34 research outputs found
Realitas Masyarakat 5.0 Perspektif Pendidikan Modern KH. Zainuddin Fananie
This study aims to discuss the reality of society 5.0 according to Islam. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying the analytical descriptive method. The formal object of this research is the Islamic view which is manifested by KH. Zainuddin Fananie is related to modern education, while the material object is the reality of society 5.0 for the Indonesian context. The results of research and discussion show that the foundation of modern education KH. Zainuddin Fananie in the form of spirit, mind, and charity has relevance to the idea of society 5.0 whose reality requires change, happiness, and prosperity. This study concludes that the view of modern education KH. Zainuddin Fananie is relevant to be used to shape the reality of society 5.0 in the Indonesian context
Kualitas dan Interpretasi Hadis tentang Misogini: Studi Takhrij dan Syarah
This study aims to discuss the hadith about misogyny. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying the descriptive-analytical method. The formal object of this research is the science of hadith, while the material object is the hadith about misogyny, in the narration of Bukhari no. 293. The results and discussion of this study indicate that the status of the hadith is of authentic quality that meets the qualifications of maqbul ma'mul bih for the practice of Islam. This study concludes that the hadith narrated by Bukhari no. 293 is relevant to be used as motivation for early warning and the development of good behavior in worship
Penelitian di latar belakang oleh permasalahan terkait perkembangan kemampuan motorik halus AUD hasil studi pendahuluan Kelas B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin Bandung, melihat adanya beberapa anak yang kurang dalam kemampuan motorik halus. Fenomena ini menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan antara kegiatan menyusun mobis (Motor Skills Blok Interlocking System) dengan kemampuan motorik halus AUD. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) kegiatan menyusun Motor Skills Blok Interlocking System (Mobis) di Kelas B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin; 2) kemampuan motorik halus AUD di Kelas B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin; 3) hubungan antara kegiatan menyusun mobis (Motor Skills Blok Interlocking System) dengan kemampuan motorik halus AUD Kelas B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin Bandung. Metode ini adalah survey yang menghubungkan dengan analisis korelasional. Subjek nya ialah anak Kelas B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin Bandung Ajaran 2019/2020 dengan jumlah 17 peserta didik. Teknik data dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, analisis korelasi spearman rank. Hasil menunjukkan kegiatan menyusun Motor Skills Blok Interlocking System kelompok B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin Bandung yaitu diperoleh pada nilai sebesar 45,2 angka pada interval 0 – 49 bisa dikatakan belum berkembang. Dan untuk kemampuan motorik halus AUD pada nilai rata- rata 38,2 angka pada interval 0 – 49 kategori gagal. Hubungan kedua variabel ini adalah tidak ada hubungan antara kegiatan menyusun Motor Skills Blok Interlocking System antara kemampuan motorik halus AUD di Kelompok B2 RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin Bandung. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan koefisiensi korelasi (r) sebesar (-0,78) angka pada interval 0,000 – 0,199 ketegori sangat rendah. Dan ditunjukan oleh hasil hipotesis harga t hitung sebesar -7,58 dan t tabel dengan db = 15 signifikan 5% 2,13. Maka, Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak dengan kata lain kegiatan menyusun mobis (Motor Skills Blok Interlocking System) tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara kemampuan motorik halus AUD di Kelompok B RA Mukhlisina Lahuddin Bandung
This research is based on the results of initial observations where some children still cannot control their emotions, which can be seen during the process of learning activities that there are still many children who are not enthusiastic about learning and do not have an attitude of responsibility towards themselves in carrying out various activities for their good. This research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects in the implementation of this study were group B children totaling 9 children for the 2019/2020 Academic Year. Data collection techniques in this study through observation and performance. The results showed that the activity of listening to relaxation music can increase the emotional intelligence of children in group B TKQ-Huda Antapani Bandung. This can be seen from the average result of teacher activity in the first cycle of 65.78% with a sufficient predicate and the second cycle, the average is 89.47% with a very good predicate. Furthermore, the results of children's activities in the first cycle were 44.44 % with the predicate less once, and in the second cycle, the average value was 82.40% with the good predicate. The average value of children's emotional intelligence in the first cycle is 31.66 with a very poor predicate and the average value in the second cycle is 74.06 with a good predicate. Based on the results obtained, it is evident that the activity of listening to relaxation music can increase the emotional intelligence of children in group B of TKQ Al-Huda Antapani Bandung
Teaching Arabic by Gender Perspective at Pesantren Darunnajah
This study was aimed at describing Arabic language teaching which is based on gender perspective at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta. Method applied to describe data was inferential descriptive. This method was used to describe, and organize systematically Arabic language teaching at Darunnajah then it drew conclusion based on the data gathered. The findings showed that Arabic language textbook had no material indicating gender bias. The involvement of male and female student in Arabic language material had no bias gender issues. However there was a little content og gender bias when dealing with activities and role of women either visually or textually. Textbook written by D. Hidayat featured: content on text concerning Muhammad SAW history, Siti Khadijah role and Indonesian women activities in the country
