6 research outputs found
Laju Deforestasi Hutan Akibat Aktivitas Pertambangan di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
ABSTRAKDeforestasi hutan merupakan salah satu masalah terjadinya efek gas karbon dan perubahan iklim pada level global. Tak terkecuali di Indonesia, deforestasi hutan menjadi masalah serius yang memberikan dampak negatif bagi kualitas lingkungan hidup. Berbagai aktivitas ekonomi yang berada di kawasan hutan menjadi penyebab tingginya laju deforestasi hutan di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu dikaji secara komprehensif penyebab utama terjadinya deforastasi hutan agar dapat dirumuskan tindakan maupun kebijakan yang dapat mengurangi laju deforestasi hutan. Penulis menggunakan pendeketan DPSIR (Driving Forces, Pressure, State, Impact, Response) sebagai kerangka konseptual. Pendekatan secara kualitatif berdasarkan studi literatur dari berbagai sumber dipergunakan oleh penulis untuk mendeskripsikan masalah secara menyeluruh. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, penulis menemukan bahwa kegiatan pertambangan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam peningkatan laju deforestasi hutan di Indonesia, khususnya di Kalimantan Timur. Perlu dilakukan tindakan dan kebijakan berorientasi lingkungan untuk menyelesaikan tantangan tersebut agar dapat mengatasi laju deforestasi yang terjadi di Indonesia.Kata kunci: deforestasi, hutan, pertambangan, lingkunganABSTRACTDeforestation is one of the problems caused by the effects of carbon gases and climate change at the global level. Indonesia is no exception. Deforestation is a severe problem that harms environmental quality. Various economic activities located in forest areas are the cause of the high rate of deforestation in Indonesia. Studying the prominent causes of deforestation is necessary to formulate actions and policies to reduce the deforestation rate. The author uses the DPSIR (Driving Forces, Pressure, State, Impact, Response) approach as a conceptual framework. The author uses a qualitative approach based on literature studies from various sources to describe the problem comprehensively. Based on the research conducted, the authors found that mining activities significantly contributed to increasing the rate of deforestation in Indonesia, especially in East Kalimantan. It is necessary to take environmentally oriented actions and policies to resolve these challenges to overcome Indonesia’s deforestation rate.Keywords: deforestation, forest, mining, environment
Exploring Public Sentiments Using Big Data on Superhub Spatial Development of Nusantara, the New Capital City of Indonesia
Superhub development is crucial for enhancing the economic prowess and sustainability of a region, focusing on bolstering its global competitiveness and amplifying its impact on national and regional growth. In the case of Nusantara, Indonesia’s new capital city, understanding public sentiment towards its development plan is essential. This study employed sentiment analysis, combining a comprehensive dataset of 433,637 tweets from 2020 with public documents and machine-learning tools to accurately gauge public opinion. Six key components of regional development emerged from the analysis, reflecting public discourse on IKN’s planning and execution. Geographically, sentiment across the 33 provinces was evenly distributed, with 63% positive, 24% negative, and 13% neutral sentiments observed in the tweets. However, sentiment fluctuated throughout the year, with a surge in negative sentiment early in 2020 due to concerns over financing risks and economic challenges. Nonetheless, negativity waned as the year progressed, with positive tweets steadily increasing from April to December. These findings offer valuable insights for guiding the development of Nusantara, aiding policymakers in addressing public concerns, and ensuring a more informed and inclusive approach. Such sentiment analysis proves instrumental in shaping the strategic trajectory of the new capital city, fostering sustainable growth and public support
The Influence and Feasibility of Therapeutic Exercise Videos at Home on the Functional Status of Post-COVID-19 Hospitalization
