12 research outputs found

    Variabel Pembeda Keputusan Pendanaan Jangka Pendek, Jangka Menengah Dan Jangka Panjang Bagi Industri Manufaktur Yang Listed Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Discriminant analysis use for evidence to difference Short Term, Medium Term, Long Term Financing Decision, before crisis and at that moment of the crisis. Amount of the sample is 424 analysis unit of each, this result cause someone to repant Net Working Capital (NWC) and Leverage Short Term (LST) domination for Short Term Financing Decision, Profitability Medium Term (PMT) and Leverage Medium Term (LMT) domination for Medium Term Financing Decision and Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) domination for Long Term Financing decision before and ant that moment of the crisis

    Pengaruh Langsung Dan Tidak Langsung Faktor Ekstern, Kesempatan Investasi Dan Pertumbuhan Assets Terhadap Keputusan Pendanaan Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Pada Bursa Efek Jakarta (Studi Pada Industri Manufaktur Masa Sebelum Krisis Dan Saat Krisis)

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    Purpose of the study is to examine direct and indirect effect of the external factor, investment opportunity, assets growth on financial decisions that firms listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange. Structural Equation modeling use to proof direct and indirect effect, this result of the models is acceptable (fit). Amount of the sample is 195 analysis unit for before crisis and 196 analysis unit for that moment of the crisis. Before crisis, direct effect external factors to financial decision are positive significance and indirect effect pass through investment opportunity is negative significance, direct effect exceed of indirect effect. Financial decision does not direct effect to asset growth and does not indirect effect pass through investment opportunity

    Variables affecting the book value of manufacturing companies : the case of Indonesia

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    The research objective is to examine variables that can be used as crucial determinannts for the book value of manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The distinguishing variables are investment decisions, size of company, risk management issues, profitability and cash flow. The research design uses quantitative descriptive methodology with a sample of 25 manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange, for 4 consecutive years so that the number of units of analysis becomes 100 for the time series cross-sectional method used (pulling data). The analysis technique uses discriminant statistics that are processed with SPSS. The cash flow variable has a value of Wilks 'Lambda of 0.446 and a significance level of 0.000 which means that the cash flow variable tends to have different effect in different groups of companies.peer-reviewe

    Dampak Financial Quotient dan Lifestyle terhadap Financial Behavior Dosen Wanita di STIE Pancasetia Banjarmasin

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    Financial behavior is a reflection of human behavior in managing their finances, many things that can affect, including financial quotient and lifestyles. The aim of the study is to understand the impact of financial quotient and lifestyles on financial behavior of female lecturers at STIE Pancasetia Banjarmasin. Data was collected through indepthinterview with three resource persons who teach finance or e-commerce. Understanding financial does not necessarily make a person implement it comprehensively in life, especially for female workers who are relatively young, there is a tendency not to pay attention to risks and protection for their future. Today's lifestyle is closely related to the nurture, and this can be seen from their habits in using money. Individuals with better financial quotient will better understand how to plan the utilization of their income so they will choose a lifestyle that suits them, so they will behave in accordance with these choices. Keywords: Financial Behavior, Financial Quotient, Lifestyles, Femal

    Kebijakan Keimmigrasian, Kreativitas dan Kompetensi Kerja Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Asn Kantor Immigrasi Kelas 1 Tpi Tanjung Perak

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    This study aims to determine and analyze Immigration Policy, Creativity, Work Competence and Their Influence on the Performance of ASN Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Tanjung Perak. The population is ASN Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Tanjung Perak totaling 100 people and the sampling technique using the survey method or saturated sample by taking all members of the population as respondents. Using questionnaires to collect primary data. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression with SPSS Version 21 program. The results show that Immigration Policy has a positive and significant effect on the performance of ASN Performance of ASN Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Tanjung Perak, Creativity has a positive and significant effect on ASN Performance Class 1 TPI Immigration Office Tanjung Perak, Work Competence has a positive and significant impact on the performance of ASN Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Tanjung Pera

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Rgec (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, Capital)? Studi pada PT Bpr Sinar Kuta Periode 2016-2018

