6,789 research outputs found
The University as a Pluralistic System: The Case of Minority Faculty Recruitment and Retention
Recently there has been considerable emphasis placed in higher education on the recruitment and retention of minority faculty. There is an expanding literature indicating the problems relating to the inadequate pool of such faculty and strategies and approaches related to effective recruitment and retention.[1] It is apparent that there is considerable interest in this area. Given the predicted demographic patterns and characteristics in the population during the remainder of this century, it is understandable that colleges and universities are pursuing a more diverse faculty. The recruitment and retention of minority faculty, however, is only one component -- though a critically important one -- of the total university environment. The extent of effectiveness in this area will depend upon the totality of the other components in which it is embedded and that characterize the university as a whole
Termination and Cost Analysis with COSTA and its User Interfaces
COSTA is a static analyzer for Java bytecode which is able to infer cost and termination information for large classes of programs. The analyzer takes as input a program and a resource of interest, in the form of a cost model, and aims at obtaining an upper bound on the execution cost with respect to the resource and at proving program termination. The costa system has reached a considerable degree of maturity in that (1) it includes state-of-the-art techniques for statically estimating the resource consumption and the termination behavior of programs, plus a number of specialized techniques which are required for achieving accurate results in the context of object-oriented programs, such as handling numeric fields in value analysis; (2) it provides several nontrivial notions of cost (resource consumption) including, in addition to the number of execution steps, the amount of memory allocated in the heap or the number of calls to some user-specified method; (3) it provides several user interfaces: a classical command line, a Web interface which allows experimenting remotely with the system without the need of installing it locally, and a recently developed Eclipse plugin which facilitates the usage of the analyzer, even during the development phase; (4) it can deal with both the Standard and Micro editions of Java. In the tool demonstration, we will show that costa is able to produce meaningful results for non-trivial programs, possibly using Java libraries. Such results can then be used in many applications, including program development, resource usage certification, program optimization, etc
Artificial intelligent system for multimedia services in smart home environments
[EN] Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced new applications and environments. Smart Home provides new ways of communication and service consumption. In addition, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning have improved different services and tasks by automatizing them. In this field, reinforcement learning (RL) provides an unsupervised way to learn from the environment. In this paper, a new intelligent system based on RL and deep learning is proposed for Smart Home environments to guarantee good levels of QoE, focused on multimedia services. This system is aimed to reduce the impact on user experience when the classifying system achieves a low accuracy. The experiments performed show that the deep learning model proposed achieves better accuracy than the KNN algorithm and that the RL system increases the QoE of the user up to 3.8 on a scale of 10.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially founded by the Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia through the postdoctoral PAID-10-20 program.Rego Mañez, A.; Gonzalez Ramirez, PL.; Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J. (2022). Artificial intelligent system for multimedia services in smart home environments. Cluster Computing. 25(3):2085-2105. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-021-03350-zS2085210525
First Detection of 3He+ in the Planetary Nebula IC 418
The He isotope is important to many fields of astrophysics, including
stellar evolution, chemical evolution, and cosmology. The isotope is produced
in low-mass stars which evolve through the planetary nebula (PN) phase. He
abundances in PNe can help test models of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy.
