49 research outputs found


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    Objective: Anticancer drugs paclitaxel and vinblastine were tested for their potential as efflux pump inhibitors for Salmonella Typhi-based on in silico and in vitro studies.Methods: Three-dimensional protein models of AcrAB-TolC of Salmonella Typhi were generated by online server PHYRE-2. The quality of 3D structures was assessed by PROCHECK, SWISS MODEL. Docking analysis of anticancer drugs with AcrA, AcrB and TolC subunits were performed after refining the homology models with Modrefiner. Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi) efflux pump activity was measured by ethidium bromide (EtBr) cartwheel and semi-automated fluorometry methods respectively. Fluorescence intensity in bacterial colonies was measured under different treatment conditions (with or without drugs) on Muller Hinton agar (MHA) plates containing EtBr in cartwheel assay. EtBr efflux assay was determined following the loading of bacteria with EtBr and fluorescence was recorded over fixed time period with the help of fluorescent spectrophotometer. The results obtained were compared with the control.Results: Efflux pump inhibitor (EPIs) activity of paclitaxel and vinblastine determined by EtBr cartwheel assay registered no activity whereas semi-automated fluorescent assay revealed marginal activity when compared to control.Conclusion: We report the conflicting result of in silico and in vitro studies in predicting the antimicrobial effect of mainstream anticancer drugs as efflux pump inhibitors for Salmonella Typhi


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To investigate the phytoconstituents of methanolic extracts of a conifer Pinus wallichiana using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy(GC-MS), which is famous for its timber quality, resins and oils.Methods: The present investigation was carried out to determine the possible chemical constituents present in the methanolic extracts in the needlesof P. wallichiana.Results: The result of the GC-MS confirmed the presence of 38 compounds. Momeinositol (43.27%), 9, 12-octadecanoic acid, 2 (12.52%) pentadecanoicacid (4.12%) and dibutyl phthalate (3.34%) were the major compound found through the GC-MS analysis.Conclusion: The presence of various compounds in the methanolic extract of P. wallichiana confirms its relevance not only for pharmaceuticalpurpose but for various industrial purposes too.Keywords: Pinus wallichiana, Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy of plant extract, Gaschromatography-mass spectroscopy of conifer, Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy profiling


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    Objective: Rhododendron campanulatum is a native of high altitude and is known for its medicinal properties. The present study is aimed to identify the phytochemical constituents in the leaf extract of R. campanulatum using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS).Methods: The methanolic leaf extract was prepared using Accelerated Solvent Extraction system at room temperature and high pressure. Phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of R. campanulatum was performed using GCMS-QP2010 Plus (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) and the spectrum was interpreted on the basis of the databases of National Institute Standard and Technology (NIST11LIB) and WILEY8LIB. Results: The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of 49 phytochemical compounds in the methanolic leaf extract. Baccharis oxide (9.99%), betuligenol (8%), alpha and beta-amyrin (7.38 and 2.64%), geranyl acetate (5.91%), (R)-(-)-14-methyl-8-hexadecyn-1-ol (5.19%) and phthalic acid (5.16%) were identified as major constituents.Conclusion: The methanolic leaf extract of R. campanulatum contains various phyto-compounds of pharmaceutical and industrial importance.Â

    Vascular Injury in Total Hip Replacement: Management and Prevention

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    This chapter analyzed the vascular complications in total hip replacement. Vascular injuries are the uncommon but well recognized and serious issue. During total hip replacement, laceration of major blood vessels has been reported which even cause morbidity and mortality. The injury to vascular structures occurs due to the placement of screws to fix acetabular components, structural grafts, and protrusio cages or rings. Massive hemorrhage resulting in immediate exsanguination may be caused due to the damage of any of these vessels by processes such as drilling, reaming, retraction, or dissection. The majority of these vascular injuries might be better prevented or even more proficiently treated by comprehensive preoperative assessment, better instrumentation, and careful postoperative monitoring


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate the in-vitro hepatoprotective activity of solvent extracts of Albizia lebbeck, Cassia occidentalis, andSwertia chirata on HepG2 cell line.Methods: The methanolic, ethanolic, and acetone seed extracts of A. lebbeck, C. occidentalis, and leaves extract of S. chirata were used in this study. Thedifferent extracts of A. lebbeck, C. occidentalis, and S. chirata were assessed for their hepatoprotective activity on human liver hepatocellular carcinoma(HepG2) cell line against paracetamol (PCM) as a liver damage inducing agent. The cell line viability was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl)-5diphenyltetrazoliumbromideassay.Results: The percentage cell viability was determined with respect to the normal control cells. Control cells showed 100% cell viability in all testedplant extracts. The PCM treated HepG2 cells showed a maximum cell viability (46.6±2.49%) in presence of all seed extracts of A. lebbeck. The silymarinand PCM treated HepG2 cells showed maximum cell viability (156.6±2.49%) presence of leaves extract of S. chirata. The maximum cells viability of131.6±9.39% was observed in methanolic seed extract of A. lebbeck (50 µg/mL), and the minimum cell viability of 107.3±3.68% was observed inacetone seed extract of C. occidentalis (50 µg/mL) comparatively.Conclusions: The methanolic, ethanolic, and acetone extracts of seeds/leaves from A. lebbeck, C. occidentalis, and S. chirata were showed thehepatoprotective activity. Further in vivo and clinical studies are required to confirm their therapeutic efficacy.Keywords: Albizia lebbeck, Cassia occidentalis, Swertia chirata, Paracetamol, HepG2, [3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl)-5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide]assay