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    The results of this study indicate that based on the analysis of the BPR Sinar Kuta NPL formula in 2018 increased every year 2016 = 2.55%, 2017 = 3.12%, and 2018 =3.75%. and Liquidity risk using two ratios, namely LDR and LAR, has increased anddecreased. This shows that BPR Sinar Kuta has good profitability towards third partyrefunds. GCG Bank Sinar Kuta also has very good management as evidenced from 2016 -2018 showing a good composite predicate by determining a healthy bank valuation matrixbased on Bank Indonesia Regulation No.13 and the predicate is that all the compositevalues are still in greater or equal rules with (?) 1.5. When viewed from CAR, BankSinar Kuta is ranked 5th, it shows that Bank Sinar as a BPR Bank has a reasonable levelof health

    “Aksiologi Packaging” Perspektif Small Bisnis And Customer di Sidoarjo

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    During this time, the business actors in the Small Business, lack of understanding about Packaging, especially regarding the functions and benefits, so they make thePackaging with the origin. This study aims to determine the role and function ofpackaging in maintaining product safety, as a promotional media so as to increase theselling value of the products of the Small Business. Appropriate material structure,attractive packaging appearance will give a distinct impression for consumers indetermining their decision to buy or not buy a product. Descriptive qualitative researchmethod by conducting a direct survey of Small Business in Sidoarjo, and also conductinglibrary and literature studies. The results of this study prove that the right materialstructure and the appearance of packaging that is very attractive to consumers willincrease sales of these Small Business products

    Influence of Asset Structure, Capital Structure, Company Size and Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Firm Value with Earning Growth as Intervening Variable in State-owned Enterprises Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Study on Non-bank Soe S

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of asset structure (X1), capital structure (X2), firm size (X3), corporate social responsibility(X4) on firm value (Y) with earning growth (Z) as an intervening variable in non-bank state-owned companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. 2018-2020 period. The sample companies are 10 non-bank state-owned companies. This research uses SEM-PLS, the software is smartPLS. Of the 13 significant hypotheses accepted, there are 3, namely asset structure on earning growth, capital structure on earning growth and firm size on firm value. There are 10 hypotheses that are not significant or rejected, namely asset structure to firm value, capital structure to firm value, firm size to earnings growth, corporate social responsibility to earnings growth, corporate social responsibility to firm value, earning growth to firm value, asset structure to firm value. firm value through earning growth as an intervening variable, capital structure on firm value through earning growth as an intervening variable, firm size on firm value through earning growth as an intervening variable, corporate social responsibility on firm value through earning growth as an intervening variable Keywords : Asset structure, capital structure, company size, corporate social response, earning growth, firm value

    Pengaruh Investment Decision, Financing Decision, dan Makro Ekonomi terhadap Good Financial Governance Serta Value Of The Firm dengan Unsystematic Risk dan Profitabilitas sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of investment decision, financing decision, andmacro economy toward good financial governance and value of the firm with unsystematic risk andprofitability as intervening variable. This research is conducted at Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) to allmanufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2016. The sample used is 27manufacturing companies in Indonesia stock exchange in 2013-2016. The results showed that Based on theresults of data testing that has been carried out, a conclusion can be drawn on the results of hypothesistesting: Investment Decision has no significant effect on Unsystematic Risk and on Financing Decision buthas a significant effect on Profitability, on Good Financial Governance, Value of the Firm and on GoodFinancial Governance through Unsystematic Risk. Financing Decision has Significant Effect onUnsystematic Risk, Profitability, Good Financial Governance but has no significant effect on Value of theFirm Macroeconomics has a significant influence on Unsystematic Risk, Profitability, Investment Decisin,Decision Financing, Good Financial Governance and Value of the Firm Unsystematic Risk SignificantlyAffects Profitability and Good Financial Governance Profitability Significantly Affects Good FinancialGovernance, and Value of The Firm, and Good Financial Governance Significantly Affects Value of TheFirm Financing Decision has a significant effect on Good Financial Governance through UnsystematicRisk.Macroeconomics has a significant effect on Good Financial Governance through Unsystematic Risk.Investment Decision affects the Value of the Firm through Profitability.Decision Financing on Value of theFirm through Profitability.and Macroeconomics affects the Value of the Firm through Profitability