124 research outputs found

    On the interplay of temporal resolution power and spatial suppression in their prediction of psychometric intelligence.

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    As a measure of the brain's temporal fine-tuning capacity, temporal resolution power (TRP) explained repeatedly a substantial amount of variance in psychometric intelligence. Recently, spatial suppression, referred to as the increasing difficulty in quickly perceiving motion direction as the size of the moving stimulus increases, has attracted particular attention, when it was found to be positively related to psychometric intelligence. Due to the conceptual similarities of TRP and spatial suppression, the present study investigated their mutual interplay in the relation to psychometric intelligence in 273 young adults to better understand the reasons for these relationships. As in previous studies, psychometric intelligence was positively related to a latent variable representing TRP but, in contrast to previous reports, negatively to latent and manifest measures of spatial suppression. In a combined structural equation model, TRP still explained a substantial amount of variance in psychometric intelligence while the negative relation between spatial suppression and intelligence was completely explained by TRP. Thus, our findings confirmed TRP to be a robust predictor of psychometric intelligence but challenged the assumption of spatial suppression as a representation of general information processing efficiency as reflected in psychometric intelligence. Possible reasons for the contradictory findings on the relation between spatial suppression and psychometric intelligence are discussed

    Do executive attentional processes uniquely or commonly explain psychometric g and correlations in the positive manifold? A structural equation modeling and network-analysis approach to investigate the Process Overlap Theory

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    One of the best-established findings in intelligence research is the pattern of positive correlations among various intelligence tests. Although this so-called positive manifold became the conceptual foundation of many theoretical accounts of intelligence, the very nature of it has remained unclear. Only recently, Process Overlap Theory (POT) proposed that the positive manifold originated from overlapping domain-general, executive processes. To test this assumption, the functional relationship between different aspects of executive attention and the positive manifold was investigated by re-analyzing an existing dataset (N = 228). Psychometric reasoning, speed, and memory performance were assessed by a short form of the Berlin Intelligence Structure test. Two aspects of executive attention (sustained and selective attention) and speed of decision making were measured by a continuous performance test, a flanker task, and a Hick task, respectively. Traditional structural equation modeling, representing the positive manifold by a g factor, as well as network analyses, investigating the differential effects of the two aspects of executive attention and speed of decision making on the specific correlations of the positive manifold, suggested that selective attention, sustained attention, and speed of decision making explained the common but not the unique portions of the positive manifold. Thus, we failed to provide evidence for POT’s assumption that the positive manifold is the result of overlapping domain-general processes. This does not mean that domain-general processes other than those investigated here will not be able to show the pattern of results predicted by POT

    Relations among fluid intelligence, sensory discrimination and working memory in middle to late childhood – A latent variable approach

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    Two factors that have been suggested as key in explaining individual differences in fluid intelligence are working memory and sensory discrimination ability. A latent variable approach was used to explore the relative contributions of these two variables to individual differences in fluid intelligence in middle to late childhood. A sample of 263 children aged 7–12 years was examined. Correlational analyses showed that general discrimination ability (GDA)and working memory (WM) were related to each other and to fluid intelligence. Structural equation modeling showed that within both younger and older age groups and the sample as a whole, the relation between GDA and fluid intelligence could be accounted for by WM. While WM was able to predict variance in fluid intelligence above and beyond GDA, GDA was not able to explain significant amounts of variance in fluid intelligence, either in the whole sample or within the younger or older age group. We concluded that compared to GDA, WM should be considered the better predictor of individual differences in fluid intelligence in childhood. WM and fluid intelligence, while not being separable in middle childhood, develop at different rates, becoming more separable with age

    A neuropharmacological approach to human timing

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    NMDA receptor activity and the transmission of sensory input into motor output in introverts and extraverts

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    Recent research suggests that individual differences in brain dopamine functioning may be related to the personality dimension of extraversion. The major goal of the present study was to answer the question of whether a pharmacologically induced change in glutamatergic NMDA receptor activity would also differentially affect the transmission of sensory input into motor output in introverts and extraverts. Therefore, in a double-blind within-subjects design, either 30 mg of the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine or placebo were administered to 48 healthy male volunteers before performing a choice reaction-time task. In introverts, memantine caused a pronounced increase in lift-off time (i.e., the time required to lift the finger from a home button) compared to that in extraverts, whereas movement time (i.e., the time required to move the finger from the home button to a response button) was decreased in both groups. The pattern of results suggests that extraversion-related differential sensitivity to pharmacologically induced changes in NMDA receptor activity is limited to functions that involve an interaction between the glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems

    Developing a Psychophysical Measure to Assess Duration Discrimination in the Millisecond Range

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    Duration discrimination in the range of milliseconds is essential for various aspects of behavior and individual differences. The present paper addresses important methodological issues, such as type of stimuli, type of task, method for threshold estimation, and temporal sensitivity of the psychophysical procedure, that should be borne in mind when developing a sensitive and reliable duration discrimination task. Furthermore, it introduces a psychophysical approach for the assessment of individual differences in duration discrimination of extremely brief intervals in the subsecond range. Monte Carlo simulations provide clear evidence that this task is sensitive enough to correctly detect a true difference between temporal stimuli as small as 2 ms with a high probability. Further, the distributional properties of individual performance scores obtained from 534 participants by means of the introduced duration discrimination task are presented. </jats:p

    Effects of Pharmacologically Induced Changes in NMDA-Receptor Activity on Long-Term Memory in Humans

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    In a double-blind crossover design, either 30 mg of the noncompetitive NMDA-receptor antagonist memantine or a placebo was administered to 40 healthy male volunteers. Twenty line drawings of objects and 20 photographs of unfamiliar faces were presented on a computer screen. After a retention interval of 80 min, the participants' task was to select the original objects and faces from a set of 80 items. Results were analyzed applying a signal-detection-theory approach. Recognition performance for objects was significantly impaired under memantine as compared to placebo, whereas performance on face recognition was not affected. Findings support the notion of differential effects of NMDA-receptor antagonists on memory functions in humans
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