We present the detection of the He emission line using the single dish
Deep Space Station 63, towards the PN IC418. We derived a He/H
abundance in the range 1.740.810 to
5.81.710, depending on whether part of the line arises in
an outer ionized halo. The lower value for He/H ratio approaches values
predicted by stellar models which include thermohaline mixing, but requires
that large amounts of He are produced inside low-mass stars which enrich
the interstellar medium (ISM). However, this over-predicts the He abundance
in HII regions, the ISM, and proto-solar grains, which is known to be of the
order of 10. This discrepancy questions our understanding of the
evolution of the He, from circumstellar environments to the ISM.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society Letter
From Object Fields to Local Variables: A Practical Approach to Field-Sensitive Analysis
Static analysis which takes into account the value of data stored in the heap is typically considered complex and computationally intractable in practice. Thus, most static analyzers do not keep track of object fields (or fields for short), i.e., they are field-insensitive. In this paper, we propose locality conditions for soundly converting fields into local variables. This way, field-insensitive analysis over the transformed program can infer information on the original fields. Our notion of locality is context-sensitive and can be applied both to numeric and reference fields. We propose then a polyvariant transformation which actually converts object fields meeting the locality condition into variables and which is able to generate multiple versions of code when this leads to increasing the amount of fields which satisfy the locality conditions. We have implemented our analysis within a termination analyzer for Java bytecode
Microparticle manipulation and imaging through a self-calibrated liquid crystal on silicon display
We present in this paper a revision of three different methods we conceived in the framework of liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) display optimization and application. We preliminarily demonstrate an LCoS self-calibration technique, from which we can perform a complete LCoS characterization. In particular, two important characteristics of LCoS displays are retrieved by using self-addressed digital holograms. On the one hand, we determine its phase-voltage curve by using the interference pattern generated by a digital two-sectorial split-lens configuration. On the other hand, the LCoS surface profile is also determined by using a self-addressed dynamic micro-lens array pattern. Second, the implementation of microparticle manipulation through optical traps created by an LCoS display is demonstrated. Finally, an LCoS display based inline (IL) holographic imaging system is described. By using the LCoS display to implement a double-sideband filter configuration, this inline architecture demonstrates the advantage of obtaining dynamic holographic imaging of microparticles independently of their spatial positions by avoiding the non-desired conjugate images
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Blame it on the goats? Desertification in the Near East during the Holocene
The degree to which desertification during the Holocene resulted from climatic deterioration or alternatively from overgrazing has puzzled Quaternary scientists in many arid regions of the world. In the research reported upon here, a multi-disciplinary investigation of a 5-m deep, ~11,000-year-old sediment column excavated in a dry lake bed in southern Jordan revealed an early interval in which proxies of plant cover and sheep/goat stocking rates co-varied directly with climatic cycles. Beginning ~5.6 kcal BP, however, this pattern changed with fecal spherulite and phytolith densities failing to co-vary and with spherulites often greatly exceeding phytolith densities, which we suggest is indicative of overgrazing. Moreover, the lack of agreement between the high phytolith densities and other indicators of a desert landscape (i.e. geomorphic and palynologic) suggests that phytolith densities were inflated by fodder subsidies and as such are not entirely reflective of plant cover for this later interval. Given the co-incidental emergence of overgrazing with archaeological evidence for a marked rise in regional population, emergence of widespread trade, and expansion of the Timnian pastoral complex during Chalcolithic–early Bronze times, we argue that desertification was a consequence of socio-economic factors (e.g. higher stocking rates) associated with a shift from a subsistence to a market economy. In addition, we contend that the signature lithic artifact variety (tabular scraper) that appeared in great abundance during this period was directly tied to the emergent market economy and its secondary products (wool) in having been used to shear sheep. Moreover, in that these changes took place largely concurrent with local and regionally recognized evidence of a moist interval, we conclude that the mid- to late-Holocene desertification of the southern Levant was induced more by anthropogenic than climatic factors
