue streams of gas-fired power plants is particularly challenging due to the low CO2 partial pressure (∼40 mbar), which necessitates that candidate separation materials bind CO2 strongly at low partial pressures (≤4 mbar) to capture ≥90% of the emitted CO2. High partial pressures of O2 (120 mbar) and water (80 mbar) in these flue streams have also presented significant barriers to the deployment of new technologies for CO2 capture from gas-fired power plants. Here, we demonstrate that functionalization of the metal-organic framework Mg2(dobpdc) (dobpdc4- = 4,4'-dioxidobiphenyl-3,3'-dicarboxylate) with the cyclic diamine 2-(aminomethyl)piperidine (2-ampd) produces an adsorbent that is capable of ≥90% CO2 capture from a humid natural gas flue emission stream, as confirmed by breakthrough measurements. This material captures CO2 by a cooperative mechanism that enables access to a large CO2 cycling capacity with a small temperature swing (2.4 mmol CO2/g with ΔT = 100 °C). Significantly, multicomponent adsorption experiments, infrared spectroscopy, magic angle spinning solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and van der Waals-corrected density functional theory studies suggest that water enhances CO2 capture in 2-ampd-Mg2(dobpdc) through hydrogen-bonding interactions with the carbamate groups of the ammonium carbamate chains formed upon CO2 adsorption, thereby increasing the thermodynamic driving force for CO2 binding. In light of the exceptional thermal and oxidative stability of 2-ampd-Mg2(dobpdc), its high CO2 adsorption capacity, and its high CO2 capture rate from a simulated natural gas flue emission stream, this material is one of the most promising adsorbents to date for this important separation
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