5,355 research outputs found
Jet Substructure at the Tevatron and LHC: New results, new tools, new benchmarks
In this report we review recent theoretical progress and the latest
experimental results in jet substructure from the Tevatron and the LHC. We
review the status of and outlook for calculation and simulation tools for
studying jet substructure. Following up on the report of the Boost 2010
workshop, we present a new set of benchmark comparisons of substructure
techniques, focusing on the set of variables and grooming methods that are
collectively known as "top taggers". To facilitate further exploration, we have
attempted to collect, harmonise, and publish software implementations of these
techniques.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figures. L. Asquith, S. Rappoccio, C. K. Vermilion,
editors; v2: minor edits from journal revision
Top quark mass measurement using the template method at CDF
We present a measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets and
dilepton channels of decays using the template method. The data
sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.6 fb of
collisions at Tevatron with TeV, collected with the CDF II
detector. The measurement is performed by constructing templates of three
kinematic variables in the lepton+jets and two kinematic variables in the
dilepton channel. The variables are two reconstructed top quark masses from
different jets-to-quarks combinations and the invariant mass of two jets from
the decay in the lepton+jets channel, and a reconstructed top quark mass
and , a variable related to the transverse mass in events with two
missing particles, in the dilepton channel. The simultaneous fit of the
templates from signal and background events in the lepton+jets and dilepton
channels to the data yields a measured top quark mass of Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.
Measurement of the Helicity Fractions of W Bosons from Top Quark Decays Using Fully Reconstructed top-antitop Events with CDF II
We present a measurement of the fractions F_0 and F_+ of longitudinally
polarized and right-handed W bosons in top quark decays using data collected
with the CDF II detector. The data set used in the analysis corresponds to an
integrated luminosity of approximately 318 pb -1. We select ttbar candidate
events with one lepton, at least four jets, and missing transverse energy. Our
helicity measurement uses the decay angle theta*, which is defined as the angle
between the momentum of the charged lepton in the W boson rest frame and the W
momentum in the top quark rest frame. The cos(theta*) distribution in the data
is determined by full kinematic reconstruction of the ttbar candidates. We find
F_0 = 0.85 +0.15 -0.22 (stat) +- 0.06 (syst) and F_+ = 0.05 +0.11 -0.05 (stat)
+- 0.03 (syst), which is consistent with the standard model prediction. We set
an upper limit on the fraction of right-handed W bosons of F_+ < 0.26 at the
95% confidence level.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Evidence for the exclusive decay Bc+- to J/psi pi+- and measurement of the mass of the Bc meson
We report first evidence for a fully reconstructed decay mode of the
B_c^{\pm} meson in the channel B_c^{\pm} \to J/psi \pi^{\pm}, with J/psi \to
mu^+mu^-. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of 360 pb$^{-1} in
p\bar{p} collisions at 1.96 TeV center of mass energy collected by the Collider
Detector at Fermilab. We observe 14.6 \pm 4.6 signal events with a background
of 7.1 \pm 0.9 events, and a fit to the J/psi pi^{\pm} mass spectrum yields a
B_c^{\pm} mass of 6285.7 \pm 5.3(stat) \pm 1.2(syst) MeV/c^2. The probability
of a peak of this magnitude occurring by random fluctuation in the search
region is estimated as 0.012%.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Version 3, accepted by PR
Measurement of the ttbar Production Cross Section in ppbar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV
We present a measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in
ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV using 318 pb^{-1} of data collected with
the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We select ttbar decays into the final states
e nu + jets and mu nu + jets, in which at least one b quark from the t-quark
decays is identified using a secondary vertex-finding algorithm. Assuming a top
quark mass of 178 GeV/c^2, we measure a cross section of 8.7 +-0.9 (stat)
+1.1-0.9 (syst) pb. We also report the first observation of ttbar with
significance greater than 5 sigma in the subsample in which both b quarks are
identified, corresponding to a cross section of 10.1 +1.6-1.4(stat)+2.0-1.3
(syst) pb.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics Review Letters, 7 page
Measurement of and Production in Collisions at = 1.96 TeV
The Standard Model predictions for and production are
tested using an integrated luminosity of 200 pb of \ppbar collision data
collected at the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The cross sections are measured
selecting leptonic decays of the and bosons, and photons with
transverse energy GeV that are well separated from leptons. The
production cross sections and kinematic distributions for the and
are compared to SM predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR