3 research outputs found
Garbage becomes a problem, when waste is perceived as useless material, creates bad smells, is harmful to the environment, causes pollution to the surrounding environment, invites disease bacteria, kills marine life, spoils the view, and many other negative perceptions. One strategy for dealing with waste is to teach children at SMP Negeri 2 Wagir, Sukodadi Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency about turning waste into useful things, namely by making a simple composter using used bottles that function as a means of converting organic waste (leaves and paper) into solid and liquid fertilizers. This service activity focuses on organic waste that can be turned into compost (solid fertilizer and liquid fertilizer). The skill of making compost is actually simple, but it must be taught because it turns out that not many children know about it, let alone practice it in everyday life. The purpose of this activity is to study the method and process of making compost by means of anaerobic fermentation with the help of EM4 bioactivator as decomposing bacteria and brown sugar for bacterial food, and to determine optimal operating conditions in order to obtain maximum compost both qualitatively and quantitatively. The method in this activity goes through 5 stages, namely the first stage is presentation of the material, the second stage is the practice of making a simple composter using used bottles, the third stage is making composter liquid consisting of EM4 bioactivator, sugar and water, the fourth stage is mixing organic waste with composter liquid , the fifth stage is forcing the trash into the bottle. The results of the activities that have been carried out are training in making compost as a result of processing organic waste. Based on the activities that have been carried out, students are able to practice environmentally friendly waste management both at school and in everyday life
Kolaborasi Sekolah dan Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca
Para orang tua dan guru menghadapi tantangan besar dalam membangun budaya literasi membaca di kalangan siswa. Membaca buku sangat penting, namun minat membaca yang rendah pada siswa dapat berdampak negatif pada hasil belajar mereka. Oleh karena itu, kerjasama antara orang tua dan guru sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan minat membaca siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kolaborasi antara orang tua dan guru dalam mengembangkan literasi membaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui analisis dari berbagai sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat membaca yang rendah disebabkan oleh pengaruh gadget dan kurangnya bimbingan dari orang tua. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh orang tua dan guru untuk meningkatkan minat membaca siswa meliputi program majalah dinding, memberikan motivasi tentang pentingnya membaca, bimbingan dari orang tua, menghadirkan buku di perpustakaan, dan membuat pohon literasi di sekolah
Upaya Mengurangi Rendahnya Minat Literasi pada Siswa Kelas 6 SDN Plerean 2 Kabupaten Jember
The "Melek Literasi" work program began on August 3, 2024, in SDN Plerean 2 in Sumberjambe District. The goal of this study was to improve grade 6 students' interest in reading literacy at SDN Plerean 2, Sumberjambe District. This work program is intended to promote the formation of a literacy culture at a young age, with a particular focus on grade 6 children who will shortly continue their education to a higher level, namely Junior High School. The primary material utilised in this program is micro fiction novels, which are meant to develop interest in reading literacy among grade 6 pupils. This work program began with a site study and collaboration with teachers and the administrator of SDN Plerean 2 in Sumberjambe District. Of the 28 pupils in Class 6 of SDN 2 Plerean, 26 said they were motivated to read more. The work program of the Jember Collaborative KKN students at Posko 205 in Plerean Village is projected to help reduce oscillations in reading interest rates in Indonesia and enhance the accomplishment of national literacy objectives