339 research outputs found

    Исследование образования и уровня осаждения неорганических солей в процессе добычи нефти и газа

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    Солевое осаждение вызывает множество трудностей в процессе добычи нефти и газа, особенно в шахтах с использованием впрыска воды для поддержания давления в резервуаре. Неорганические карбонатные и сульфатные соли (такие как СаСО[3], CaSO[4], BaSO[4]) могут осаждаться в резервуарах и горном оборудовании из-за изменений температурных условий давления и химического равновесия в процессе эксплуатации. Статья является результатом изучения механизмов формирования и оценки способов образования и осаждения неорганических осадков в процессе разведки нефти и газа для обеспечения безопасной и эффективной эксплуатации системы

    Low-density series expansions for directed percolation I: A new efficient algorithm with applications to the square lattice

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    A new algorithm for the derivation of low-density series for percolation on directed lattices is introduced and applied to the square lattice bond and site problems. Numerical evidence shows that the computational complexity grows exponentially, but with a growth factor \lambda < \protect{\sqrt[8]{2}}, which is much smaller than the growth factor \lambda = \protect{\sqrt[4]{2}} of the previous best algorithm. For bond (site) percolation on the directed square lattice the series has been extended to order 171 (158). Analysis of the series yields sharper estimates of the critical points and exponents.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures (3 of them > 1Mb

    True Lumen Stabilization to Overcome Malperfusion in Acute Type I Aortic Dissection.

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    Acute type I aortic dissection (AD) complicated by true lumen (TL) collapse and malperfusion downstream is associated with devastating prognosis. The study reports an institutional mid-term experience with TL stabilization by uncovered stents to restore perfusion as a supplement to proximal thoracic aortic surgery. Between January 2007 and May 2017, 181 out of 270 acute type A AD patients were operated on type I AD. Eighteen uncovered stents (10%) were used to expand the aortic TL in presence of visceral and/or peripheral malperfusion. The procedures took place in a hybrid operating room and were combined with proximal aortic surgery. During follow-up (mean ± standard deviation 3.44 ± 2.1 years), the fate of AD was evaluated by computed tomography. Indication for TL stenting included visceral (44%) or peripheral malperfusion (11%) or both (45%). Stenting of aortic branches followed in 33%. All patients underwent proximal repair and were combined with frozen elephant trunk (67%) or retrograde descending aorta stent grafting (11%). Thirty-day mortality was 16.7%. Two-year survival was 71.8%. The false lumen around the uncovered stents remained patent in 89% and the aortic diameter increased 0.1 cm/y. No intimal rupture or occlusion of arteries occurred. In 1 patient, the stented aortic lumen was visualized after 6.3 years and neointima ingrowth covering the nitinol frame was found. In acute type I AD, combined endovascular-surgical procedures in a hybrid operation room setting can be used safely to resolve distal malperfusion. Encapsulation of uncovered stents within the intimal wall provides a stable fundament for endovascular techniques to close entry tears and false lumen

    Мониторинг и оптимизация технологических параметров работы скважин, оборудованных установкой электроцентробежных насосов на нефтяном месторождении "Х" (Томская область)

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    Цель работы – анализ технологической и экономической эффективности применения режима периодического кратковременного включения, а также разработка рекомендаций по времени цикла работы скважины и подбору погружного оборудования на примере Х нефтяного месторождения.The purpose of the work is the analysis of the technological and economic efficiency of the use of the regime of periodic short-term switching on, as well as the development of recommendations for the well cycle time and selection of the submersible equipment using the example of the X oil field

    Оценка работы компактных канализационных очистных сооружений

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    Статья посвящена проблемам заводских локальных очистных сооружений.The article is devoted to problems of factory local treatment facilities


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    В статті аналізується висвітлення в сучасній історіографії пострадянських країн низки проблемісторії ІІСвітової війни, насамперед концепції ревізіоністського характеру, та дається оцінка їхньої обґрунтованості.This article analyzes coverage of contemporary historiography of post-Soviet countries, a number of problems in the history ofWorldWar II, especially the concept of a revisionist nature, and assesses their validity

    Proteomics : A Tool to Study Platelet Function

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    Acknowledgments: Authors acknowledge Laxmikanth Kollipara for the critical review and Julia Lill for support with figures preparation. The Figure 2 was created in Biorender.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Psychometric properties of the German revised version of the eHealth literacy scale in individuals with cardiac diseases: Validation and test of measurement invariance

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    Background: The internet is most people's primary source of (health) information. However, no validated instrument exists to assess eHealth literacy in the group of patient with cardiac diseases. Objective: The objective of this study was the evaluation of the psychometric properties of the German revised version of the eHealth literacy scale (GR-eHEALS) in individuals with coronary artery disease (CAD) and congestive heart failure (CHF). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. N = 455 were included in the statistical analyses. The assessment compromised the GR-eHEALS, medical history, sociodemographic data, and technology-related data. Confirmatory factor analyses, correlational analyses, and tests of measurement invariance were performed. Results: The two-factorial model reached a good model fit. The sub-scales information seeking and information appraisal, as well as the eHealth literacy total score, reached high reliability coefficients. Construct and criterion validity was fully confirmed For the two-factorial model, measurement invariance up to the scalar level could be confirmed regarding the sociodemographic characteristics sex, age, and educational level. Conclusions: This study confirmed the two-factor structure, construct, and criterion validity as well as measurement invariance at the scalar level for sex, age, and educational level of the GR-eHEALS scale in a sample of individuals with CAD and CHF