42,220 research outputs found
Micro-Arcsecond Radio Astrometry
Astrometry provides the foundation for astrophysics. Accurate positions are
required for the association of sources detected at different times or
wavelengths, and distances are essential to estimate the size, luminosity,
mass, and ages of most objects. Very Long Baseline Interferometry at radio
wavelengths, with diffraction-limited imaging at sub-milliarcsec resolution,
has long held the promise of micro-arcsecond astrometry. However, only in the
past decade has this been routinely achieved. Currently, parallaxes for sources
across the Milky Way are being measured with ~10 uas accuracy and proper
motions of galaxies are being determined with accuracies of ~1 uas/y. The
astrophysical applications of these measurements cover many fields, including
star formation, evolved stars, stellar and super-massive black holes, Galactic
structure, the history and fate of the Local Group, the Hubble constant, and
tests of general relativity. This review summarizes the methods used and the
astrophysical applications of micro-arcsecond radio astrometry.Comment: To appear in Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics (2014
Conical scan tracking system employing a large antenna
A conical scan tracking system for tracking spacecraft and distant radio sources is described. The system detects small sinusoidal modulation in received power from a source that is off target with a frequency equal to a very low scan rate, an amplitude proportional to angular deviation of the source from the target, and a phase directly related to the direction the source is off target. The sinusoid is digitally correlated with inphase and out-of-phase scan sinusoids to obtain azimuth/elevation and hour angle/declination signals which are digitally integrated over exactly one scan period to obtain correction signals for an antenna pointing subsystem
Conical-scan tracking with the 64-m-diameter antenna at goldstone
The theory and experimental work which demonstrated the feasibility of conical-scan tracking with a 64 m diameter paraboloid antenna is documented. The purpose of this scheme is to actively track spacecraft and radio sources continuously with an accuracy superior to that obtained by manual correction of the computer driven pointing. The conical-scan implementation gives increased tracking accuracy with X-band spacecraft signals, as demonstrated in the Mariner Venus/Mercury 1973 mission. Also, the high accuracy and ease of measurement with conical-scan tracking allow evaluation of systematic and random antenna tracking errors
Scattering of low-energy electrons and positrons by atomic beryllium: Ramsauer-Townsend effect
Total cross sections for the scattering of low-energy electrons and positrons
by atomic beryllium in the energy range below the first inelastic thresholds
are calculated. A Ramsauer-Townsend minimum is seen in the electron scattering
cross sections, while no such effect is found in the case of positron
scattering. A minimum total cross section of 0.016 a.u. at 0.0029 eV is
observed for the electron case. In the limit of zero energy, the cross sections
yield a scattering length of -0.61 a.u. for electron and +13.8 a.u. for
positron scattering
Criteria for generalized macroscopic and mesoscopic quantum coherence
We consider macroscopic, mesoscopic and "S-scopic" quantum superpositions of
eigenstates of an observable, and develop some signatures for their existence.
We define the extent, or size of a superposition, with respect to an
observable \hat{x}, as being the range of outcomes of \hat{x} predicted by that
superposition. Such superpositions are referred to as generalized -scopic
superpositions to distinguish them from the extreme superpositions that
superpose only the two states that have a difference in their prediction
for the observable. We also consider generalized -scopic superpositions of
coherent states. We explore the constraints that are placed on the statistics
if we suppose a system to be described by mixtures of superpositions that are
restricted in size. In this way we arrive at experimental criteria that are
sufficient to deduce the existence of a generalized -scopic superposition.
The signatures developed are useful where one is able to demonstrate a degree
of squeezing. We also discuss how the signatures enable a new type of
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen gedanken experiment.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
New Measurements of the Radio Photosphere of Mira based on Data from the JVLA and ALMA
We present new measurements of the millimeter wavelength continuum emission
from the long period variable Mira ( Ceti) at frequencies of 46 GHz, 96 GHz,
and 229 GHz (~7 mm, 3 mm, and 1 mm) based on observations obtained
with the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) and the Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The measured millimeter flux densities
are consistent with a radio photosphere model derived from previous
observations, where flux density, . The stellar disk
is resolved, and the measurements indicate a decrease in the size of the radio
photosphere at higher frequencies, as expected if the opacity decreases at
shorter wavelengths. The shape of the radio photosphere is found to be slightly
elongated, with a flattening of ~10-20%. The data also reveal evidence for
brightness non-uniformities on the surface of Mira at radio wavelengths. Mira's
hot companion, Mira B was detected at all three observed wavelengths, and we
measure a radius for its radio-emitting surface of
cm. The data presented here highlight the power of the JVLA and ALMA for the
study of the atmospheres of evolved stars.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 27 pages, 7 figure
A Trigonometric Parallax of Sgr B2
We have measured the positions of water masers in Sgr B2, a massive star
forming region in the Galactic center, relative to an extragalactic radio
source with the Very Long Baseline Array. The positions measured at 12 epochs
over a time span of one year yield the trigonometric parallax of Sgr B2 and
hence a distance to the Galactic center of Ro=7.9 (+0.8/-0.7) kpc. The proper
motion of Sgr B2 relative to Sgr A* suggests that Sgr B2 is about 0.13 kpc
nearer than the Galactic center, assuming a low-eccentricity Galactic orbit.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 4 tables; 3 figures. Version 2 corrects Fig. 2
which was missing some dat
There’s just huge anxiety: ontological security, moral panic, and the decline in young people’s mental health and well-being in the UK
This study aims to critically discuss factors associated with a recent dramatic rise in recorded mental health issues amongst UK youth. It draws from interviews and focus groups undertaken with young people, parents and professionals. We offer valuable new insights into significant issues affecting young people’s mental health and well-being that are grounded in their lived experiences and in those who care for and work with them. By means of a thematic analysis of the data, we identified an increase in anxiety related to: future orientation, social media use, education, austerity, and normalization of mental distress and self-harm. We apply the notion of ontological security in our interpretation of how socio-cultural and political changes have increased anxiety amongst young people and consequent uncertainty about the self, the world and the future, leading to mental health problems. There are also problems conceptualizing and managing adolescent mental health, including increased awareness, increased acceptance of these problems, and stigmatisation. We relate this to the tendency for moral panic and widespread dissemination of problems in a risk society. In our conclusion, we highlight implications for future research, policy and practice
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