88 research outputs found
Finite Size Effects in Integrable Quantum Field Theories
The study of Finite Size Effects in Quantum Field Theory allows the
extraction of precious perturbative and non-perturbative information. The use
of scaling functions can connect the particle content (scattering theory
formulation) of a QFT to its ultraviolet Conformal Field Theory content. If the
model is integrable, a method of investigation through a nonlinear integral
equation equivalent to Bethe Ansatz and deducible from a light-cone lattice
regularization is available. It allows to reconstruct the S-matrix and to
understand the locality properties in terms of Bethe root configurations,
thanks to the link to ultraviolet CFT guaranteed by the exact determination of
scaling function. This method is illustrated in practice for Sine-Gordon /
massive Thirring models, clarifying their locality structure and the issues of
equivalence between the two models. By restriction of the Sine-Gordon model it
is also possible to control the scaling functions of minimal models perturbed
by Phi_1,3Comment: 58 pages, Latex - Lectures given at the Eotvos Summer School,
Budapest, August 200
Entanglement Entropy from Corner Transfer Matrix in Forrester Baxter non-unitary RSOS models
Using a Corner Transfer Matrix approach, we compute the bipartite
entanglement R\'enyi entropy in the off-critical perturbations of non-unitary
conformal minimal models realised by lattice spin chains Hamiltonians related
to the Forrester Baxter RSOS models in regime III. This allows to show on a set
of explicit examples that the R\'enyi entropies for non-unitary theories
rescale near criticality as the logarithm of the correlation length with a
coefficient proportional to the effective central charge. This complements a
similar result, recently established for the size rescaling at the critical
point, showing the expected agreement of the two behaviours. We also compute
the first subleading unusual correction to the scaling behaviour, showing that
it is expressible in terms of expansions of various fractional powers of the
correlation length, related to the differences between
the conformal dimensions of fields in the theory and the minimal conformal
dimension. Finally, a few observations on the limit leading to the off-critical
logarithmic minimal models of Pearce and Seaton are put forward.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure
Modular invariance in the gapped XYZ spin 1/2 chain
We show that the elliptic parametrization of the coupling constants of the
quantum XYZ spin chain can be analytically extended outside of their natural
domain, to cover the whole phase diagram of the model, which is composed of 12
adjacent regions, related to one another by a spin rotation. This extension is
based on the modular properties of the elliptic functions and we show how
rotations in parameter space correspond to the double covering PGL(2,Z)of the
modular group, implying that the partition function of the XYZ chain is
invariant under this group in parameter space, in the same way as a Conformal
Field Theory partition function is invariant under the modular group acting in
real space. The encoding of the symmetries of the model into the modular
properties of the partition function could shed light on the general structure
of integrable models.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted published versio
Hagedorn singularity in exact U q su 2 S -matrix theories with arbitrary spins
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Generalizing the quantum sine-Gordon and sausage models, we construct exact S-matrices for higher spin representations with quantum Uqsu2 symmetry, which satisfy unitarity, crossing-symmetry and the Yang-Baxter equations with minimality assumption, i.e. without any unnecessary CDD factor. The deformation parameter q is related to a coupling constant. Based on these S-matrices, we derive the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations for q a root of unity in terms of a universal kernel where the nodes are connected by graphs of non-Dynkin type. We solve these equations numerically to find out Hagedorn-like singularity in the free energies at some critical scales and find a universality in the critical exponents, all near 0.5 for different values of the spin and the coupling constant.Peer reviewe
Hagedorn singularity in exact U_q(su(2)) S-matrix theories with arbitrary spins
Generalizing the quantum sine-Gordon and sausage models, we construct exact
S-matrices for higher spin representations with quantum U_q(su(2)) symmetry,
which satisfy unitarity, crossing-symmetry, and the Yang-Baxter equations with
minimality assumption, i.e. without any unnecessary CDD factor. The deformation
parameter q is related to a coupling constant. Based on these S-matrices, we
derive the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations for q a root of unity in terms
of a universal kernel where the nodes are connected by graphs of non-Dynkin
type. We solve these equations numerically to find out Hagedorn-like
singularities in the free energies at some critical scales and find a
