3,176 research outputs found
The Use of Theatre to Develop Social and Communication Behaviors for Students with Autism
Social and communication behaviors are often a focus of instruction for individuals with autism. A theatre rehearsal and production process is challenging and joyful work that nurtures the development of social and language skills. This study evaluated and described social and language behaviors for students with autism both before and after a 10-week theatre experience. The results indicated that, when compared with a control group, the students with theatre experiences had significant and positive changes in the development of social and language skills. Most particularly, these students had significant improvement in social responsiveness, acknowledgement of the perspective of others, and participation and cooperation. The theatre experiences led to positive changes in social and communication behaviors for students with autism
Sveen v. Melin
Does the retroactive application of a revocation-on-divorce statute to contracts entered into prior to the enactment of the statute violate the Contracts Clause of the Constitution
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Optimizing the Collection and Use of Patient-Generated Health Data
This dissertation aims to examine the collection and use of digital patient-generated health data (PGHD) in real-world settings, including existing barriers from the perspectives of patients and healthcare providers, and possible approaches to optimizing the process. In Chapter One, the potential of PGHD to improve health and wellness, particularly for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as known barriers to PGHD collection and use, are described. One chronic condition in particular, atrial fibrillation (AF), is then introduced as a use case for PGHD. Chapter Two contains an integrative review synthesizing findings from eleven studies reporting patientsā and providersā needs when collecting and using PGHD, and identifying convergence and divergence between needs. Chapter Three contains a quantitative evaluation of sustained engagement, currently a major barrier to collection of PGHD, in a group of adults self-monitoring AF, as well as predictors and moderators of engagement that come from an adapted version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). These individuals were previously enrolled in the randomized, controlled trial, the iPhoneĀ® Helping Evaluate Atrial Fibrillation Rhythm through Technology (iHEART). In Chapter Four, the adapted UTAUT model is explored in more detail through a qualitative investigation of sustained engagement with patients, healthcare providers, and research coordinators involved in the iHEART trial. Chapter Five summarizes the findings of this dissertation, including strengths and limitations, and elicits implications for the intersection of health policy and clinical practice, design, nursing, and future research from the findings
Characterization of heterogeneity and spatial distribution of phases in complex solid dispersions by thermal analysis by structural characterization and X-ray micro computed tomography
Purpose: This study investigated the effect of drug-excipient miscibility on the heterogeneity and spatial distribution of phase separation in pharmaceutical solid dispersions at a micron-scale using two novel and complementary characterization techniques, thermal analysis by structural characterization (TASC) and X-ray micro-computed tomography (XCT) in conjunction with conventional characterization methods. Method: Complex dispersions containing felodipine, TPGS, PEG and PEO were prepared using hot melt extrusion-injection moulding. The phase separation behavior of the samples was characterized using TASC and XCT in conjunction with conventional thermal, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The in vitro drug release study was performed to demonstrate the impact of phase separation on dissolution of the dispersions. Results: The conventional characterization results indicated the phase separating nature of the carrier materials in the patches and the presence of crystalline drug in the patches with the highest drug loading (30% w/w). TASC and XCT where used to provide insight into the spatial configuration of the separate phases. TASC enabled assessment of the increased heterogeneity of the dispersions with increasing the drug loading. XCT allowed the visualization of the accumulation of phase separated (crystalline) drug clusters at the interface of air pockets in the patches with highest drug loading which led to poor dissolution performance. Semi-quantitative assessment of the phase separated drug clusters in the patches were attempted using XCT. Conclusion: TASC and XĪ¼CT can provide unique information regarding the phase separation behavior of solid dispersions which can be closely associated with important product quality indicators such as heterogeneity and microstructure
Habitat use by smooth snakes on lowland heath managed using 'conservation grazing'