Proceso de compras por montos iguales o menores a 8 unidades impositivas tributarias y ejecución presupuestal en la Municipalidad Provincial de Lamas, región San Martín, 2017 - 2018
El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación del proceso de compra por montos iguales o menores a 8 Unidades Impositivas Tributarias y la ejecución presupuestaria en la Municipalidad Provincial de Lamas, Región San Martín, 2017-2018; investigación de tipo básico, nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental. Con una muestra de 69 trabajadores municipales, aplicando la técnica de análisis documental y la encuesta; y como instrumentos el archivo de análisis de documentos y el cuestionario. En sus conclusiones, detalla que la relación de los procesos de compra por montos iguales o menores a 8 UIT en la ejecución presupuestaria en el municipio provincial de Lamas, 2017-2018, es moderadamente positiva, con un valor del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0,612, con un nivel de confianza del 99% y una significancia bilateral de 0,0. El nivel de cumplimiento del proceso de compras por montos iguales o menores a 8 UIT en el municipio provincial de Lamas, es regular con 57.1%, y la ejecución presupuestaria para gasto genérico es 83.3% y 68.7% para los años 2017 y 2018 ; y por fuentes de financiamiento los Recursos determinados con 81.5% y 83% para los años 2017 y 2018; Recursos Ordinarios con 85% y 57,7% para los años 2017 y 2018; Recursos Captados Directamente con 74,5% y 62,7% para los años 2017 y 2018.The objective of the research was to determine the relationship of the purchase process for amounts equal to or less than 8 Tax Units and the budget execution in the Provincial Municipality of Lamas, San Martin Region, 2017-2018. The resaerch was of basic type, with correlational level, and non-experimental design. Asample of 69 municipal workers was taken into account, applying the documentary analysis technique and the survey, as well as the document analysis file and the questionnaire as instruments. In its conclusions, it details that the relationship of purchasing processes for amounts equal to or less than 8 UIT in the budget execution in the provincial municipality of Lamas, 2017-2018, is moderately positive, with a value of Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.612, with a confidence level of 99% and a bilateral significance of 0.0. The level of compliance with the procurement process for amounts equal to or less than 8 UIT in the provincial municipality of Lamas, was regular with 57.1%, and the budget execution for generic expenditure amounted to 83.3% and 68.7% for the years 2017 and 2018. By funding sources, the Determined Resources amounted to 81.5% and 83% for the years 2017 and 2018; Ordinary Resources amounted to 85% and 57.7% for the years 2017 and 2018; Directly Raised Resources amounted to 74.5% and 62.7% for the years 2017 and 2018
Implementación de un Sistema de Facturación Electrónica para la gestión de comprobantes de pago en la I.E.P.C. Jesús Maestro S.A.C.
La tesis denominada Implementación de un Sistema de Facturación Electrónica para la
gestión de comprobantes de pago en la I.E.P.C. Jesús Maestro S.A.C tiene como objetivo
mejorar la gestión de los comprobantes de pagos electrónicos de la institución educativa.
Esto consentirá una disminución de costos en materiales de escritorio (papel y tinta) en la
emisión de boletas y facturas, así como mayor seguridad de la información, la eliminación
de la falsificación de comprobantes de pago, la disminución de los yerros administrativos
en la emisión de comprobantes de pago y por último elevar la competitividad de la
Para el crecimiento del sistema de facturación electrónica, se consideró utilizar el Proceso
Unificado de Rational (RUP por su acrónimo en inglés), como metodología para su
desarrollo porque permite un desarrollo más general con respecto a las metodologías
Se inició el desarrollo del sistema con el análisis del negocio, los requerimientos
funcionales y no funcionales que debe tener el sistema, así como también los
requerimientos y normatividad pautadas por la SUNAT. Posteriormente se realizó el
diseño del Sistema a través de los diagramas de casos de uso, colaboración, actividades,
secuencia, estado, componentes y despliegue que permitieron codificar el sistema
haciendo uso del lenguaje de programación PHP, la persistencia de datos en MySQL
obteniendo interfaces afables y manejables de usar para el personal administrativo de la
institución educativa.
La implementación del sistema de facturación electrónica ha permitido mejorar la gestión
de comprobantes de pago en la I.E.P. Jesús Maestro, disminuir el Tiempo para gestar una
factura electrónica, con un impacto del 60,83 %, aumentar el porcentaje de exactitud de
los comprobantes de pago electrónicos en un 60.10%, aminorar el tiempo de entrega de
comprobante de pago en un 72.31% y elevar el nivel de satisfacción del personal
administrativo en un 46%, luego de implementar el sistema de facturación electrónic
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