universality in the critical exponents, all near 0.5 for different values of
the spin and the coupling constant.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; Rephrasing and additional comments and a
reference added; To appear in Journal of High Energy Physic
Generalising the staircase models
Systems of integral equations are proposed which generalise those previously
encountered in connection with the so-called staircase models. Under the
assumption that these equations describe the finite-size effects of
relativistic field theories via the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, analytical and
numerical evidence is given for the existence of a variety of new roaming
renormalisation group trajectories. For each positive integer and
, there is a one-parameter family of trajectories, passing
close by the coset conformal field theories before finally flowing to a massive theory for
, or to another coset model for .Comment: 19 pages (and two figures), preprint CERN-TH.6739/92 NI92009
RSOS Quantum Chains Associated with Off-Critical Minimal Models and Parafermions
We consider the off-critical perturbation
of the general non-unitary minimal models where and are
coprime and measures the departure from criticality corresponding to the
integrable perturbation. We view these models as the continuum
scaling limit in the ferromagnetic Regime III of the Forrester-Baxter
Restricted Solid-On-Solid (RSOS) models on the square lattice. We also consider
the RSOS models in the antiferromagnetic Regime II related in the continuum
scaling limit to parfermions with . Using an elliptic
Yang-Baxter algebra of planar tiles encoding the allowed face configurations,
we obtain the Hamiltonians of the associated quantum chains defined as the
logarithmic derivative of the transfer matrices with periodic boundary
conditions. The transfer matrices and Hamiltonians act on a vector space of
paths on the Dynkin diagram whose dimension is counted by
generalized Fibonacci numbers.Comment: 18 page
Essential singularity in the Renyi entanglement entropy of the one-dimensional XYZ spin-1/2 chain
We study the Renyi entropy of the one-dimensional XYZ spin-1/2 chain in the
entirety of its phase diagram. The model has several quantum critical lines
corresponding to rotated XXZ chains in their paramagnetic phase, and four
tri-critical points where these phases join. Two of these points are described
by a conformal field theory and close to them the entropy scales as the
logarithm of its mass gap. The other two points are not conformal and the
entropy has a peculiar singular behavior in their neighbors, characteristic of
an essential singularity. At these non-conformal points the model undergoes a
discontinuous transition, with a level crossing in the ground state and a
quadratic excitation spectrum. We propose the entropy as an efficient tool to
determine the discontinuous or continuous nature of a phase transition also in
more complicated models.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
RG flows of non-diagonal minimal models perturbed by
Studying perturbatively, for large m, the torus partition function of both
(A,A) and (A,D) series of minimal models in the Cappelli, Itzykson, Zuber
classification, deformed by the least relevant operator , we
disentangle the structure of flows. The results are conjectured on
reasonable ground to be valid for all m. They show that (A,A) models always
flow to (A,A) and (A,D) ones to (A,D). No hopping between the two series is
possible. Also, we give arguments that there exist 3 isolated flows
(E,A)-->(A,E) that, together with the two series, should exhaust all the
possible flows. Conservation (and symmetry breaking) of non-local
currents along the flows is discussed and put in relation to the A,D,E
classification.Comment: 14 p
Geometrical Lattice models for N=2 supersymmetric theories in two dimensions
We introduce in this paper two dimensional lattice models whose continuum
limit belongs to the series. The first kind of model is integrable and
obtained through a geometrical reformulation, generalizing results known in the
case, of the vertex models (based on the quantum algebra
and representation of spin ). We demonstrate in particular
that at the point, the free energy of the vertex model can
be obtained exactly by counting arguments, without any Bethe ansatz
computation, and we exhibit lattice operators that reproduce the chiral ring.
The second class of models is more adequately described in the language of
twisted supersymmetry, and consists of an infinite series of
multicritical polymer points, which should lead to experimental realizations.
It turns out that the exponents for these multicritical
polymer points coincide with old phenomenological formulas due to the chemist
Flory. We therefore confirm that these formulas are {\bf exact} in two
dimensions, and suggest that their unexpected validity is due to non
renormalization theorems for the underlying theories. We also discuss the
status of the much discussed theta point for polymers in the light of
renormalization group flows.Comment: 23 pages (without figures
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