11 research outputs found

    MALDI-TOF peptide mass map of GalOx expressed in <i>E. coli</i>.

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    <p>The peptides were generated by sequential digestion using trypsin and Asp-N. The peak labels correspond to the [M+H]<sup>+</sup> ions of the obtained peptide fragments and their positions in the GalOx sequence. The spectrum also shows two intense signals (marked with asterisk) at m/z 2237.9 and 2374.9 related to the cross-linked peptides 266–274/312–323 and 265–274/312–323, respectively. The identity of the cross-linked peptides was verified by MS/MS fragmentation.</p

    3D Structure of GalOx of <i>F. oxysporum</i>.

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    <p>A: Overall structure showing the predominantly β-structure. The N-terminus, C-terminus and the copper atom in the active site are highlighted. B: The active site of GalOx showing the copper ligands and the thioether cross-link. The structural model was generated by homology modelling based on the published structure of mature GalOx from <i>F. graminearum</i> (PDB 1gog) using SWISS_MODEL.</p

    Electrophoresis analysis of crude extract and purified GalOx expressed in <i>E. coli</i>.

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    <p>Lane 1, Precision Plus Protein Standard (BioRad); lane 2, GalOx crude extract; lane 3, GalOx after IMAC; lane 4, GalOx after size-exclusion chromatography.</p