Konsep Manusia Ahsani Taqwim dan Refleksinya dalam Pendidikan Islam
konsep manusia dalam QS. Al-Tin:4 merupakan suatu ideologi yang universal. QS. Al-Tin:4 telah menjelaskan bagaimana cara kita memahami dan menerima persepsi tertentu tentang manusia. Tentu saja ideologi tentang manusia ini sangat bermakna bagi pendidikan Islam, terutama untuk dijadikan sebagai model ideal manusia sebagai tujuan pendidikan Islam. Ungkapan al-Insan yang dipergunakan dalam QS. Al-Tin:4 yang merefleksikan konsep manusia sebagai makhluk sosial dan kultural memberikan tugas bagi pendidikan Islam untuk membantu manusia mencapai kondisi tersebut. QS. Al-Tin:4 telah menempatkan manusia secara simplikatif tidak hanya sebagai bagian sistematik dari realitas makro-kosmos (Alam, lingkungan sosial). Lebih jauh, menuntut peranan kreatif manusia untuk mengelola alam sebagai sumber daya material (material resource), dalam kerangka misi produktif dan inovatif untuk selalu menciptakan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran di muka bumi. Pendidikan Islam harus diorientasikan pada upaya pemeliharaan sebaik-baiknya bentuk manusia dan terus mengembangkan dan meningkatkan potensi dan kemampuan yang dimiliki manusia
Analisis Perkembangan Perilaku Proposial Anak Dengan Metode Bermain Peran
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui realitas perkembangan perilaku prososial anak pada kelompok A dengan metode bermain peran dan metode bernyanyi, serta perbedaan perkembangan perilaku prososial anak dari kedua metode tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode kuasi eksperimen. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 37 anak kelompok A RA PERSIS 235 Nasrullah. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis komparasi yaitu, pengujian hipotesis komparatif dengan uji t. Realitas perkembangan perilaku prososial kelas eksperimen dengan metode bermain peran, diperoleh nilai rata-rata pretest = 59 dengan interpretasi kurang, sedangkan nilai rata-rata posttest = 73 dengan interpretasi baik. Realitas perkembangan perilaku prososial kelas kontrol dengan metode bernyanyi, diperoleh nilai rata-rata pretest = 63 dengan interpretasi cukup, sedangkan nilai rata-rata posttest = 68 dengan interpretasi cukup. Hasil uji t1, diperoleh t1= 2,76>nKt1 pada tarafsignifikansi 5% = 1,73, sehingga dapat diinterpretasikan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan mengenai perkembangan perilaku prososial anak antara metode bermain peran dengan metode bernyanyi
"The Mobile Phone and Marital Communication: Its Influence on Familiy Happinnes in Indonesia"
Today, a mobile phone has asserted itself as a leading communication tool in most of our personal transactions and interactions. It has become a life simplifying and life changing mode of communication, influencing both public and private lives of people. Being a widely used tool for communication, a mobile phone touches most of the interpersonal cooperation and relationships in society, including marital interactions and relationships. Upon this, the present study, seeks to establish the importance of mobile phone communication in marriage and its influence on family happiness. The study unearths the pattern of mobile phone communication among married partners, by outlining the most common reasons for communicating with the spouse on a mobile phone. A survey was carried out with the help of questionnaires to obtain data from 30 respondents, comprising of married partners, staff and students from a state-owned university in Banjarmasin. Each of the respondents possessed a mobile phone. The Mann-Whitney test indicates that the males profoundly believed that mobile phone communication was more important to their marriage than females to strengthen their relationship. Also, the males reported a higher frequency of sending messages and calling their spouses. By and large, the results of the study illuminate on most common reasons for communicating with the spouse, and the outstanding reason is on maintaining a robust intimate relationship through keeping in touch, sharing updates, emotions, feelings, knowing about children and ensuring the safety of each other through checking on one another using a mobile phone. The findings have significance in showing the need for continued communication in a marital relationship, especially by using the fastest and most comfortable means of mobile phone. Given the synchronous nature of mobile phone communication, the results indicate that married spouses cannot do without it, especially in this Information Society, where we need updates from our spouses, children, friends, and the situation at large
Respon Pelaku Usaha dalam Penerimaan Kebijakan Sertifikasi Halal
Hasil studi ini dapat menjadi gambaran bagaimana penerimaan kebijakan sertifikasi halal berdasarkan respon para pelaku usaha. Secara umum, studi ini memiliki implikasi berikut: Pertama, penerapan kebijakan sertifikasi halal oleh
pemerintah harus mempertimbangkan berbagai indikator penerimaan kebijakan tersebut, khususnya dari para pelaku usaha yang menjadi subjek pelaksana kebijakan, seperti pengetahuan tentang halal dan informasi kebijakan,
kesadaran halal di kalangan pelaku usaha, persepsi pelaku usaha tentang halal,efisiensi, efektivitas, hingga kesanggupan pelaku usaha dalam menjalankannya.
Kedua, penerapan kebijakan sertifikasi halal juga harus mempertimbangkan karakteristik pelaku usaha yang tidak homogen, baik yang dipengaruhi oleh usia,pendidikan, latar belakang keagamaan, maupun bidang usaha yang dijalankan.
Ketiga, kebijakan sertifikasi harus memberikan perhatian pada dua indikator penting, yakni kesadaran halal dan efektivitas pelaksanaan kebijakan itu sendiri,yang diperkuat juga dengan indikator-indikator lainnya