    Improvement of the Adhoc Mobile Wireless Network with the Cisco Packet Tracer

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    The purpose of this research is not only to reduce the total cost but it also help us to increase the efficiency of the network. ADHOC is temporary network. Now a days ADHOC is most frequently used. In today scenario most of us having are smart devices which can make us easier to share a file or transfer a data through ADHOC because without ADHOC we can�t connect with each other without any physical medium like wire, cable etc. Which can make us more difficulties or time consuming. To enhance the performance of network we use cisco packet tracer software. The enhancement will be due to average cost, stability, power consumption. We can us NAT, Access list , DHCP protocols to design a network

    A retrospective analysis of the risk factors leading to perinatal mortality at a tertiary care hospital of Sikkim, India

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    Background: This study helps to assess the burden of perinatal mortality at a tertiary referral hospital in Sikkim known for its hilly terrain which makes health services difficult to access. The aims and objectives were to determine the various causes and risk factors leading to perinatal mortality in order to formulate preventive strategiesMethods: All perinatal deaths over a year between August 2016-2017 were included and analysed in our study.Results: A stillbirth rate of 14 per 1000 total births and early neonatal death rate of 8 per 1000 live births was found in 1855 total births. Complications related to pregnancy like pre-eclampsia (16%), eclampsia (8%), ante-partum haemorrhage (15%) and medical disorders (13%) were major contributors to stillbirths while pre-maturity (53.3%), sepsis (20%), birth asphyxia due to meconium aspiration (13.3%) were notable factors leading to early neonatal deaths. In majority of the cases, factors like poor literacy, low socio-economic status, increased basal metabolic index and inadequate ante-natal care caused increased perinatal losses.Conclusions: Perinatal grief continues to surround women who have suffered perinatal deaths and  serious efforts should be made to bring down the mortality rates by improving health , nutrition of all expecting mothers  and increase their awareness to seek ante-natal health services in order  to avoid any catastrophe in terms of maternal and fetal loss

    Seismic Response Control Systems for Structures

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    Structures constructed in developing world are typically RC frames with masonry infill. These structures have little resistance for lateral loads caused by earthquake and wind. Even for  adequately designed structures also, due to permissible deformation beyond elastic limits, failure of masonry causes severe loss of life and property. In the case of structures designed to sustain excessive deformation such as of defence establishments, functioning and serviceability of machines and equipment installed therein are adversely affected. This co-lateral damage may be reduced by adopting another design philosophy of structure response control. In this methodology, a supplementary damping device is incorporated in the primary structure, which absorbs most of the seismic energy imparted to it, restricting the structural response within serviceable limits. These devices may be passive, active, semi-active or hybrid types. Other than passive all options are technology-intensive and dependent on external energy source, not a favourable proposition for developing nations. Among all the passive devices, tuned liquid dampers (TLDs) promise to be most suitable. Here, existing overhead water tanks (OHWT) may be used as TLD with slight adjustment and modification. This method will be able to control the structural response without putting any extra load on the existing or newly-designed buildings. This paper reviews various types of dampers and discusses evolution of tuned liquid dampers. A method has also been proposed for incorporating TLDs in existing and new structures. This methodology may be very useful for structures of defence establishment which are scattered and remotely placed by location, housing important equipments sensitive to vibrations, as it is free from external power dependence and regular maintenance.Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(3), pp.239-251, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.59.151

    A comprehensive report on therapeutic potential of Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. (Rudraksha)

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    Members of family Elaeocarpaceae are known for its medicinal properties since long back in traditional medicinal systems. Along with its medicinal usage it has also got spiritual importance due to its electromagnetic nature and mythological convictions. Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. is commonly known as Rudraksha in India. Phytochemical analysis has revealed the presence of many pharmaco-active constituents like tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates and acids in different extracts of plant parts. Several studies have been done to explore the pharmacological activities of different extracts of the members of Elaeocarpaceae family specially Rudraksha. In this review, we have tried to consolidate the available reports on the phytochemical constituents, and pharmacological properties of Elaeocarpus species.  

    Large Eddy Simulation of acoustic pulse propagation and turbulent flow interaction in expansion mufflers

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    A novel hybrid pressure-based compressible solver is developed and validated for low Mach number acoustic flow simulation. The solver is applied to the propagation of an acoustic pulse in a simple expansion muffler, a configuration frequently employed in HVAC and automotive exhaust systems. A set of benchmark results for experimental analysis of the simple expansion muffler both with and without flow are obtained to compare attenuation in forced pulsation for various mean-flow velocities. The experimental results are then used for validation of the proposed pressure-based compressible solver. Compressible, Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulation of a muffler with a mean through flow is conducted and results are presented to demonstrate inherent limitations associated with this approach. Consequently, a mixed synthetic inflow boundary condition is developed and validated for compressible Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of channel flow. The mixed synthetic boundary is then employed for LES of a simple expansion muffler to analyse the flow-acoustic and acoustic-pulse interactions inside the expansion muffler. The improvement in the prediction of vortex shedding inside the chamber is highlighted in comparison to the URANS method. Further, the effect of forced pulsation on flow-acoustic is observed in regard to the shift in Strouhal number inside the simple expansion muffler