188 research outputs found
Objetivo: O presente estudo examina e avalia as propriedades psicométricas da versão de dez itens da Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), aplicada à classe profissional dos assistentes sociais em Portugal. Método: A amostra foi composta por 1369 assistentes sociais, maioritariamente (94,01%) do sexo feminino, com uma média etária de 39,02 anos (DP = 8.99). A consistência interna foi verificada por meio do coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach e a validade de constructo, por análise fatorial exploratória através da rotação varimax de componentes principais da PSS-10 e pela análise factorial confirmatória. Resultados: A versão da PSS-10 exibe propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias, mostrando ser um instrumento claro e confiável para mensurar os níveis de stress percecionados pelos assistentes sociais em Portugal. A análise fatorial exploratória revelou dois fatores neste estudo e a análise fatorial confirmatória produziu resultados satisfatórios. A consistência interna apresentou valor de α = 0,84. Article visualizations
What are the institutional implications for foreign companies?
Publisher Copyright: © 2024 The Authors. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Many multinational corporations develop business operations in Europe. The current research attempts to fill the gap on how corporations can increase their political influence in this geography by exploring the joint effect of corporate political activity (CPA) and social responsibility (CSR) on political embeddedness and financial performance. Based on institutional theory and on a sample of autochthonous (European Union [EU]) and allochthonous (non-EU) firms with declared EU lobbying (from 2008 to 2019) we conducted two studies. Based on a multi-level model, Study 1 finds strong and robust evidence that boardroom gender diversity and EU lobbyists interactively increase EU political embeddedness. Complementarily, Study 2, which relies on general linear Modeling, suggests that allochthonous corporations are more profitable when they display high-level political embeddedness and lobbying expenditures, combined with adoption of United Nations (UN) guidelines. Overall, findings show that lobbying in Europe pays off, especially when corporations strive to be aligned with EU ethical values and aspirations. Hiring lobbyists to be based in Brussels and promoting gender equality help establish EU political connections. Subsequently, findings highlight the role that EU political embeddedness, lobbying expenditures, and UN guidelines play in leveraging financial performance, especially across non-EU corporations. Regarding EU corporations, results show that a firm-level investment on CPA-CSR is particularly important. Overall, findings from this research support corporations that are growing businesses in Europe.publishersversionpublishe
Coproducing leadership: a reason to resist destructive leaders
Purpose: Follower's individual differences have been receiving increased attention in studying destructive leadership because followers may enable or disable it. One of these yet under-researched features is the role of followers' leadership coproduction beliefs (a role construal) in explaining their resistance to destructive leaders. Departing from the proactive motivation theory, this paper explores the robustness of coproduction beliefs by testing its ability to predict followers' resistance to destructive leaders across four situations – abusive supervision, exploitative leadership, organization directed behaviors and laissez-faire. Design/methodology/approach: With a sample of 359 participants that answered a scenario-based survey, the present study tests the relationship between coproduction beliefs and resistance behaviors in the four mentioned groups, while controlling for alternative explanations. A multigroup analysis was conducted with PLS-SEM. Findings: Constructive resistance is always favored by coproduction beliefs independently of the leader's type of destructive behavior. Dysfunctional resistance, however, is sensitive to the leader's type of destructive behavior. Originality/value: This paper extends knowledge on the role of coproduction beliefs as an individual-based resource against destructive leaders.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma reflexão sobre as primeiras perspetivas teóricas que tentaram explicar os “problemas” de género e que conduziram ao surgimento das categorias “travesti” e “transexual”. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um estudo de natureza qualitativa, baseado numa pesquisa bibliográfica e documental com vista a ser realizada uma análise e revisão historiográfica sobre o tema. Foi possível observar que as categorias “travesti” e “transexual” são relativamente recentes, tendo sido produzidas pelo “modelo médico” e o seu interesse inicial por sujeitos com características anatômicas ambíguas que não podiam ser classificados inteiramente como machos ou fêmeas por se encontrarem em posição indefinida. Este modelo tentou explicá-los com base em diferentes perspetivas – biológicas, psicanalíticas, de aprendizagem social e de desenvolvimento cognitivo – e, em resultado, da sua integração nos compêndios médicos e prescrição de intervenções corretivas, acabou por promover e legitimar a sua patologização, com consequências expressivas na estigmatização e exclusão social de uma grande quantidade de sujeitos
