289 research outputs found

    Tunable Optoelectronic Properties of Triply-Bonded Carbon Molecules with Linear and Graphyne Substructures

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    In this paper we present a detailed computational study of the electronic structure and optical properties of triply-bonded hydrocarbons with linear, and graphyne substructures, with the aim of identifying their potential in opto-electronic device applications. For the purpose, we employed a correlated electron methodology based upon the Pariser-Parr-Pople model Hamiltonian, coupled with the configuration interaction (CI) approach, and studied structures containing up to 42 carbon atoms. Our calculations, based upon large-scale CI expansions, reveal that the linear structures have intense optical absorption at the HOMO-LUMO gap, while the graphyne ones have those at higher energies. Thus, the opto-electronic properties depend on the topology of the {graphyne substructures, suggesting that they can be tuned by means of structural modifications. Our results are in very good agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: main text 29 pages + 4 figures + 1 TOC graphic (included), supporting information 21 page

    Community composition and status of avifaunal diversity in and around Ottu reservoir of Sirsa, Haryana, India

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    Assessments of avian communities’ composition in different habitats give an emphasis in monitoring environmental perspective. Depending on specific habitat functioning, their population pattern helps to determine the ecological health of an area. Bird surveys were accomplished on a fortnightly basis from October 2019 to September 2020 using Scan sampling, Point count and Line transect methods for evaluation of species abundance and richness in and around Ottu Reservoir, district Sirsa, Haryana (India). A total of 114 species comprising 91 genera, 47 families and 18 orders were recorded, among which 76 species were resident, 30 winter migrants and 8 summer migrants. Out of reported 114 species of birds, one species was vulnerable, 6 Near-threatened as listed by IUCN. Three bird species were listed under Schedule-I and the remaining species under Schedule-IV of IWPA (1972); six species under appendices of CITES (2012). Species such as Rock dove Columba livia, Lesser Whistling-duck Dendrocygna javanica and Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos with decreasing IUCN population trends were reported abundantly in the study area. Analysis of feeding guilds results revealed that Carnivores as predominated guild due to enriched food material. The presence of diverse plantation, aquatic body, serenity and agricultural fields serve the reservoir as potential habitat for residential and migratory species. Therefore, effective measures must be taken for the conservation of this area as a potential site for avian diversity

    Opinion survey on the ecology of Sambar, Rusa unicolor (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) and its status with respect to crop damage in districts Jhunjhunu and Churu, Rajasthan (India)

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    To obtain the preliminary information regarding various ecological and behavioural aspects of Sambar, an opinion survey through questionnaires was carried out along with periodic fortnightly visits in and around the areas covering Bir Jhunjhunu Conservation Reserve and Bairasar Johad in district Jhunjhunu and Churu of Rajasthan (India) from July, 2018 to December, 2018. During the survey, 173 inhabitants of village Samaspur and 153 inhabitants of village Bairasar were contacted and it was observed that the population of Sambar has declined as compared to its earlier strength as reported by 58.38% inhabitants of village Samaspur and 62.1% inhabitants of village Bairasar. As far as the distribution of Sambar was concerned, 51.4% interviewees of village Samaspur and 54.2% interviewees of village Bairasar reported that Sambar population is randomly distributed in both the study areas. In relation to group size, 62.80% inhabitants of village Bairasar and 64.2% inhabitants of village Samaspur reported that group size of Sambar vary from 5-12 individuals. Further information regarding the crop damage pattern and financial loss was also collected and 61.8% interviewees of village Samaspur and 66% interviewees of village Bairasar were agree on the fact that Sambar causes damage to their crop which results in low to high financial loss. The importance of opinion survey and field survey based monitoring is emphasized for the ecological significance of the species among people of that region

    Avian Community Composition in and around Mandothi Wetlands, Haryana, India

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    Comprising an area of approximately 1000 acres, Mandothi wetlands are located in Bahadurgarh tehsil of Jhajjar district of Haryana, India and provide an important wintering ground for migratory birds. From December 2021 to June 2022, fortnightly surveys were made to document the avian community composition of the study area in Mandothi wetlands using point-count and line-transect methods. A total of 124 species belonging to 90 genera, 38 families, and 15 orders were recorded. Passeriformes was the most represented avian order, with 38 species and 15 families. Feeding guild analysis revealed that carnivore was the most dominant feeding guild in the study area. Of the recorded 124 avian species, 73 species were residents, 44 species were winter migrants and 7 species were summer migrants. As per the IUCN Red List 8 species were classified as Near Threatened (Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca, Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata, Painted Stork Mycteria leucocephala, Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus, Black-necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus, Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus, Darter Anhinga melanogaster) and 2 species were classified as Vulnerable (Sarus Crane Antigone antigone and River Tern Sterna aurantia). In addition to the present survey, 17 species were also reported from secondary sources, resulting in a checklist of 141 bird species. The occurrence of migratory and species of global conservation priority documents the importance of this wetland as a potential habitat for avifauna in Haryana

