18 research outputs found
The Structure and Freezing of fluids interacting via the Gay-Berne (n-6) potentials
We have calculated the pair correlation functions of a fluid interacting via
the Gay-Berne(n-6) pair potentials using the \PY integral equation theory and
have shown how these correlations depend on the value of n which measures the
sharpness of the repulsive core of the pair potential. These results have been
used in the density-functional theory to locate the freezing transitions of
these fluids. We have used two different versions of the theory known as the
second-order and the modified weighted density-functional theory and examined
the freezing of these fluids for and in the reduced
temperature range lying between 0.65 and 1.25 into the nematic and the smectic
A phases. For none of these cases smectic A phase was found to be stabilized
though in some range of temperature for a given it appeared as a metastable
state. We have examined the variation of freezing parameters for the
isotropic-nematic transition with temperature and . We have also compared
our results with simulation results wherever they are available. While we find
that the density-functional theory is good to study the freezing transitions in
such fluids the structural parameters found from the \PY theory need to be
improved particularly at high temperatures and lower values of .Comment: 21 Pages (in RevTex4), 6 GIF and 4 Postscript format Fig
Pair Correlation Functions and a Free-Energy Functional for the Nematic Phase
In this paper we have presented the calculation of pair correlation functions
in a nematic phase for a model of spherical particles with the long-range
anisotropic interaction from the mean spherical approximation(MSA) and the
Percus-Yevick (PY) integral equation theories. The results found from the MSA
theory have been compared with those found analytically by Holovko and
Sokolovska (J. Mol. Liq. , 161(1999)). A free energy functional which
involves both the symmetry conserving and symmetry broken parts of the direct
pair correlation function has been used to study the properties of the nematic
phase. We have also examined the possibility of constructing a free energy
functional with the direct pair correlation function which includes only the
principal order parameter of the ordered phase and found that the resulting
functional gives results that are in good agreement with the original
functional. The isotropic-nematic transition has been located using the grand
thermodynamic potential. The PY theory has been found to give nematic phase
with pair correlation function harmonic coefficients having all the desired
features. In a nematic phase the harmonic coefficient of the total pair
correlation function connected with the correlations
of the director transverse fluctuations should develop a long-range tail. This
feature has been found in both the MSA and PY theories.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, Accepted in J. Chem. Phy
Effect of shape anisotropy on the phase diagram of the Gay-Berne fluid
We have used the density functional theory to study the effect of molecular
elongation on the isotropic-nematic, isotropic-smectic A and nematic-smectic A
phase transitions of a fluid of molecules interacting via the Gay-Berne
intermolecular potential. We have considered a range of length-to-width
parameter in steps of 0.2 at different densities and
temperatures. Pair correlation functions needed as input information in density
functional theory are calculated using the Percus-Yevick integral equation
theory. Within the small range of elongation, the phase diagram shows
significant changes. The fluid at low temperature is found to freeze directly
from isotropic to smectic A phase for all the values of considered by us
on increasing the density while nematic phase stabilizes in between isotropic
and smectic A phases only at high temperatures and densities. Both
isotropic-nematic and nematic-smectic A transition density and pressure are
found to decrease as we increase . The phase diagram obtained is compared
with computer simulation result of the same model potential and is found to be
in good qualitative agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
Molecular theory of elastic constants of liquid crystals. III. Application to smectic phases with tilted orientational order
Using the density functional formalism we derive expression for the
distortion free energy for systems with continuous broken symmetry and use it
to derive expression for the elastic constants of smectic phases in which
director is tilted with respect to the smectic layer normal. As in the previous
papers of the series (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 45}, 974 (1992), E {\bf 49}, 501,
(1994)) the expressions for the elastic constants are written in terms of order
and structural parameters. The structural parameters involve the generalised
spherical harmonic coefficients of the direct pair correlation function of an
effective isotropic liquid. The density of this effective isotropic liquid
depends on the nature and amount of ordering present in the system and is
evaluated self- consistently. We estimate the value of elastic constants using
reasonable guess for the order and structural- parameters.Comment: 31 pages; 1 Fig. in GIF format, To be appear in Phys. Rev.
Density-functional theory of the nematic phase: results for a system of hard ellipsoids of revolution
A second-order density-functional theory is used to study the isotropic-nematic transition in a system of hard ellipsoids of revolution. The direct pair-correlation functions of the coexisting isotropic liquid that enter in the theory as input information are obtained from solving the Ornstein-Zernike equation using the Percus-Yevick closure relation. The spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of the correlation functions obtained from this solution are in good agreement with those found from computer simulations. We find that a system spontaneously transforms to a nematic phase when the structural parameter denoted by c<SUP>Λ</SUP><SUB>22</SUB><SUP>(0)</SUP> attains a value close to 4.40. This value of c<SUP>Λ</SUP><SUB>22</SUB><SUP>(0)</SUP> depends, although very weakly, on the value of the length-to-width ratio of the molecules. The transition parameters we found are in very good agreement with the results generated by computer simulations. By using the harmonic coefficients of the direct pair-correlation functions, we have calculated the Frank elastic constants of the nematic phase
Thermodynamically self-consistent integral-equation theory for pair-correlation functions of a molecular fluid
We propose a "mixed" integral equation for the pair correlation function of molecular fluids which interpolates between the hypernetted-chain and Percus-Yevick approximations. Thermodynamic consistency between the virial and compressibility equation of state is achieved by varying a single parameter in a suitably chosen mixing function. The integral equation proposed here generalizes the suggestion by Rogers and Young [Phys. Rev. A 30, 999 (1984)] to an angle-dependent pair potential. When compared to available computer simulation data, the equation is found to yield excellent results for both the thermodynamic properties and the pair-correlation functions
Solution of the Percus-Yevick equation for pair-correlation functions of molecular fluids
The Percus-Yevick (PY) integral equation has been solved for two model fluids: (i) a fluid of hard ellipsoids of a revolution represented by a Gaussian overlap model, and (ii) a fluid the molecules of which interact via a Gay-Berne [J. Chem. Phys. 74, 3316 (1981)] model potential. The method used involves an expansion of angle dependent functions appearing in the integral equation in terms of spherical harmonics. The dependence of the accuracy of the results on the number of terms taken in the basis set is explored for both fluids at different densities, temperatures, and lengths to width ratios of the molecules. We have compared our results with those of computer simulations wherever they are available. We find that the PY theory gives reasonable values of the harmonic coefficients for both fluids at all fluid densities when all terms involving the index l up to six in the expansion are considered. For the Gay-Berne fluid we have developed a perturbation expansion for a calculation of the structure and thermodynamic properties of the isotropic phase