This article aims to present a reflection on the first theoretical perspectives that tried to explain gender “troubles” and that led to the emergence of the “transvestite” and “transsexual” categories. To this end, a qualitative study was developed, based on bibliographical and documental research in order to carry out an analysis and historiographical review on the subject. It was found that “travesti” and “transsexual” categories are relatively recente. These were produced by “medical model” and its initial interest in subjects with ambiguous anatomical characteristics that could not be entirely classified as male or female because they were in an undefined position. This model tried to explain them based on different perspectives – biological, psychoanalytic, social learning and cognitive development – and, as a result, its integration into medical textbooks and prescription of corrective interventions, ended up promoting and legitimizing its pathologization, with significant consequences for the stigmatization and social exclusion of a large number of subjects.O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma reflexão sobre as primeiras perspetivas teóricas que tentaram explicar os “problemas” de género e que conduziram ao surgimento das categorias “travesti” e “transexual”. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um estudo de natureza qualitativa, baseado numa pesquisa bibliográfica e documental com vista a ser realizada uma análise e revisão historiográfica sobre o tema. Foi possível observar que as categorias “travesti” e “transexual” são relativamente recentes, tendo sido produzidas pelo “modelo médico” e o seu interesse inicial por sujeitos com características anatômicas ambíguas que não podiam ser classificados inteiramente como machos ou fêmeas por se encontrarem em posição indefinida. Este modelo tentou explicá-los com base em diferentes perspetivas – biológicas, psicanalíticas, de aprendizagem social e de desenvolvimento cognitivo – e, em resultado, da sua integração nos compêndios médicos e prescrição de intervenções corretivas, acabou por promover e legitimar a sua patologização, com consequências expressivas na estigmatização e exclusão social de uma grande quantidade de sujeitos
Context Matters Less Than Leadership in Preventing Unethical Behaviour in International Business
This study empirically tests a sequential mediation model that links ethical leadership with employees’ unethical behaviour. The corruption index for countries is used as the moderator, because it represents both the instrumental ethical climate and the employee displacement of responsibility embedded in society’s ethical standards. A total of 175 participants comprising 41 teams (134 dyads) across 13 countries participated in a dyadic two-wave survey. The fndings show that ethical leadership has an indirect infuence on the avoidance of unethical behaviour by reducing the instrumental ethical climate and by negating the displacement of individuals’ responsibility. In addition, the results also show that this process is not sensitive
to the countries’ corruption levels. Such fndings suggest that organizations are less prone to adjust their ethical standards to the environment than is usually expected. Accordingly, ethical leaders of MNCs may be instrumental in counteracting any corruptive pressure in the social environment, and likewise, non-ethical leaders may be a contributing factor to fostering corrupt organizations in a society that otherwise values ethical principles in business.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Efeitos da aposentadoria espontânea no contrato de trabalho
Trata dos efeitos da aposentadoria espontânea no contrato de trabalho, apresentando tópicos da legislação e da jurisprudência sobre o tema com ênfase na jurisprudência do TST
Biografia de Alfredo Botelho de Sousa
Alfredo Botelho de Sousa (1880-1960), Oficial de Marinha, foi uma das mais notáveis figuras da Armada no século XX destacando-se como um militar exímio, erudito professor, ilustre escritor e historiador.
Na sua carreira militar, entre 1898 e 1946, o Vice-almirante Botelho de Sousa desempenhou as mais variadas comissões e funções de diferentes responsabilidades, de onde se destaca a passagem pelo cargo de Major-General da Armada afirmando-se como um Oficial de qualidade excepcional, sendo demonstrável através dos louvores e condecorações que lhe foram atribuídos.
Da sua obra, destacam-se os trabalhos de História Militar assim como os trabalhos relacionados com a Marinha e Defesa Nacional, ambos de grande valor. Com uma produção literária bastante rica e diversificada, Botelho de Sousa deixou também umas centenas de artigos espalhados em vários jornais e outras publicações periódicas, das quais apenas serão foco de análise as escritas para os Anais do Clube Militar Naval e Revista Militar.