Heathland in the UK, and parts of mainland Europe, is being managed increasingly by landowners and statutory conservation bodies e.g., Natural England, using cattle grazing which is often referred to as 'conservation grazing' in an attempt to justify its use in the absence of any detailed prior research into its actual benefits for wildlife species whose individual habitat requirements are likely to vary. Over four years, between 2010 and 2013, cattle were excluded from six hectares of lowland heath that had been subject to annual summer cattle grazing between May 1997 and autumn 2009 and in which reptile numbers had been monitored annually since 1997. Changes in smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) numbers were recorded annually in the ungrazed area and in a four hectare area of heathland adjacent to it that continued to be grazed. The number of individual smooth snakes, and the total number of smooth snake captures, were significantly higher in the ungrazed heath than the grazed heath and were associated with increased habitat structure, resulting principally from tall heathers and grasses. The results of the study suggest that the use of cattle grazing as a management tool on lowland heath is detrimental to smooth snake populations and that their recovery, following the cessation of grazing, may take many years
Additions and Range Extensions to the Vascular Plant Flora of the Continental Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada III
Fifteen native taxa are reported as new to either District of Keewatin (now Nunavut in part) or District of Mackenzie (Nunavut contains the northeastern portion): Aster puniceus, Astragalus eucosmus, Astragalus eucosmus f. albinus, Carex media, Epilobium latifolium f. albiflorum, Eriophorum viridi-carinatum, Erysiumum pallasii, Moneses uniflora, Najas flexilis, Potamogeton obtusifolius, Salix arctica x glauca, Salix glauca ssp. callicarpae, Salix myrtillifolia, Salix rotundifolia, Shepherdia canadensis, taxa are new to Northwest Territories overall. Significant range extensions for 157 native taxa are included
Scanning optical pyrometer for measuring temperatures in hollow cathodes
Life-limiting processes in hollow cathodes are determined largely by the temperature of the electron emitter. To support cathode life assessment, a noncontact temperature measurement technique which employs a stepper motor-driven fiber optic probe was developed. The probe is driven inside the hollow cathode and collects light radiated by the hot interior surface of the emitter. Ratio pyrometry is used to determine the axial temperature profile. Thermocouples on the orifice plate provide measurements of the external temperature during cathode operation and are used to calibrate the pyrometer system in situ with a small oven enclosing the externally heated cathode. The diagnostic method and initial measurements of the temperature distribution in a hollow cathode are discussed
What are children's trusts? Early findings from a national survey
<i>Background:</i> The Children Act 2004 and National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services require fuller integration of health, education and social services for children and young people in England and Wales. The UK government supported the establishment of 35 experimental children's trust pathfinders (henceforth called children's trusts) in England.
<i>Methods:</i> A questionnaire was completed by managers in all 35 children's trusts a year after their start. Children's trust documents were examined. Census and performance indicators were compared between children's trust areas and the rest of England.
<i>Results</i> Children's trust areas had demographic and social characteristics typical of England. All children's trusts aimed to improve health, education and social services by greater managerial and service integration. All had boards representing the three sectors; other agenciesā representation varied. Two-thirds of children's trusts had moved towards pooling budgets in at least some service areas. At this stage in their development, some had prioritized joint procurement or provision of services, with formal managerial structures, while others favoured an informal strategic planning, co-ordination and information sharing approach. The commonest priorities for services development were for disabled children (16 children's trusts), followed by early intervention (11) and mental health services (8).
<i>Conclusions:</i> The diverse strategies adopted by these 35 children's trusts during their first year is due to their own characteristics and to the way government strategy developed during this period. Whilst some prioritized organizational development, joint financing and commissioning, and information sharing, others laid more emphasis on mechanisms for bringing front-line professionals closer together. Their experiences are of value to others deciding how best to integrate children's services
Sub-wavelength surface IR imaging of soft-condensed matter
Outlined here is a technique for sub-wavelength infrared surface imaging
performed using a phase matched optical parametric oscillator laser and an
atomic force microscope as the detection mechanism. The technique uses a novel
surface excitation illumination approach to perform simultaneously chemical
mapping and AFM topography imaging with an image resolution of 200 nm. This
method was demonstrated by imaging polystyrene micro-structures
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