780 research outputs found

    Cosmological Constraints from Hubble Parameter versus Redshift Data

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    We use the Simon, Verde, & Jimenez (2005) determination of the redshift dependence of the Hubble parameter to constrain cosmological parameters in three dark energy cosmological models. We consider the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model, the XCDM parameterization of the dark energy equation of state, and a slowly rolling dark energy scalar field with an inverse power-law potential. The constraints are restrictive, consistent with those derived from Type Ia supernova redshift-magnitude data, and complement those from galaxy cluster gas mass fraction versus redshift data.Comment: Minor changes, including an estimate for H_0. ApJL, in pres

    COBE-DMR-Normalized Dark Energy Cosmogony

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    Likelihood analyses of the COBE-DMR sky maps are used to determine the normalization of the inverse-power-law-potential scalar field dark energy model. Predictions of the DMR-normalized model are compared to various observations to constrain the allowed range of model parameters. Although the derived constraints are restrictive, evolving dark energy density scalar field models remain an observationally-viable alternative to the constant cosmological constant model.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, ApJ accepte

    Scalar Non-Luminous Matter in Galaxies

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    As a candidate for dark matter in galaxies, we study an SU(3) triplet of complex scalar fields which are non-minimally coupled to gravity. In the spherically symmetric static spacetime where the flat rotational velocity curves of stars in galaxies can be explained, we find simple solutions of scalar fields with SU(3) global symmetry broken to U(1) X U(1), in an exponential scalar potential, which will be useful in a quintessence model of the late-time acceleration of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, LaTex. Submitted to IJMP

    Scalar Field, Four Dimensional Spacetime Volume and the Holographic Dark Energy

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    We explore the cosmic evolution of a scalar field which is identified with the four dimensional spacetime volume. Given a specific form for the Lagrangian of the scalar field, a new holographic dark energy model is present. The energy density of dark energy is reversely proportional to the square of the radius of the cosmic null hypersurface which is present as a new infrared cutoff for the Universe. We find this holographic dark energy belongs to the phantom dark energy for some appropriate parameters in order to interpret the current acceleration of the Universe.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. References added and some typos correcte

    Environmental Dependence of Masses and Coupling Constants

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    We construct a class of scalar field models coupled to matter that lead to the dependence of masses and coupling constants on the ambient matter density. Such models predict a deviation of couplings measured on the Earth from values determined in low-density astrophysical environments, but do not necessarily require the evolution of coupling constants with the redshift in the recent cosmological past. Additional laboratory and astrophysical tests of \Delta \alpha and \Delta(m_p/m_e) as functions of the ambient matter density are warranted.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, references added, minor editorial change

    Accelerating Universes with Scaling Dark Matter

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    Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes with a presently large fraction of the energy density stored in an XX-component with wX<−1/3w_X<-1/3, are considered. We find all the critical points of the system for constant equations of state in that range. We consider further several background quantities that can distinguish the models with different wXw_X values. Using a simple toy model with a varying equation of state, we show that even a large variation of wXw_X at small redshifts is very difficult to observe with dL(z)d_L(z) measurements up to z∌1z\sim 1. Therefore, it will require accurate measurements in the range 1<z<21<z<2 and independent accurate knowledge of Ωm,0\Omega_{m,0} (and/or ΩX,0\Omega_{X,0}) in order to resolve a variable wXw_X from a constant wXw_X.Comment: submitted to IJMPD (uses Latex, 12 pages, 6 Figures) Minor corrections, Figures 4, 6 revised. Conclusions unchange

    Statefinder Parameters for Tachyon Dark Energy Model

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    In this paper we study the statefinder parameters for the tachyon dark energy model. There are two kinds of stable attractor solutions in this model. The statefinder diagrams characterize the properties of the tachyon dark energy model. Our results show that the evolving trajectories of the attractor solutions lie in the total region and pass through the LCDM fixed point, which is different from other dark energy model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MPL

    Python I, II, and III CMB Anisotropy Measurement Constraints on Open and Flat-Lambda CDM Cosmogonies

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    We use Python I, II, and III cosmic microwave background anisotropy data to constrain cosmogonies. We account for the Python beamwidth and calibration uncertainties. We consider open and spatially-flat-Lambda cold dark matter cosmogonies, with nonrelativistic-mass density parameter Omega_0 in the range 0.1--1, baryonic-mass density parameter Omega_B in the range (0.005--0.029) h^{-2}, and age of the universe t_0 in the range (10--20) Gyr. Marginalizing over all parameters but Omega_0, the combined Python data favors an open (spatially-flat-Lambda) model with Omega_0 simeq 0.2 (0.1). At the 2 sigma confidence level model normalizations deduced from the combined Python data are mostly consistent with those drawn from the DMR, UCSB South Pole 1994, ARGO, MAX 4 and 5, White Dish, and SuZIE data sets.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Cosmological Parameter Determination from Counts of Galaxies

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    We study constraints that anticipated DEEP survey galaxy counts versus redshift data will place on cosmological model parameters in models with and without a constant or time-variable cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. This data will result in fairly tight constraints on these parameters. For example, if all other parameters of a spatially-flat model with a constant Λ\Lambda are known, the galaxy counts data should constrain the nonrelativistic matter density parameter Ω0\Omega_0 to about 5% (10%, 1.5%) at 1 σ\sigma with neutral (worst case, best case) assumptions about data quality.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Constraints on Scalar-Field Dark Energy from Galaxy Cluster Gas Mass Fraction versus Redshift

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    We use the Allen et al. (2004) Chandra measurements of x-ray gas mass fraction of 26 rich clusters to place constraints on the scalar-field dark energy model with inverse power law potential energy density. The constraints are consistent with, and typically more constraining than, those from other cosmological tests, and mildly favor the Einstein cosmological constant limit of the dark energy model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Version accepted by ApJL, with minor revisions and new reference