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed physicians to modify conventional practices to reduce the exposure and risk of infection among patients and health workers. Telemedicine is one of the safest methods, and telerehabilitation could prevent the sequelae of COVID-19. A quasi-experimental study with randomized sampling without masking/blinding was conducted. The study was conducted from August 2021 to March 2022 at Hospital A in Pekanbaru, Hospital B in Jayapura, and Hospital C in Jakarta, Indonesia. A total of 27 patients were recruited and divided into control and intervention groups. The control group was given conventional education on therapeutic exercise at home, while the intervention group was shown educational videos about therapeutic exercise at home. The comparison of all functional outcomes between the two groups after the intervention showed a significant difference. The intervention group improved more than the control group, except for the fatigue severity scale. Most of the responses showed that this video was feasible and useful and did not need to be supervised by health workers. Therapeutic exercise educational videos can be an option to deliver rehabilitation programs for post-COVID-19 hospitalized patients
Customer trust merupakan nilai penting yang harus dimiliki oleh suatu sistem e-commerce, hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar pelanggan merasa aman dan nyaman dalam melakukan transaksi jual/beli. Untuk membangun nilai customer trust di dalam sistem e-commerce maka dalam proses perancangan dan pembangunan sistem harus disesuaikan dengan kaidah-kaidah keilmuan tentang kepercayaan (trust) yang dibangun berdasarkan tiga dimensi yaitu, kemampuan (ability), kemurahan hati (benevolence), dan integritas (integrity) serta membangun berbagai fitur pada sistem yang berkaitan dengan 7C framework Kearney (content, convinience, customer care, communication, connectivity, community, dan customization).
Dengan menggunakan CMS (Content Management System) sebagai dasar sistem, bantuan jQuery untuk beberapa fitur pada sistem, serta membangun fasilitas-fasilitas penting yang berkaitan dengan 7C framework pada sisi sarana komunikasi pelanggan dan vendor, informasi vendor yang jelas, informasi produk yang jelas, informasi tata cara melakukan transaksi, fasilitas klaim kerusakan produk yang dibeli, dukungan komunitas, dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya, kemudian diukur menggunakan dimensi kepercayaan maka sistem yang dibangun berhasil memiliki nilai customer trust yang cukup baik.
Kata Kunci: e-commerce, customer trust, 7C framework.
Customer trust is an important value that must be possessed by an e-commerce system, it is intended that customers feel safe and comfortable in the transaction. To establish the value of customer trust in e-commerce systems then in the process of designing and building the system must be adapted to the rules of science on trust that was built based on three dimensions that is, the capacity (ability), generosity (benevolence), and integrity (integrity) and to build various features to the system associated with the 7C framework Kearney (content, convinience, customer care, communication, connectivity, community and customization).
By using a CMS (Content Management System) as the system base, jQuery support for several features of the system, and to build essential facilities associated with the 7C framework on customer and vendor communication media, detail vendor information, explicit product information, transaction information procedures, purchased products damage claims facility, community support, and other facilities, measured using the dimensions of trust then the system has successfully built good enough customer trust value.
Keywords: e-commerce, customer trust, 7C framework
Exploring Public Sentiments Using Big Data on Superhub Spatial Development of Nusantara, the New Capital City of Indonesia
Superhub development is crucial for enhancing the economic prowess and sustainability of a region, focusing on bolstering its global competitiveness and amplifying its impact on national and regional growth. In the case of Nusantara, Indonesia’s new capital city, understanding public sentiment towards its development plan is essential. This study employed sentiment analysis, combining a comprehensive dataset of 433,637 tweets from 2020 with public documents and machine-learning tools to accurately gauge public opinion. Six key components of regional development emerged from the analysis, reflecting public discourse on IKN’s planning and execution. Geographically, sentiment across the 33 provinces was evenly distributed, with 63% positive, 24% negative, and 13% neutral sentiments observed in the tweets. However, sentiment fluctuated throughout the year, with a surge in negative sentiment early in 2020 due to concerns over financing risks and economic challenges. Nonetheless, negativity waned as the year progressed, with positive tweets steadily increasing from April to December. These findings offer valuable insights for guiding the development of Nusantara, aiding policymakers in addressing public concerns, and ensuring a more informed and inclusive approach. Such sentiment analysis proves instrumental in shaping the strategic trajectory of the new capital city, fostering sustainable growth and public support