Tanto na sua vida como obra a figura-chave para a interpretação do Almirante Botelho de Sousa é o Almirante Alfred Thayer Mahan que formulou uma série de princípios que seriam a base do pensamento estratégico do séc. XX, lidos com entusiasmo pelo Oficial português.
Tem-se então como objetivo principal desta dissertação o estudo detalhado da vida e obra de Alfredo Botelho de Sousa. Em adição a isto, face à importância do pensamento estratégico de Mahan procurar-se-á mostrar as semelhanças e divergências ao pensamento estratégico de Botelho de Sousa.Alfredo Botelho de Sousa (1880-1960), Portuguese Navy Officer, was one of the most remarkable figures in the Portuguese Navy in the 20th Century. He stood out as an outstanding Officer, an erudite Professor, and an illustrious writer and historian.
In his military career, between 1898 and 1946, Vice-admiral Botelho de Sousa was part of the most varied commissions and assumed different functions and responsibilities. It is important to highlight his post as “Major-General da Armada” where he proved to be an Officer of exceptional quality and was granted with the highest praises and commendations.
From his vast work, his writings on Military History stood out as being of great value, as well as his works related to the Portuguese Navy and National. Along with his vast and rich literary production, Botelho de Sousa also wrote hundreds of other articles that are part of several journals and periodic publications. From these, only the writings for Anais do Clube Militar Naval and Revista Militar will be analysed.
As much as in his life and his work, the key-figure to Botelho de Sousa’s ideals and thoughts is the Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, who designed a series of principals which would become the base of strategic thinking in the 20th Century. Botelho de Sousa followed this doctrine with enthusiasm.
Thus, the main objective of this dissertation is the detailed study of the life and work of Alfredo Botelho de Sousa. Additionally, with regards to Mahan strategic thinking, the similarities and differences to Botelho de Sousa own ideas will be presented
A multi-level model integrating corporate social responsibilityand political activity in the European Union: What are theinstitutional implications for foreign companies?
Many multinational corporations develop business operations in Europe. The current research attempts to fill the gap on how corporations can increase their political influence in this geography by exploring the joint effect of corporate political activity(CPA) and social responsibility (CSR) on political embeddedness and financial performance. Based on institutional theory and on a sample of autochthonous (European Union [EU]) and allochthonous (non-EU) firms with declared EU lobbying (from 2008to 2019) we conducted two studies. Based on a multi-level model, Study 1 finds strong and robust evidence that boardroom gender diversity and EU lobbyists inter-actively increase EU political embeddedness. Complementarily, Study 2, which relies on general linear Modeling, suggests that allochthonous corporations are more profit-able when they display high-level political embeddedness and lobbying expenditures, combined with adoption of United Nations (UN) guidelines. Overall, findings show that lobbying in Europe pays off, especially when corporations strive to be aligned with EU ethical values and aspirations. Hiring lobbyists to be based in Brussels and promoting gender equality help establish EU political connections. Subsequently, findings highlight the role that EU political embeddedness, lobbying expenditures, and UN guidelines play in leveraging financial performance, especially across non-EU corporations. Regarding EU corporations, results show that a firm-level investment on CPA-CSR is particularly important. Overall, findings from this research support corporations that are growing businesses in Europe.
KEYWORDScorporate political activity, corporate social responsibility, lobbying, return on assets (ROA),United Nations (UN
Assessing entrepreneurial education in higher education in Portugal
Comunicação apresentada em Fostering Entrepreneurship: The Role of Higher Education,Trento, ItalyThe main purpose of the paper is to assess how entrepreneurship is developed in Higher
Education in Portugal. To accomplish this, we did an analysis of courses related with
entrepreneurship offered by Public Universities in Management Degrees. To assess every course, a
search on websites of each institution and a content analysis of reports produced by External
Committees of Higher Education Performance Assessment were used. Results indicate that
entrepreneurship is not a key structuring objective in Higher Education. The governmental
authorities overlook entrepreneurship as a goal to be pursuit by Universities
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