827 research outputs found
The application of satellite generated data and multispectral analysis to regional planning and urban development
There are no author-identified significant results in this report
A first instance of whale shark caught in Dol net and rescued in live condition at Gorai- Malvani, Maharashtra
The first observation of Rhincodon typus that
was rescued live from Dol net on October 21 st, 2015
is given here. A male whale shark, about 6.5 m in
length incidentally entered the Dol net at 30 m
depth off Gorai-Malvani region, Mumbai. The net
was hauled after about four hours with the help of
a winch
First look analyses of five cycles of ERTS-1 imagery over County of Los Angeles: Assessment of data utility for urban development and regional planning
Significant results have been obtained from the analyses of ERTS-1 imagery from five cycles over Test Site SR 124 by classical photointerpretation and by an interactive hybrid multispectral information extraction system (GEMS). The synopticity, periodicity and multispectrality of ERTS coverage, available for the first time to LA County planners, have opened up both a new dimensionality in data and offer new capability in preparation of planning inputs. Photointerpretation of ERTS images has produced over 25 overlays at 1:1,000,000 scale depicting regional relations and urban structure in terms of several hundred linear and areal features. To mention only one such result, a possible new fault lineament has been discovered on the northern slope of the Santa Monica mountains in the scene 1144-18015, composited of MSS bands 4, 5, 6,. GEMS analysis of the ERTS products has provided new or improved information in the following planning data categories: urban vegetation; land cover segregation; man-made and natural impact monitoring; urban design; and suitability. ERTS data analysis has allowed planners to establish trends that directly impact planning policies. This new source of information will not only assist current methods to be more efficient, but permits entirely new planning methodologies to be employed
Disposal of catch from 'dol' net at Versova, Bombay
An account of disposal of catch from 'dol' net boats at Versova is given here. The disposal of catch depends upon the species and quality of the fishes or prawns
A Note On The Long Line Fishery At Sikka, Gujarat
Sikka is a small fish landing centre in the Gulf of Kutch. Gill nets, stake net and long line are the
gears used for fishing Long lines are made exclusively of material recovered from old gill nets and hence very economical. The fishermen have further stated that they are interested to develop this gear but wish to be assured of a good price for their catches besides ice plant and cold storage facilities
Some aspects of biology of catfishes Tachysurus caelatus (Valenciennes) and Osteogeneiosus militaris (Linnaeus) from Mumbai
The results of investigations on some aspects of the biology of Tachysurus caelatus
and Osteogeneiosus militaris are presented. The fishes fed on crustaceans followed
by fishes, molluscs and polycheates. Gestating males were found starving. The
occurrence of mature females and gestating male parents indicate that T.caelatus,
spawns during February-June and O.militaris during August-April. T.caelatus
attains 50% maturity at a total length of 40.8 cm and O.militaris at 33.0 cm.
Females predominant the catch of both these species. Fecundity varied from 44
to 81 ova in T.caelatus and 27 to 61 ova in O.militaris. The maximum number of
incubated eggs recorded from oro тАУ buccal cavity of T.caelatus and O.militaris
was 54 and 56 eggs respectively. The length- weight relationships of these fishes
pooled for both sexes are:
T.caelatus: Log W= - 5.57881+3.24007 Log L.
O.militaris: Log W = - 4.86014 + 2.92293 Log L
Some aspects on the biology of Himantura bleekeri (Blyth) and Amphotistius imbricatus (Schneider) from Mumbai
Himantura bleekeri and Amphotistius imbricatus are bottom carnivores, with
crustaceans ranking first in the food items followed by teleosts, molluscs and
polychaetes. Number of poorly fed individuals was high in both the species.
These species breed throughout the year. The male : female ratio of H. bleekeri
for 1989-тАЩ05 and of A. imbricatus for 1997-тАШ05 were 1:0.98 and 1:1.36 respectively.
The length-weight relationship was: Log W= -8.7298 +2.7297 Log L for H. bleekeri
and Log W = - 6.4691 +2.3119 Log L for A. imbricatus
Skate fishery and some biological aspects of five species of skates off Mumbai
Skate landings as bycatch of trawlers at Mumbai declined from 1204.4 t in 1989
to 194.6 t in 2003, with an average annual landing of 334.8 t, at a catch rate of
248 kg/hr. The fishing pressure has reached optimum level, which is evidenced
by a decline in catch and catch rate of skate population. Rhynchobatus djiddensis
(93.2%) was the most dominant species, which landed throughout the year.
Infomations on the biology of five species Rhynchobatus djiddensis, Rhina
ancylostoma, Rhinobatus granulatus, Rhinobatus obtusus and Rhinobatus
annandalei are presented
Cost and earning of two different sized 'dol net' boats at Versova (Bombay)
The cost and earning of 7.5 and 12 m boats engaged in 'dol net' fishing are presented in this document. In the coastal sector of Maharashtra 178 mechanised boats are exclusively engaged in 'dol net' fishing of which 60 are small (7.5 - 9.0 m) 47 medium (9.3 -12.0 m) and 71 large (over 12 m). Two types of boats viz. 7.5 and 12 m long classified as small and medium respectively were selected and data on daily expenditure, catch, species composition and value realized were collected for three years continuously from 1983 - '84 to 1985 -'86. During 1983 - '86. The profit for small sized boats varied from Rs. 16,988/- in 1984-'85 to Rs. 23,411/- in 1985-'86; whereas in the case of medium sized boats there was a loss of Rs. 15,887/- in 1983 - '84. This type of boat realized a maximum profit of Rs. 32, 897/- but considering the expenditure involved, the small sized boats were found to yield better return than the medium ones
Versova a well-organised fishing village
Versova is a coastal fishing
village -within - the " city" limits
of Greater Bombay. On
its northern side is Versova
creek and on the western
side is the" Madh island
and the Arabian Se
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