2,945 research outputs found
Nucleon and gamma N -> Delta lattice form factors in a constituent quark model
A covariant quark model, based both on the spectator formalism and on vector
meson dominance, and previously calibrated by the physical data, is here
extended to the unphysical region of the lattice data by means of one single
extra adjustable parameter - the constituent quark mass in the chiral limit. We
calculated the Nucleon (N) and the gamma N -> Delta form factors in the
universe of values for that parameter described by quenched lattice QCD. A
qualitative description of the Nucleon and gamma N -> Delta form factors
lattice data is achieved for light pions.Comment: To appear in J.Phys.
Junção de esforços em prol da cafeicultura.
Um dos principais desafios institucionais da Embrapa Rondônia é a viabilização de tecnologias agronômica, ambiental e social para o cultivo dos cafés Coffea arabica (café arabica) e Coffea canephora (variedades 'Conilon' e 'Robusta') com viabilidade economica no Estado...bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14388/1/juncao-esforcos.pdfDisponÃvel em: . Acesso em: 14 jan. 2009. Demais veÃculos em que o artigo foi publicado: Portal do Agronegócio; Newstin; Portal do Agronegócio Goiano; Território Rural
Technical Aspects of MRI Signal Change Quantification After Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents' Administration
Over the last 2years several studies have been published regarding gadolinium deposition in brain structures in patients with normal renal function after repeated administrations of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs). Most of the publications are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based retrospective studies, where gadolinium deposition may be indirectly measured by evaluating changes in T1 signal intensity (SI) in brain tissue, particularly in the dentate nucleus (DN) and/or globus pallidi (GP). The direct correlation between T1 signal changes and gadolinium deposition was validated by human pathology studies. However, the variability of the MR equipment and parameters used across different publications, along with the inherent limitations of MRI to assess gadolinium in human tissues should be acknowledged when interpreting those studies. Nevertheless, MRI studies remain essential regarding gadolinium bio-distribution knowledge. The aim of this paper is to overview current knowledge of technical aspects of T1 signal intensity evaluation by MRI and describe confounding factors, with the intention to achieve higher accuracy and maximize reproducibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Gadolinium Toxicity and Treatment
Gadolinium based contrast agents (GBCAs) play an important role in the diagnostic evaluation of many patients. The safety of these agents has been once again questioned after gadolinium deposits were observed and measured in brain and bone of patients with normal renal function. This retention of gadolinium in the human body has been termed "gadolinium storage condition". The long-term and cumulative effects of retained gadolinium in the brain and elsewhere are not as yet understood. Recently, patients who report that they suffer from chronic symptoms secondary to gadolinium exposure and retention created gadolinium-toxicity on-line support groups. Their self-reported symptoms have recently been published. Bone and joint complaints, and skin changes were two of the most common complaints. This condition has been termed "gadolinium deposition disease". In this review we will address gadolinium toxicity disorders, from acute adverse reactions to GBCAs to gadolinium deposition disease, with special emphasis on the latter, as it is the most recently described and least known.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Doc management: Proposal for a doctoral management system
Control is an essential function for good management, for which a bureaucratic organization, that is, a system of rules, regularized procedures, division of responsibilities, and hierarchy, contributes. This paper addresses the issues related to a problem encountered in the management of doctorate students. Traditionally manual, this process is no longer efficient. This brings problems such as difficulty in searching a student’s file and its information, difficulty in noticing if a student is undocumented, or in figuring out what tasks must be completed and turned in and what dates to do so. The current system is prone to delays, errors and requires unnecessary effort. The goal of this work was to develop a proposal to solve the problems described, by means of an application, with a simple interface, that can manage, create and edit students, their information, their grades and their deliveries, manage, create and edit curricular units and the related information, manage create and edit academic teachers and their functions. In other words, it is intended that the application is able to facilitate the management of all course processes and document a student's academic path. This will provide workers with a better quality of life, reducing the probability of error and generating gains in quality and efficiency in the management of student processes, thus improving the professional life of those who use the application.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Melhoramento genético, registro e proteção de cultivares de Coffea canephora para o Estado de Rondônia.
O melhoramento genético do Coffea canephora objetivando a seleção de genótipos de ‘Conilon’ e ‘Robusta’ mais produtivos, tolerantes aos principais patógenos e adaptados às condições edafoclimáticas da região é de grande importância para impactar a cadeia produtiva do café no Estado de Rondônia. Tão importante quanto a obtenção da cultivar, é o seu registro e/ou proteção. Todas essas etapas fazem parte do processo de desenvolvimento e lançamento da cultivar, para que a mesma seja disponibilizada aos agricultores.bitstream/item/57882/1/doc143-cafe.pd
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