    Avian diversity and their status in and around Bhindawas bird sanctuary, Haryana (India)

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    One year survey conducted in and around Bhindawas bird sanctuary in district Jhajjar, Haryana (India) from January, 2015 to December, 2015; revealed a total of 104 bird species belonging to 15 orders and 39 families. Of these, 67 bird species were resident, 32 species were winter migrants and only 5 species were summer migrants. Based on their frequency of sighting, 33 bird species were categorized as Abundant, 27 species as Common, 32 species as Uncommon and 12 species as Rare. Maximum number of species belonged to order Passeriformes and least number of species belonged to order Podicipediformes and Strigiformes. Among the recorded birds, 4 species namely, Darter, Anhinga melanogaster; Black-necked Stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus; Oriental White Ibis, Threskiornis melanocephalus; and Alexandrine Parakeet, Psittacula eupatria were near threatened and 2 species namely, Common, Pochard, Aythya ferina and Sarus Crane, Grus antigone were vulnerable. In early 1990s, a study was conducted on Bhindawas bird sanctuary and thereafter, a great deal of infrastructure, development and urbani-zation has occurred. However, scanty information is available on the avian diversity periodic monitoring of Bhinda-was bird sanctuary, Haryana. Therefore, present study was planned to monitor and document the avian species

    Comment to the SEC in Support of the Enhanced Disclosure of Patent and Technology License Information

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    Intangible assets like IP constitute a large share of the value of firms, and the US economy generally. Accurate information on the intellectual property (IP) holdings and transactions of publicly-traded firms facilitates price discovery in the market and reduces transaction costs. While public understanding of the innovation economy has been expanded by a large stream of empirical research using patent data, and more recently trademark information this research is only as good as the accuracy and completeness of the data it builds upon. In contrast with information about patents and trademarks, good information about IP licensing is much less publicly available. Although IP royalties provide large in-bound trade flows to the United States, remarkably little is known about the economic realities of IP transactions. But not only are licensing royalties economically impactful, but building a better understanding of how markets for technology operate in a modern, innovation economy is important for the transparency of markets, and to the public and policy-makers. Open data on innovation is currently siloed, fragmented, and unfedeRrarated across a number of repositories (some electronic and others physical) including the Administrative Office of the Courts, Secretary of State Offices, Copyright Office, IRS, USPTO, SEC, FDA, NSF, SBA and others, raising search and discovery costs and undermining the goals of open data. Data on “comparables” tend to be thin in the industry, a situation that may offer a sub-optimal market environment for startup firms: these young entities often rely on selling intangibles, but have low bargaining power, and limited resources to invest in search and price discovery. Disclosures of material licenses and intellectual property information to the SEC addresses a number of existing gaps, with the potential to play an expanded role. In fact, IP license information is not widely available to the public through any other federal agency, even in cases where the IP was federally funded. Thus the IP license information available through the SEC is an invaluable resource to the public. One major limitation with the existing SEC licensing information, however, is that it is often difficult to find and manipulate. An impediment arises since the data are not tagged or designed to be easily combined with other information sources. One of us, for example, has sought to determine which firms have SEC-registered patent licenses over a period of time for the purpose of establishing a public database of licenses obtained through FOIA requests. However, there is no straightforward way for the public to search for this information, in the SEC record or otherwise. The overall thrust of our comments is to commend the SEC on the valuable disclosures its requirements encourage and to recommend preserving and augmenting, rather than diminishing them, in order to 1) produce more useful data and 2) reduce the costs of discovering and using existing data disclosed to the SEC. In many cases, an SEC requirement will not require reporting entities to create new information (e.g., when disclosing patents or licenses) but it will greatly reduce the costs to third parties of searching for this information

    Improvement of the Adhoc Mobile Wireless Network with the Cisco Packet Tracer

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    The purpose of this research is not only to reduce the total cost but it also help us to increase the efficiency of the network. ADHOC is temporary network. Now a days ADHOC is most frequently used. In today scenario most of us having are smart devices which can make us easier to share a file or transfer a data through ADHOC because without ADHOC we can�t connect with each other without any physical medium like wire, cable etc. Which can make us more difficulties or time consuming. To enhance the performance of network we use cisco packet tracer software. The enhancement will be due to average cost, stability, power consumption. We can us NAT, Access list , DHCP protocols to design a network